Critter Coven


FULL /lit/
FULL /lit/
FULL /lit/

I think you are currently enjoying some kind of alt-reality fantasy where anyone gives a fuck that a Sup Forums thread exists

this specific author did


Okay wait, false alarm.

The mobile site was just being a bit silly billy.

This is what I was talking about.

Arepo isn't scary! Arepo is cute!

why is Margaret in a webcomic?

Some actors play multiple roles.
Most actors.

She had to take whatever work she got after that accident took her eye, so she had to move to the suburbs next to some weeb.

requesting art of arepo's feet!

>pamiers footway
even the captcha demands it!

You guys think she might just be a crazy poser trying to look cool and scary because she really wanted to do the whole coven thing but the MC beat her to it so she decided to take hers over?

I'm calling it right now, under that robe is like, some kind of stilt mechanism or another small cat and she's actually average sized and the real 13th Vigil comes to kick her ass and it's a huge arc.

She is actually a deranged hobo dressed in a burlap-sack.
She came for the snacks.

Her early concept made her tall, but I'm hoping for a cat stack under that robe.

See, she looks like she's way shorter than the robe even there, though.

What's IBKT?


That's lewd.

Arepo is sexy AF and I want her to slave me

Arepo is cute AF and I want her to hug me

I need more goat waifu now!

Not as lewd as bfct

Hoof biting. That's not my fetish, but I'll take it.

What the hell happened between normie clara and pagan clara

you mean christian clara and pagan clara

Lord only knows. My guess is that she repressed her occult interests for too long, and wanted an outlet to meet people similar to her.

Maybe we'll get origin comics for the pagan motley crew.

One(1) dose of anime.

Maybe it's her sister or mother?

Normally I'd say Anime - not even once, but Clara is very cute.

What witch anime does Clara watch? The only witch anime I know is Little Witch Academia and Madoka,and Clara doesn't seem like the edgy type.

So is the bee the Trish Honeyblood mentioned in Florence's rant?

shidd I never noticed that. Probably.

Fist of the north star.

What are you talking about she loves us