Thoughts on the episode of Jimmy Neutron where an experiment causes Jimmy, Carl...

Thoughts on the episode of Jimmy Neutron where an experiment causes Jimmy, Carl, and Sheen fall in love with the first person they see?

I honestly like this episode way more than the Christmas one and a lot more than the Halloween one. It was a very sweet episode with a really good story to it. Easily one of my favorite episodes of the series.

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>High-quality screenshot



Remember that episode where Hugh shoots his wife and forces Jimmy to bond with him at gunpoint, but then Jimmy gets saved by an aggressive pizza that decapitates Hugh? Shit's weird, yo.

Carl was GOAT in this episode.

Was that the episode where Carl fucked Jimmys mom?

Yeah I just realized, OP why is the screenshot such high quality?

>That episode where the class president is being chosen, and Cindy pulls a Hillary Clinton

>and sheen turns into the Alt-Right

I honestly prefer Cindy to have those twin tails she had in the movie pilot over the ponytail.

>and in the end, Bolbi (the meme president) was elected

And parodies Citizen Kane

I'm pretty autistic when it comes to "Love at first sight" episodes. That stuff is as shallow as can be.

>And Carl pulls a Wikileaks.

Why is hugh shown as a absolute retard but didn't that episode show that the genius comes from his side?

Because Hugh isn't an idiot. Eccentric, yes, but not stupid. He is aware of his intelligence, but unlike Jimmy, has realized that it could destroy the world, so he grew up and didn't let it get out of hand. He is a pretty big dweeb, though.

This. Where are these fags getting such high quality screens from this show from?

Wasn't it just that the smart gene skipped a generation? That's why all of the adults were dumb in that family reunion episode and Jimmy and the baby were smart.

>There are people who masturbate to this


Someone on Kametsu forums made his own custom renderings of the German DVDs. Some episodes look better than others.

Damn straight

What do you mean exactly? You mean like what happened to some of the epis for MLaaTR one user did before? I thought that didn't work well with 3D shows.

No, it's like what those Redditers did with Avatar. They ripped the files from the discs and extracted it from the base, or something.


Left or right?

both at the same time