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>The New Crstal Gems
Mega: mega.nz/#!OwYkwTbC!21sIlu7YRllF6U0oKp5nTHMFUKQ3jofPbi7YGrKZQag
Dailymotion: dailymotion.com/video/x5bbi8d
Marbucks: marebucks.com/sun/117/
>New weekly episodes
Feb. 17: "Storm in the Room" at 7pm EST
Feb. 24: "Rocknaldo" at 7pm EST
Mar. 03: "Tiger Philanthropist" (?)
- Source: su-g.pw/qs367
>Issue 1 of new Steven Universe ongoing comic
>Upcoming art book 'Art and Origins' available for pre-order
>Upcoming graphic novel 'Anti-Gravity' available for pre-order

>Episode downloads
1080p: mega.nz/#F!JotHkR6Y!giZlsdwr_k5ULQAIJKWrsw
1080p alt: sug.rocks/dl.html
Comics, soundtracks, older 720p/1080p episodes: mega.nz/#F!Y5E0BKjK!UsE19rOYDa5Ttl5QRFwgtw
Streaming: marebucks.com/sun/
>Official airing schedule in EST (click to the right of the logo)

[LEAKS] (make sure to use spoiler tags when discussing)
>2 minute previews and screenshots from CN server
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>/sug/ writebin
>Archived threads

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i hate amedot

First for Zuke give up your pathetic vendetta

pissbending when

I want Jasper to stop being cucked by a useless pumpkin and be the homeworld gem who loves and appreciate Pearl!



connie looks hot wearing steven's shirt

ok, thanks for sharing

Sorry to hear about the uprooting of your ship Zuke

Jasmin's concept art for YD.

I like the second to last, and then the second one from the left the best



I wonder if the Diamonds ever voluntarily retreat into their gem for a change of look?

Why is Steven so lewd?


I wouldn't be surprised if Steven starts looking this young

Steven is pure

I'm back lads.
And ready to play lewd roulette.
Pick an SU character and I will post something hopefully very Risqué indeed.
Pic very related.
I'm reposting in case anons missed it.

I don't like the straight yellow they did, adding some black would've been cool.

CN decides to put you in charge of overhauling the Steven Universe merchandising plan. It's up to you to create a plan that targets the different demographics of the show, while not being so niche or risky that you put the millions of dollars sunk into merchandise at risk.

What do?

If they're as amazing as they're made out to be, they might not even need to retreat to their gems.

>daily remember canon lapis is a bitch

Jasper concepts. I like the ones on the left.

Dog Jasper



>daily remember




Silmarillion type expansion.

opinion discarded

lapis is realistic

>title sounds like filler
>it's actually really important to the plot

>title sounds plot relevant
>it's actually filler

she's always been leddit don't act surprised

Boys are pure.

Post cosplays

Licensed halloween costumes in adult and child sizes.

I want the blue rapist bitch and the orange rapist bitch to fuse into the superior bitch gem forever.

Garnet nesting dolls, kids are super into nesting dolls for some reason

An official line of SU jewellery, a mixture of cheap little kid stuff and a line of special edition pieces for adult fans

Proper, non funko figs that actually look like the fucking characters

No meme face shirts

More like
>title sounds like anything
>90% chance it's filler

It's always been like that to the point on whoever's suprised is a fucking retard.

Example: reddit

Purely hers.

Because he's slowly morphing into his mom

>steven wants to get in on the latest memes

I have this amazing mala burning a hole in my pocket, please take her


It's been like that since S2 where have you been

>tfw the Rubies will get redemption before Jasper

Damn right they are
>tfw no bf to snugg and watch SU episodes with

What would make you drop the show

As it should be

Replace the funkos with good merchandise of Jasper. More Jasper action figures. More Jasper chapstick. More Jasper body pillows.


Are there any girls in here

I love her

Reminder that Steven is going to have Lapis fly up and retrieve the Rubies in about 5 or 6 episodes, which will lead into and S4 finale.

Who made that, either way, need some blue ass.

sorry but Lapis belongs to Amethyst

I mean Amethyst did save her life after all

>the Rubies will get redemption
KEK, those faggots are still in space. They literally ran into them on the way away from Earth, said they should do something about them, and then left them drifting out there.

>Metal men
>Jasper joining the meme team in the barn
>Rose coming back to life
>Another Onion episode

Do we get Jasper ice cream bars too
Depends on what you mean :^)

The Rubies will obviously be the ones to unbubble and save Jasper, and she will repay them by being their mommy.



This general is for cute boys only,

Lapis is shit

this, it's sapping the life force of both amedot and lapidot into canoninity

>All gems put out for steven
Only correct answer

What the hell is wrong with her foot?

>implying that the Rubies would be able to help Dog Jasper
>implying she won't force all 5 of them to fuse with her

Remind me, where is Jasper again? Oh right, corrupted and bubbled forever.

Before season three aired I had told myself I'd drop it if Jasper or Lapis got killed off or became anything like Peridot and both of those ended up happening so I guess I'm just here forever

I'm fine with this.

I want to cum at peri

blind that little green bitch with my seed

Not as lewd as a slutty fusion.

That's gross, Garnet is his mom and their relationship is pure

Lapis is going to save them and be their new mommy, Jasper can have them on the weekends but must pay child support.

If I haven't dropped it yet I guess I never will.

If this season doesn't go anywhere.

>Eyeball, now free, makes her way into the temple
>Unbubbles Jasper
>Dogsper promptly poofs Eyeball
>Steven sets out to get Jasper before she hurts anyone

Lapis may belong to Amethyst

but Peridot is both of their bitch

Malachite is millions of times better and cuter than Lapis

Are there any spiders in here


I wish I had the time to find them... but I don't.
Running out.

Some anons missed out.
Consider yourself lucky you didn't.


they're perfect is what

I love how out of all the Gems taking care of Steven's sexual urges, Garnet is the one you're the most upset over.

meh, I mean Amethyst certainly does and Peridot and Lapis will once they understand what it is

Pearl probably has but regretted it later and Garnet hasn't

y o y o b a l l


you meant fat and shite right?

Better in reach of a possible plot device than drifting out in the middle of fucking nowhere. The bubble room is a massive security flaw in the temple. It's like putting a POW camp in the white house.


*twitches cheliceraes anxiously*

Garnet is the best mom and will do anything to help him.

Please delete this

>Amethyst forces Steven to fuse with her
>Then takes slutty pictures as Smoky and texts them to Connie

how does Connie react?

How do I cuck Rose out of this fine piece of art?


i need more too