Weekend Sup Forums creation thread

Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.

the-conservatory.wikia.com/wiki/The_Sup Forumsnservatory_Wiki

Last weekend's thread:

Last time:

-The duo known as Double-Edge kept being brought up
-Updates on Lovely Ladybug Summer Special pages
-New pics of VFT, GG, others
-A backstory and personality for Pussy Willow was suggested
-More about the Bees Knees story arcs
-That mash up catgirl came back
-Supermoms and BreastQuest still get discussed
-Roller Darby is a super villain who challenges people to death races/stunts/feats and goes to extreme measures to get them to accept
-Other stuff I didn't mention.

Last thread made it to Friday somehow.

>Last thread made it to Friday somehow.
The Memes, user.


Did Marion, at the height of the British Empire, ever meet any famous people from that time.

>I remember a young man, Blair I think his name was, who would not let me put water in the pot without pontificating on how proper tea should be served.

What am I looking at?

A supervillain based on pitcher plants.

What is this though? Apart from very pretty.

oh. is that what that is?? I somehow thought it was some kinda bizzaro-Sup Forums version of VFT... like Evillette etc...

That is also correct.

Venus Fly Trap's Evilverse counterpart is Pitcher Plant.

Magi's concept ended up seemingly female, but nothing's settled. It was even suggested that what appear to be breasts might just be Pitcher using their powers to swell out their chest.

What would you call an dominant/aggressive trap?

An ambush?

Apparently the term is "Josou Seme"

I'm still hoping Pitcher converted Evilverse Bees Knees into her own submissive Bee themed trap.

I prefer the Hornet's Nest idea. A trap dominating another trap doesn't seem quite as striking as a trap dominating a strong, hardened fighter.

This is more Magical Realm than usual...

I'm pretty sure VFT and his Evilverse counterpart's type isn't other traps, but manly men with muscles and spikes.

everything on the left side is cute, too cute for villainy

Damn, page 10 already.


>Roller Darby getting a specific mention

I don't know why this made me feel a bit warm inside.

the answer is clearly the tits

As I said when you posted the WIP, you are not helping.

how so?

All posting that does is encourage the "GG is an /aco/ project" shitposters.


He seems like a good character to bring out the weirdos from the background.


I keep trying to make a lady and then half way through I pull back and go "Okay who the heck is this lunatic"

So enjoy my latest accident, I guess.

does this mean her universe has internet? like the fallout universe?

I feel like... no.

But maybe...

Could be siblings.

She came from a drawthread ages ago.

No, it's all for a joke.

Though a huge super computer the size of a skyscraper (because it's the 50s/60s and that's how big computers were back then) could make for a potential GG villain.

Yeah, back in the 50s they had ENIAC and UNIVAC. And of course, BTAS had HARDAC.

Would a name ending in RAC be a little too on-the-nose, even if it's not commented upon?

I think, given how campy the setting is meant to be, anything less would be a poor choice.

Ah, yes... the well-known "BIGRAC" system. State of the art, that is.

Do you know the story behind this, or is it a drawthread fill lost to time?

What does Baby Boomer (Millennial Man's arch enemy) look like?

Let's see, it was from an Adventure Time drawthread (those were a thing years ago and for many years they were twice a week).

Fault drew it.

I believe it was a request for either a Bullet Princess or a Gun Golem.
Given it was an AT drawthread, Bullet Princess is more likely. Or Revolver Princess.

If you want to look for yourself, I can find the mediafire archive for that thread.

But the Sylo character's head just made me remember that drawing is all.


Probably a better word than "analyzing" we could use there, but I can't think of one.


Though analyzing makes it sound like its SQ's equivalent to the Bat Computer.

Hmm, it could be. I was trying to go for more of a supercriminal supercomputer vibe like suggested.

Intelligence &

does this computer look like a giant woman with big tits?

I want to ask for advice on a fanfiction that may or may not turn into a webcomic. I don't know whether to put it here or in the webcomic thread, since webcomics are a best-case scenario. Can I talk about it here?

Yeah, this is really sounding like a super computer SQ uses like how Batman has the Bat computer.

I'm sure SQ has fought super advanced tech at some point or another and this is something that was built from the scraps or reverse engineered from it, but deemed too dangerous or "the world isn't ready yet for it" if she knows it's from the future and wants to avoid time paradoxes.

Sure, we have bumps for days right now.

Maybe like the fembot's disguise (the old Wizard of Oz ploy) in that episode of Futurama with the amazon alien women.

Considering the time period any sort of supercomputer would have to, as a previous user said, be a massive thing covered in dials and stuff.

It would probably have two huge reels of tape.

and why not 2 round domes that cover and protect the reels of tape

Can you imagine if it did totally mundane things by our standards but was still seen as state of the art secret intelligence stuff?

Oh my god, it can listen to radios ALL OVER THE WORLD!

No. Too on the nose.

Incredibles/Fallout/TAS supertech. The computers can be anachronistically advanced. Especially since we already have evidence of giant robots, in one of the comics.

I mentioned the time paradox thing because I remembered an idea where they fight a time traveler and end up getting some technology from the future after they beat them.
One of the things is nylon which hasn't been invented yet in their current time and GG ends up making a bra out of it.

Or it was something like that. The joke is they have to keep it "close to the chest" to prevent time problems.

I'd like a time travel comic where Audrey meets and gets a pep talk from her future self. And maybe they team up to fight a bad guy.

she should look like Master Mold did in Wolverine & the X-men. but sitting in a room with a bigger chest

>temporal shenanigans result in Golden Girl meeting Golden Guardian
>GGuardian gives her younger self some big inspirational speech about heroism or some such
>the whole time GGirl is looking up at her with gleeful awe, bordering on tears of joy
>GGuardian finishes her speech, the shenanigans start to fade, and the two Audreys part ways
>young Audrey finally manages to voice her response to the encounter:
>"...I'm going to be TALL!"

Okay, here we go.

So I'm reconstructing The Lorax as a better movie, and I want to make it clear whether the entire world has been fucked or if it's just the part of the world Thneedville is in. If the entire world has been fucked, I have a much easier time building a third act climax or, really, anything involving Thneedville. If it's just the part of the world Thneedville is in, I'm closer to the scope of Seuss' original story and the TV special.

OK, and?

I doubt the whole world was fucked even in the movie version. Look to China's big cities for inspiration.

Finally managed to pull out a lady design. Though to be fair, she still looks like a bit of a weirdo.

The name is just a working one at this point, but it's pretty consistent with my usual corny naming scheme.

She's either a spellbook with a semi-mortal form or a person who fused with a spellbook as part of some esoteric transformation sequence. I haven't decided.

Probably my last design of the day, though.

I wrote a story in the demon post office setting a while back where Erin goes to a library with books like that.

Sounds pretty cool. Admittedly I don't know much about the various settings you guys have cooked up except what little I've peeked at on the wiki.

The Cryptic Skein is a weird place.

I did a quick lookup and some of the designs I'm seeing are great. But then, you may have noticed I am a fan of "normal person with some odd thing for a face/replacing a body part" designs.

Demons can pretty much look like anything in this setting.

>/aco/ is a GG project

>OK, and?
Shit, I forgot to say

"Do you guys think the whole world should be fucked, or just wherever the movie's set?

>I doubt the whole world was fucked even in the movie version. Look to China's big cities for inspiration.
They make it seem like trees have legitimately gone extinct, though I guess it could just be the Captain Planet villain making them think that.

/aco/ invented Game Grumps or Gamergate?

is that pitcher plant?
you guys drew vore of it im guessing

Random thought, might be stupid, but what if she remembers things by giving them page space in her head? She leaves important memories and spells where they need to be most times, but replaces things that don't seem important at the time.

Though that might just be silly to work out, logistically. Just spitballing.

Seriously, look at some of those big Chinese cities. They're starting to plant trees on the sides of buildings in a desperate attempt to make the places seem livable.

Nope, there are only two pics of Pitcher Plant so far.

Googling "Chinese city trees" didn't get me much, but desu I'm fucking terrible at research.

he's telling you to take a look at chinese cities, not google "chinese cities". Try looking up modern images of some of the most populous cities in china.

Well, let's see if the thread can at least last the weekend.

Yeah, they're all covered in a thick layers of smog that blot out the sun and makes everything look brown.

Which is pretty much how the outside world looked like in the Lorax movie.

>Well, let's see if the thread can at least last the weekend.

We need a topic of discussion and some content to carry us through.

You'd just end up with Final Fantasy VII or Mother 3.

I think that Double-Edge met at some sort of protest rally type deal. Thoughts?

Someone was talking about a team of absolutely worthless X-Men, so I drew up a sketch of some lame mutants.

I read person-sized owl as personalized owl.

Chunk, peepers and Stunt Master seem like the could be potential heroes depending on how skilled they are personally, in that their powers could be well used to supplement their mundane talents during situations.

And while they are mostly useless for superheroism Fantasia and Diaphragm would no doubt combine for SOME sort of writing shenanigans.

Fantasia and Diaphragm were ideas from the thread the other day about how much causal sex them must have in the X-Mansion.

Stunt Master's suppose to be like an 80s Z-Movie action star; he can get shot a bunch of times, but needs a few days to heal. He's got the most potential out of all of them, I will admit. But seeing as how Wolverine is either sent in to kill a specific person or soak damage by running around like a jackass, Stunt Master's suppose to do the later. Same for Chunkenstein.

Peepers is 100% recon material, though.

Hmm, wouldn't people start getting suspicious that no one could have babies within 3-miles of the X-mansion?

That seems like it might ignite Normie/Mutant conflict even more.

The idea is that he's the reason why you never see a parade of teen-pregnant bellies at a school where the staff is typically off fighting aliens instead of making sure a bunch of teenagers aren't fucking.

I think they even said that he was from the Deep South and had to be hidden at the X-Mansion because he was "proof" that Satan made mutants to end humanity.

With all the comic writer's who blatantly insert their fetish into the comic I'm surprised we haven't seen a bunch of that

>Deep South
Is that why he looks like Lucky from King of the Hill?

I just wanna say I like these. They resemble the flavor of the OG Justice Sup Forumsmrades, to me.

Really? Well, glad someone likes them in any case. Till not entirely sure where they'd fit in or who they are, not like I was with Roller Darby's concept.

Well I would assume part of the reason he's so butt-fugly is a joke on his mutant power being the prevention of pregnancies.

>Dey call me Diaphragm, on accountta muh powurs
>What power is that?
>Ain't nobody can git knocked up whiles I'm around
>Muh very presence keeps babies from happenin'
*gives him the once-over*
>I can believe that.

Nothing beats the truly 'useless' X-men, the poor fucks who lucked out without even getting something like an incredibly deadly power that passivly kills people around them beyond their control.
No I'm talking about the schmucks with 'powers' such as "Has blue skin" or "Has a slightly longer neck than normal".
Hell even Screech there seems less of a fuck-up than Beak in that he's an actual giant owl instead of some fucked up dude with a beak.

So... uh, where do I insert my dick?

I thought I remembered that name.

What about an X-mutant codenamed the Philatelist?

HEY! Her name is Sup Forumsleen, she is a bombshell with jet boots as well as the Giant Robot Hands, and this ENTIRE thread should be dedicated to our adoration for her existence!

ps: Sup Forumslette is a loser

Sup Forumsleen is super cute. I want to rub her fur the wrong way.

You are history's greatest monster.

A lot of the Sup Forumsmrades never really fit in or were meant to, they were just concepts the creators found amusing or awesome at the time. Jetpack Viking, Bearded Skeleton, Captain Stocking Arms, none of them had any intended place in the cosmology, that was all worked out much later. That might be part of why these new characters have some of that feel, really.

So any more developments on Double Edge? Or is that dead now?

To be fair nothing's truly 'dead' as long as someone cares enough to bring it up again


In these threads I've learned that if you want something to catch on then it's on you to keep suggesting new ideas and story concepts until you get someone willing to play ball with you.
