The Flash movie is being rewritten from page 1

>The Flash movie is being rewritten from page 1

What went wrong?

It was the exact same premise as the CW series, but inferior in all ways - which is really saying something.

The entire DCEU.

Snyder and Goyer saying that their main inspirations for it were Whatchmen and (Will Smith) Hancock doesn't help.

blue lightning.

colors should be crimson and gold.



It's white not blue. But it shouldn't be white because white is Wally's color.


Or in comics, for that matter! For Christ's sake, couldn't DC have picked a different black/hispanic/not-white character for their diversity push? Nobody's cared about Cyborg since the Teen Titans cartoon ended.

it always liked blue to me, maybe the depressing monochrome filter is playing tricks?

>Marvel is assembling the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, Spider-Man and Black Panther for the ultimate capeshit epic
>DC can't figure out how to make a story with the fast guy

What is so hard? Why are they fucking up so bad? They can't even manage to get a mediocre cash grab film off the ground?

It's not DC, it's WB, they are very dumb

Is anyone else prepared for Justice League to be REALLY bad?

I figured it was going to suck, but the leaks and rumors have me readjusting my expectations downward. I think it may be a cataclysmically awful film now. We might be talking Plan Nine From Outer Space levels of bad.

I don't know but I'm pretty sure 3 directors backing out of the project had something to do with it

By the way, they sure found a new director for Batman fast compared to this guy

>Is anyone else prepared for Justice League to be REALLY bad?
I've been prepared ever since MoS.

And I thought MoS was just okay. I just knew that if they were going to make Justice League film following that movie, it wasn't going to turn out good

Did everybody just forget Wonder Woman was happening? There's been like no news on that compared to everything else in the DCEU

I think we're about to venture into "Fant4stic Four" levels of bad

I'm genuinely curious to see how Snyder does a humourous upbeat movie. Seems a bit outside his comfort zone and he might do it badly

>Did everybody just forget Wonder Woman was happening?

I just honestly think the general public doesn't care about her as a character as much as someone like Batman or Harley Quinn. Whether WW turns out decent or not, I'm predicting it underperforms at the box office similar to the way Thor did. Nobody wanted Thor, they wanted more Iron Man. Nobody wants Wondy, they want more Batman.

There have been leaks that have called the first cut of the movie "cheesy." So, humor that isn't funny.

There was also some guy right here on Sup Forums who claimed to have seen a first cut, and compared the Flash to Jar Jar Binks. There's no way to know if he was being truthful, though.

Has anyone on Sup Forums who ever claimed to see an early cut of a movie turned out to be truthful?


There was this one Marvel leaker once who was fucking dead-on accurate about everything from film to television, but nobody believed him at the time and the thread went ignored

Just cancel all the live action shit and go all in with the Lego Cinematic Universe. Already like 5 movies planned anyway.

WB hired Snyder.

The guy who was leaking Fant4stic stuff was 100% accurate

Forcing Cyborg in.

If they made a generic action-super film, they'd get ripped for copying Marvel. They don't really have much of an out anymore.

I really don't get the Jar jar comparisons. annoying? superfluous character?

I'm willing to bet that was Trank himself

>finally get interconnected DC universe movies
>nobody knows what they're doing
>it's shitshows left and right

Well, it's Batman. The Flash, despite the TV show's success, is still way too obscure for a lot of people to want to take on.

nobody seems to care about WW which was already a bad sign since forever

The problem is that Warner Brothers and DC alike have only ever really seen their highest levels of success, fame, and critical acclaim with Batman.

And they learned the exact wrong lessons from that. Their entire DCEU is framed through the lens of "It's nice, but it'd be better if this was more like Batman." So Barry can't be a jokey guy unless it masks his inner pain. Superman can't be uncomplicated because complicated tormented existential angst is what sells. Green Lantern was a failure not because of eight different scripts jammed together or terrible effects or phoned in acting or even because it was a space opera set on earth for 90% of the movie, the problem WB thought the movie had was that it wasn't dark or edgy enough.

Batman is what went wrong, because it's the thing that went so right.

>I'm predicting it underperforms at the box office similar to the way Thor did.
Thor 2 did better in the domestic box office than Man of Steel. They'd probably WANT Wonder Woman to get Thor numbers.

But what about Suicide Squad which everyone said was supposed to be dark and edgy and then they changed it at the last minute to be more light hearted?

Just stop, WB.

Start over from scratch.

Look at the reaction to Suicide Squad.
Nobody liked BvS, so what did they do? They ramped up the amount of Joker in the marketing. Trailers stopped being "What if Superman ripped off the roof of the white house" and more "Look kids! Batman villains! Batman cameos!"

And look at what happened afterwards.

Suicide Squad ends up getting a mildly more positive response, and now WB wants Gotham City Sirens movie.

You're forgetting that because of Suicide Squad, the takeaway from that is "we need more Batman villains to get their own movies. For Batman"

Those Cyborg rumors sounded terrible. Fucking hell, there's enough Flash material to cover already and they want to cram Cyborg in because he needs to be relevant.

Because DC only seems to hire directors who have their own "vision" for what the characters should be/look like, rather than use the years worth of source material and keep it simple.

Zack Snyder.

Literally every DCEU problem can be summed up with that.

Jesus Kal-el Christ, really?

And Cyborg only mattered in Teen Titans because he was plugging his USB into Jinx.

>sacked for being too similar to Flash tv show
>mfw the show gets cancelled before it uses all the good ideas up

While Zack does hold much of the blame, the WB committee is also at fault. They butchered SS. Though I doubt the original cut was much better

links you fuking idiots

Anybody got some fresh leaks or rumors? We're getting pretty close to release and I really haven't heard much out of WW or JL aside from casting.

The new comic is kind of hokey, but fun.

It helps when they gave him an actual supporting cast and more characterization besides MUH HUMANITY.

>Batman is what went wrong, because it's the thing that went so right.

To quote The LEGO Batman Movie, "DC: The House that Batman Built."

They should cancel all the CW shows. They're not that great

Early test screenings say both are shit.

Dubs confirm, but I'm dying to hear some actual info

That committee put HIM in charge.

People seem to have forgotten before BvS, all the interviews were implying he was the Feige on the DCEU, listed as producer for every DCEU movie. He literally designated the story for each film in the initial slate, including Wonder Woman AND Justice League.

Hopefully they restarted and cut Cyborg so to build the Titans movie instead

For JL
>Ancient earth repelled Darkseid thousands of years ago
>Several Mother Boxes were left on earth, divided amongst man, atlanteans, and amazons
>A hive of Parademons has been dormant within the earth during current day
>Steppenwolf, signaled after Luthor's plot, wants the boxes so he can boom tube Darkseids forces
>Cyborg will play a big part in saving earth given his own encounter with the devices
So yeah it's basically a remix of Justice League War if the rumors are true

People want to see him with the Titans. Not the justice league

>Ancient earth repelled Darkseid thousands of years ago

Darkseid is a weak villain if primitives beat him.

Pretty much no legitimate reason for picking Cyborg over Mr. Terrific or Vixen. Or hell even Bumblebee if you're going to graduate a Titan, at least she is historically relevant as DC's first black female hero and they realized she was marketable since she's all over the kid shit these days.

No Black Lightning I understand since there was some awkwardness with the creator that had to be smoothed over, but there were better choices than Cyborg.

CW Flash is ass. I was really hoping it'd be good too

>Mr. Terrific
Integral to JSA.

She was picked before Cyborg, actually. But, story-wise, she hasn't as much to offer as Cyborg.

>Black Lightning
Again, promoted before Cyborg. Just didn't catch.

Im not saying cw show is good, its just that theyre doing everything already

It sounds pretty stupid doesn't it? And why would Darkseid sit on his ass this long? The only explanation I could see is the old gods helping back then

They are entertaining enough.

Hollywood is full of the biggest chucklefucks who've ever lived.

Mr. Terrific is a legacy character and would make even less sense as a founding JLA member than Cyborg.

The reason it's Cyborg is because he's the most recognizable black DC character and that's it. The Teen Titans cartoon was popular with the generation who will be the primary audience for this movie and TTGO is popular with the generation who will be buying all the toys from this movie.

The best script they had was reworked into the first season of CW Flash.

They've never been able to recover.

>What went wrong?

The Flash started having problems the minute Ezra Miller was cast. WB wants Ezra Miller to happen, but no one gives a damn about him. They even tried putting him in Fantastic Beasts and everyone forgot about him a day later.

We have the best on-screen Barry Allen.
Just make him Wally, or give the fucking job to Grant.

It's a different universe. They can make him not a legacy character.

And if they made Mr Terrific a JL founder in the new 52 and pushed him in all the DTVs and video games by now casuals would know him. That's no excuse. They had time to choose literally anyone else to promote and they fucked it up.

You're grossly giving Grant more credit than he deserves. He's a subpar actor who hardly does the character justice

The timeline, DAMN YOU, BARRY!

Making Mr. Terrific no longer a legacy is no less stupid than making Cyborg not a TT member. Either choice is retarded, so they might as well go with the character that's already somewhat known.

Grant's Barry is not really a good Barry Allen at all. It's a fine character but that character is not Barry Allen. Movie version will miss the mark as well and likely be worse for entertainment, but let's not get crazy with pretending CW got it right. They have repeated the same mistake as the DCAU. OC with a familiar name rather than truly adapting their main speedster.

I'm not really going based on stupidity. It's just preference.

Mr. Terrific out of the context of legacy is still a good character while Cyborg even in the context of the Titans is still shit.

>it's WB, they are very dumb
>Only one very
That does not nearly sum up just how dumb the folks at WB are

I feel genuinely bad for the people involved. I kind of hope JL under-performs so badly they'll HAVE to start over. Or maybe WB should just take a pause, stop trying to catch up with MCU and do something else for a while. They can still make Batman money off of the lego movies.

I agree. Even Steel is more appealing to me than Cyborg.

They can make Batman money by making a good Batman. Every action going forward will always ask the question, why didn't you just kill him? They have to reboot, the characters are all loners or idiots. Supes doesn't have Jimmy so the only reason he cares about humanity is 2 vaginas, and some really bad advice from his real and adopted father.
Flash apparently has no friends.
Bruce has no friends, though that is sort of in character I guess, a Bat-family would be better, but it seems they are afraid to introduce any Robins beyond the dead one's costume as an easter egg or something.
Wonder Woman I guess has no friends among humanity or something.
And Cyborg is just there.

>Wally - white lightning
>Kyle - white lantern

Sensing a trend here.

When will Roy become White Arrow?

you mean Connor Hawke

The problem with DCEU's Barry involves 2 crucial things
>WB wants their own Peter Parker
>Character takes more of Wally's traits than Barry's

>Bruce has no friends, though that is sort of in character I guess, a Bat-family would be better, but it seems they are afraid to introduce any Robins beyond the dead one's costume as an easter egg or something.

Their were rumors that one of the shows set in the DCEU that HBO was optioning was a Bat-family show with Nightwing as the core focus.

Wouldn't surprise me if HBO go with one of the other rumors though (Watchmen or Question)

Executive meddling

This is like wanting to make a new Star Trek movie and sayng to the audience that your inspirations are Matrix 3 and the Lone rider

He's bad but he hasn't taken any of Wally's traits. Humor is not Wally-specific. As someone put it before, Barry is Carlton funny while Wally is Will funny.

However the awkwardness in the movie version is unlike either of them. And it's not really Bart either.

>Or in comics, for that matter!

I think Cyborg is DC's second worst selling Rebirth book. I think there's a lot of potential with the character but they just cant get him away from star labs

HBO should do Middy

>couldn't DC have picked a different black/hispanic/not-white character for their diversity push?

Cyborg is DC's second lowest selling rebirth book just in front of Blue Beetle, so no they dont. The MCU has shown with 13 or 14 movies now that the way to make money is have a white male lead

>I think Cyborg is DC's second worst selling Rebirth book.

Whats the worst selling DC Rebirth book now?

The premise of the CW show was pretty good. Some of the acting and effects were wonky but it was good for a villain of the week show. And Sup Forums was hype as fuck for Reverse Flash


Blue Beetle

Blue Beetle believe it or not

>What went wrong?

Everything is wrong since Superman Returns
And in the comics everything started to go wrong since Diane Nelson was president of DC Comics

Wait just did a bit of digging. Cyborg double ships so the first book of December beat Blue Beetle but the second did not.

Cyborg is DC's worst selling Rebirth book

I didn't liked his new version on the new 52, he is still another "average kid that no one understands" with no personality and powers from space?

>The Flash movie is being rewritten from page 1

In all likelihood they realized that when the majority of your audience isn't liking the movies they're being given already, spending a good 20 minutes setting up more movies and another 20 dealing with the aftermath of preceding ones is a terrible idea.

Or maybe they just want to set up the other movies that are being rewritten.

>Twink asian

>What is so hard? Why are they fucking up so bad?
They can't just tell a story about a fast guy... they have to tell a story about a fast guy that ends at a point compatible with BvS.

No the powers are now magical or something who knows? I wonder if the book would sell better if they dropped Jaime and made it a Ted book. I know I would buy it

I blame Levitz a little because surely whatever Morrison had planned for after Final Crisis likely wouldn't have been as destructive as what we got with the new 52. He should have just said yes then.

They should.

But rumors suggested WB was heavily pushing Watchmen as their preferred big HBO project. Supposedly it would adapt Before Watchmen and then end with a new adaption of Watchmen.

If anything, this just speaks to how fucking terrible WB is at marketing and hyping up their own properties. Marvel can turn D-listers like the GotG into money-printers. Why can't WB do the same with one of the most well-known superheroes ever?

The comics are fine right now. Flash is the second best selling hero from DC or Marvel