More Bowie

>more Bowie

Although if its true Gunn is gonna stop doing GotG after Vol 2 I'm interested to see if Vol 3s director will fuck up the soundtrack

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You know who would be good for GOTG 3?
Mathew Vaughn

I thought he was committed to at least three? With a willingness to executive produce any other upcoming cosmic properties at Marvel.

He has said that he's unsure that he'll do GOTG 3, but who knows. It's all unclear after Infinity Wars.

This looks like shit is anyone hyped for this? Lego has better cinematography.
I'd rather watch the new Spider-Man

>talks about "good" cinematography
>thinks the new Spider-Man looks good
Holy bad and grey taste user

The song's not necessarily in the movie though. Spirit in the sky was in one of the trailers for the first movie, but was never actually in the movie.


Fuck up what? Just choose any popular as fuck catchy song from the 70s and 80s and that's all you need to do

>Mathew Vaughn
I can see it

Because that worked so well in Suicide Squad...

I liked The Chain better, but I'm glad they're keeping Bowie in.

You know what I love about the GOTG movies? The takes they use for some scenes change multiple times even within the advertising. You're never exactly sure of what the final cut will be like.

Well, you have to have better taste than a shitty trailer house, but it's doable.

Mantis. dead already.

I've already enjoyed the GotG2 trailers more than the entire extended cut of Suicide Squad.

When this outperforms JL with audiences, the salt shall be immense.

I am all for respecting Bowie, Blackstar was a masterpiece. I am one of those rare few who prefer his later career, starting with Heathen.

Guardians of the Galaxy is being sold as a kids movie with babies, talking animals, penis jokes, 80s music so Dad doesn't get bored while taking their kids to the movie, etc.

The movie is popcorn trash, no different than Fast and the Furious or Transformers and those always make tons and tons of money.

I rather have BETTER movies even if that means that instead of 10 piles of money they will only make a mere...8 piles of money.

And if you take into account that China keeps most of the box office money that they create, the numbers are more even that you might think.

No wonder WB doesn't give a fuck about China, if they make 200 million over there they would only earn like 20% of that!

I think GOTG at least has effort put into how it looks.
You shitting me? It's a great song for the film. You can have great fight scenes to that song.

Hahaha normies just don't understand XD

...but he's not dropping the mic...he's plugging in the speakers.

Suicide Squad was way better than Guardians of the Galaxy, so yes.



Wasn't Gamora meant to be like super strong and sexy too like an space amazon? Why is she so bland? Is it because Marvel movies can't show the slightest hint of sex appeal?

God, this sequence was just so well done, especially since it's half the budget as most of those big budget films.

>normies just don't understand XD
That's why they watch shit movies like Guardians of the Galaxy, Age of Ultron, Transformers, etc

You can stop the shitty baits now, no one's falling for it.

>I think GOTG at least has effort put into how it looks.

Really? Everything looks like either a movie set or a CGI Prequels style green screen

>he takes they use for some scenes change multiple times even within the advertising. You're never exactly sure of what the final cut will be like.

Yeah, I'm curious how it'll play out now.

it's almost like they went cheap and didn't film on actual starcraft/alien planets or something.



It's a fucking space film, what did you expect?

The CGI in this trailer still looks better than the Reavers from Episode 7 though.

It's funny, because Harley will be the only lasting legacy of the DCEU's imminent implosion.
Can't wait for 2020 and the NuDCEU with extra-added Batman.

Are you posting from your Turkish Airlines flight?

You're alright, user.

Nice bait, (you)

I really just don't like Harley from that film. Seeing a grown woman act like a kid just feels degrading.

Yeah, the CGI and green screen was super noticeable in the scene where Mantis gets hit by whatever that was.


Kind of building off what someone said above about Transformers, and saying this movie is Popcorn Trash, I'm going to trust Gunn this time, because I've had more fun with Guardians of the Galaxy than I've had with any of the Transformers movies (or most popcorn flicks too).

My argument is not based on "Marvel > DC" or "Gunn > (insert directory here)." Bay is damn good at making his shit look epic, and DC is my dawg for animation and comics. I just have more fun with Marvel movies.

I get the complaints about the beginning of AoU and Civil War's CGI sucking, but I really don't see why everyone is complaining about the CGI in GOTG. It looks damn good to me.

It's just the same guy(s) from the Infinity War thread hours ago.

Eh. AoU was bad. And I'm specifically talking about that scene with the group and Mantis getting bopped.

Looks fine to me.

Probably won't do a soundtrack since the whole point was the soundtrack being his mother's tapes.

Unless Star-Lord goes to earth and picks up a few songs that he missed while in space.

The point is that it doesn't look natural like it did in Star Wars, like you are aware all the time that everything is fake, you don't get the idea that people are actually living there.

Even the Force Awakens got those concepts right

I think that Gunn just can't into big blockbusters or something something post-production sucking the life out of the film.

Basically you can tell like by miles where are the cheap sets and where the green screen shit starts, once you noice its pretty jarring, even Firefly looked better

>Wasn't Gamora meant to be like super strong and sexy too like an space amazon?

Not in a Disney movie.

They most popular character since the trailer according to trending shit is Baby Groot. Imagine

Gamora going Iron Man MvsC style.

Baby Groot makes me wary of this

I know what you're trying to say.
Expect lots of Minion Moments with baby groot but being "awww kyoot!!" and nothing else.
The dread is sitting in.

Thank god.

Now I'm satisfied.

0.5 dollars have been added to your account.

I think you're exaggerating. Like, Guardians looked fine, and this one looked fine. The effects that looked straight up bad to me was the Thor fighting Hydra and the opening sequence of Civil War.

>>Although if its true Gunn is gonna stop doing GotG after Vol 2
I hope. So we can finally have Rich introduced in the MCU.

I think Gunn is just waiting for the right offer for a third movie.

Trailer looked meh but I'm also dead inside