The White morpher is special. Why isn't the Black one...

The White morpher is special. Why isn't the Black one? Why is the Green one anymore special than the Blue one or the Yellow one?

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>inb4 haha black means black people

The real answer is that the Japanese show that MMPR grabbed its footage from had a reason for the Green Ranger to be different.

honestly it's this

they had to shoehorn in reasons for it in the American version because there was a good reason in the Japanese version.

The green dragon coin was made by Rita Repulsa, as opposed to Zordon (that may not be exactly right, but it's something to that effect)

The show and comic have different lores. In the comic the dragon coin accesses a different power grid than the rest and there is an evil white ranger who just got teased but no one knows about yet. Or maybe the next issue is already out, idk.

That makes sense since the White coin wasn't in the original, but you'd still think the black coin would have some significance

The evil white ranger is Tommy Oliver who become Rita's Prince and conquered the world for her.

god this run has been so fucking awesome. Literally the best comic of 2016/17 for me.

>The White morpher is special. Why isn't the Black one?
Because the White Ranger was from a completely different Sentai Series.

Is Rita's hair white or is it a hat thing?

White ranger is Green ranger with a talking butter knife.

Is this one Chinese-themed or does it just look kind of that way?

It's complicated
100% agreed, I hope Lionsgate just hires the creative team for the sequel to the movie. My 100% ideal though would be them in charge of a Netflix series.

Netflix has every season of MMPR, that kind of makes me think it's possible, but then again Saban has never shown interest in spending any money on the show, so it'll probably always be that level of quality. At least we have the comic right now.

It is. In fact, during early development, it was going to be called Chinaman (you can see why that was dropped)

It is Chinese themed
The Griffin was a Qilin and the Unicorn was a Pegasus

In the Japanese shows, the additional guy is usually special, but generally no more special than red, who is the leader, or protagonist, or both

But with Power Rangers, they more or less made Tommy into the star because he was popular, so the by the time he turned into the White Ranger he more or less became the leader, which is a role he floated in and out of throughout his involvement with the franchise

And because Power Rangers fandom seems to basically be "There was MMPR, and then there was 15 years of stupid bullshit that is fake and gay and doesn't matter" he naturally becomes the focus in this new material as well

favorite season outfits/helmets?

Mine is either Alien Rangers, In Space, or Time Force.

I thought Japan doesn't give two shits?

Those ninja trying to recreate the intro on the right was very endearing.

Nigga the PR fandom hates MMPR pandering (especially Tommy pandering) and wants other seasons to be get at least something.

Did they bang?

Everything up to Zordon being killed by the Red Ranger counts.
Wild Force and Time Force are cool.
Pretty much everything else is a waste of everyone's time.
Don't even try to argue with "But this series was well written." It was just as bad as Arrow and you know it.

I never understood what the difference was between the green and white ranger was

>Leaving RPM and Dino Thunder out of the picture

I, for one, liked everything up until In Space, but I couldn't care less about the comic if it was anything other than MMPR. I'm just too old now to remember the other ones and MMPR was the original.

Is that a serious question?

One's green, one's white
One's dragon, one's tiger
One plays music, the other has a talking sword

The Green dragoncoin was corrupted by Rita's magic so it was harming Tommy. Zordon needed to give him the White morpher so he could return to the team, and was much more powerful.

Yeah but it can't claim to have the best Zords

Hubba hubba!

>Zordon being killed by Red Ranger

Is that how In Space ended? I completely forget.

Zeo by far, be theme too in my opinion.

Ah, makes sense
I was just a casual watcher growing up. Figured it was just a color swap or something,or Tommy just got a new costumein a different color

Wild Force nigga
Garbage as any other Power Rangers series but it was the coolest one

Zordon offered to sacrifice himself to create a ray destroying all evil in the galaxy (it was meant to be the franchise's finale)
Every villain died except for Rita, Zedd, and Astronema (they were originally going to die but censors prevented it)
Rito's suit was damaged so his fate wasn't shown.
A wasp monster survived but that's because he became good.
The original script for Forever Red had the Ranger that killed Zordon playfully brag about it

that pretty much is it in a meta sense. they needed to be able to use the white tiger mega zord footage.

So what'd you think guys? Will it be good adapatation material in 2 years?

It's also been confirmed that the dancing Dragon in the OP is going to be a Purple Ranger and that a Cyan Ranger based on Ursa Major and Minor is going to appear as well, as a child actor who can shift between a child form and adult form.

He actually got a clone named Tony Oliver who took the Green Dragon Coin
He only appeared in one episode

>Power Rangers Star Force

I actually want this really, really bad. Those suits are top-tier and I love the star theme.

Because this ain't green lantern

At first i really thought pr had added a pink and silver ranger to Kakuranger, before i realized that those're just photoshopped in.

I'm glad Kakuranger was one of the series to not get made into a full pr season, it's far too pure for that.

That's from Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger an (actually official despite the title, but non-cannon) parody of regular Sentai

I like the suit design. the mega zord looks interesting too, unique silhouette

holy shit this had me actually laughing out loud really hard, my roommates must wonder what's wrong with me.


Isn't Adi Shankar planning to make Power/Rangers legit on Netlix?

I have literally no faith that it's going to happen in any capacity at all.

Reminder the Wild Force Red Ranger killed a guy with a samurai sword.

Meanwhile the Red Ninja Storm Ranger saved a man from a burning car.

Fuck, that sounds like it would make a good Power Rangers movie. Two former rangers, one turned evil and the other coming out of retirement to stop him.


Neither do I.
I'm honestly hoping it doesn't do well.
The franchise isn't exactly going smoothly
>Nick screws up airing and scheduling
>Movie looks like shit
>Normalfags want an edgy PR reboot
At least the Boom comics are alright so far

to be fair he was a villain later

You would have done the same in the Wild Force ranger's position

>My prince... You've done so well today. Truly our slaves on the Earth know their masters well. Now come to bed. I'd love to celebrate...

It's supposed to be an animated series. And Shankar never confirmed Saban had agreed to it. And Saban will NEVER go for his R-rated sensibilities.

Tony Oliver is one of the show's producers. I'm pretty sure Tommy's clone was just called Tom or Thomas. And he was never seen again because they sent him back in time to live in the old west or some shit.

>Tommy's clone becomes his ancestor


I want to fuck that fuccboi wolf

That's not fair.
I'm sure Saba could play beautiful music if you asked him.

But his voice is so manly

It's probably just because of the space/zodiac themes but I can't help but get Fourze vibes from this.

All the better. I want to make him howl like a bitch.

i feel like this is the first time i've seen a chubbyish ranger

Just a reminder, Saban is a fucking cancer

I don't think anyone here would dissagree

I'd actually aim for about PG-13 or so. Enough where you can acknowledge that what youre doing as PR is violence, but limited enough to keep it from becoming too tryhard and edgy.

I know, I just want to make sure the world keeps that in mind

Just a reminder.
Drive was shit and Type Tridoron was awful.

Man the filename made it sound so cool that I forgot it was a Kamen Rider show for a second.


Zeo or SPD.
Honorable mention to In Space