If you were a Superhero, what would your morals be?

Me personally mine would be
>goons and thugs get severely injured
>villains get beaten within an inch of their life
>if villain comes back, kill them
>if villain kills innocent people to get my attention, kill them on the spot.

How about you Sup Forums?

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The morals to only apprehend citizens and hand them into the proper authorities so justice may be served.

Most superheroes are hypcocrit vigilante thugs assaulting anyone and everyone they disagree with.

Oh, so you would be a basic tier thug yourself OP.

My morals would be to work in a state with the death penalty so that people like the Joker can actually be executed. Ideally Texas so they can't use the mentally deficient excuse.

If I'd have superpowers, I'd kill the entire human race, bunch of fuckers.

Then I'd get high af with krypton and kill myself.

OP here
I would do that too but you have to make sure they won't be able to do that again for a while so snap both of their femurs and break some ribs, word gets out that a hero is sending goons away in body casts, people are less likely to do crime same goes for supervillains

Op here
I didn't ask what if you had superpowers I asked what your morals be if you were a superhero...

No crime fighting for me, fucker. Keeping my power quiet and using it for career advancement.

Op here
What do you mean user?

>I would do that too but you have to make sure they won't be able to do that again for a while so snap both of their femurs and break some ribs

Very ethical.

>word gets out that a hero is sending goons away in body casts, people are less likely to do crime same goes for supervillains

Or criminals will arm themselves to the fucking teeth in reaction and violent crime skyrockets

"id severly beat people and even kill them! Lol how am I a thug bro?"

There was a time long ago where I told myself, if I were a hero, I'd save everyone, I wouldn't kill any villains and it would be great.

Then I realized what man was, I realized what man could do to others and themselves. Death, corruption, injustice. Were these to be our defining traits?

There is a blurred line all mankind walks over, good bad. I realized now that if I were to be a hero, I'd slay all those that do wrong. A killer if evil and man. Is that my defining trait?

Now you've got me trying to figure out how Peter Parker could use wall crawling to try and get himself tenure after he becomes a professor.

I'd work it like an old pulp hero: I'd kill people who did evil, use a network of informants and I'd use crazy mind control powers to keep it all working like clockwork. Basically The Shadow.

I'd have Questionable morals

Totalitarian dictator, but a lazy one that delegates much of the day to day management to qualified officials.

I would exclusively hunt down people who deserve to die, and I would put their bodies on display in public spaces.
I wouldn't target murderers or drug dealers though. I would target a different kind of evil. Petty bureaucrats who shit on people, politicians who are corrupt in a way I personally find distasteful, corporate fatcats who fire lots of people to keep the company profitable but still get bonuses. Bullies in general. Ultra-religious parents who abuse their children psychologically, whether they do it on purpose or not.
I'd probably be a villain in most people's eyes. But that's fine. I know what's right.

Hi Archer.

>I'd kill people who did evil

And YOU are the one to judge whats evil?

Like all these fucking morons running around calling everyone they dont agree with nazis. How can we trust your judgement?

>proper authorities
>comic books
Pick one. At least in Marvel and DC authorities are completely incompetent and citizens are brain dead.

shut up, crime

Op here
If a rapist gets convicted and gets a light sentance he'll get that light sentance with a concussion and fractured legs

Corporate criminals like execs that dump toxic chemicals and any other activity that harms the public need to have their assets frozen and taken away, their reputation shattered, and publicly exposed for all their wrongdoings before hauled off to prison.

Violent offenders like rapists and murderers get killed.

Non-violent offenders like carjacker or burglar (nobody's home) get busted up a bit if they resist. They're warned to serve their time and go legit because the next time, they'll be dead.

Repeat non-violent offenders get broken bones until they learn to stop.

Organized crime, gangs, cartels, etc. are wiped out. Their bank accounts get leeched of their money and every member from the lowest grunt to the leader gets blown, shot, poisoned, or whatever.

Corrupt politicians are treated the same way as shady businessmen. If their crimes delve into war crimes and/or violation of international accords, they not only get their lives ruined, but the consequences of their activities are directly linked and broadcast across the Internet with irrefutable proof. Oh and a cracked jaw before sent to prison.

Probably something on the line of what Nightwing does, but I would get some part of the money for my superheroic budget because I'm not rich.

But I really love to read guys like Moon Knight, Kaine Parker or Red Hood: they fucked ups that are fun to read because there's a lot of space to grow them up. And that's charming.

Distract villains until someone who actually knows what they're doing can apprehend them and have the justice system do its thing? Because I'm honestly shit at fighting and would need some pretty rad powers to actually be able to do something useful...

Op here
I like you user

Not too sure, but pedophiles, rapists and murderers, I'll definitely kill them.

Depending on my powers I'd find different ways to permanently stop super villains without killing them.
Paralyzing them, freezing them, doing that thing the Flash did where he turned that guy into a statue

Typical criminals get cuffed and sent to prison with as few scratches as possible.


Every time I defeat a criminal, I'd amputate a limb from them. It'd be my whole gig. First a hand, then one leg, then the other, then the entire other arm, then eyes, then tongue. If I still find myself fighting a blind, mute torso, that guy earned his goddamn right to be my Joker.

Op here
but some people like The Joker or the Green Goblin NEED to be erradicated, they are too much of a threat to society and they would be the kind to blow up a building full of people just to get your attention.

>goons and thugs get severely injured
Too costly for the system. Taxpayers would get stuck with the bill for all those lengthy hospital stays in prison. I'd recommend just subduing if they're not doing anything dangerous, or minor injuries that would still put them out of commission for a while, like broken arms and fingers.

So many people in this thread who want to have blood on their hands.
No wonder the transition from democratic to authoritarian government is so easy.

Every unlawful act will be punished by death.

Do you really think a guy who wants to maim his fellow citizens care about healthcare. He'd let them die in the street.

>every member from the lowest grunt to the leader gets blown, shot, poisoned, or whatever.
>every member
>gets blown

You're gonna be a busy lil vigilante, aintcha sissy?

Hurt henchmen
Cripple villains
Maim rapist

Op here
I'm actually considering raping rapists first, before i beat them to death.

What if they're into that.

I would contract out my services to the US government and law enforcement, and other governments could benefit from the help of a super powered individual.

I'd refuse the contract when they asked me to do something I'd disagree with, otherwise I'd try to respect democracy.

Hopefully, I'd be doing more disaster relief than crime fighting though.

Why would you beat villains up? What purpose does that serve? Killing in self-defense or to stop a crime makes sense, and is what Golden Age superheroes did all the time, but just beating people up for the sake of it? Literally pointless.

What's the powerset?

But OP made the distinction.

Depends on power, but would just mainly use them to improve my life.

I'd kill the bad people and save the good people.
Is that enough?

If there are villains that are repeatedly killing people like the Joker for example, I'd put them down if I had the power to do so

Ultimately if you keep them alive and they keep on killing people, in the end you're just as bad because you want end that person to save millions.

Fly to Germany, remove kebab, begin 4th Reich.

No crimefighting. Just accidents, disaster relief, charity projects (habitats for humanity could use a few flying bricks), and routine patrols focused on aiding citizens and keeping people safe out of trouble (flying people home if they get caught in a bad part of town at night, making sure young drunks have a DD, etc.) Eventually, I'd hope to become a local icon of good will and civic responsibility, inspiring people to take a more involved role in their community in a way that will have a greater net impact than beating up thugs like an edgy teenager.

Oh shit a criminal! better call the police. Then proceed to use super power for leisure and profit. Might also participate in some scientific studies to further the understanding of all mankind.

I'm sure there's a market for super sticky polymers. also to escape boring staff meeting unnoticed.

Are you getting a little hard when you think of these things? Admit it, you are.

In Arizona you can execute criminals even if they're diagnosed paranoid schizophrenics


>people who deserve to die
>Petty bureaucrats
>in a way I personally find distasteful
> parents

I think you can remove that "probably" from "probably be a villain" because holy shit you sound like the kind of guy who stabs a colleague with a pen for storing cheese in the communal fridge. i'd advise not to get superpowers but maybe some therapy. I'm sure you mean well, but that kind of aggression isn't healthy.

they'd call you... Iranian Justice

Citizen, you and I should talk.

I'd be incredibly selfish. I'd do my best to protect the people I care about but otherwise I'd be pretty apathetic to crime in general.


Real hero material. You will receive a radioactive spider or blessed artifact in the mail within the next two weeks.

Only kill terrorists or if it is the absolutely, only way to save someone how is immediately in danger.

No killing. I don't have that in me.

Around me, no one dies. I'd go full Spider-man.

Punishment as befits the crime. Petty crooks get a scare for their first offense, a beating afterward. Hardcore criminals get a hardcore beating. Don't bother handing them off to cops, vigilantes won't sit well with juries. Unrepentant killers and repeat hardcore offenders get an expedited death penalty to relieve the stress on taxpayers

>Save lives
>Stop crimes in process
>If a villain is mentally unwell try to help them, talk to them and what not, not just throw them into an asylum.
>Focus on helping others, ensuring that their days go a bit smoother.
>Will stop the 'big shot' villains like Lex and the Kingpin but never go after them unless I catch them doing something illegial or have to foil their plans.
>If I have super powers like intelligence or whatnot, use them to create a company whose primary source of employment is the desperate criminals who need a way to look after their families or military veterans who can't get a job.
>If I create a company, when I get enough money start up a charity fund to help supply the homeless with food and shelter

>protect those who can't protect themselves
>never give them a reason to turn on you
>always give service with a smile
>never scare the civilians
>women and children first
>do right by others and hope they'll do right by you
>keep things lighthearted, and when they have to get serious, remember why you'e doing this
>nobody is beyond redemption, nobody has to die, nobody has to suffer
>inspire people to be there for each other by being there for them
>more problems can be solved with words than fists


>No killing
>Allways use as much force as is necesary to aprehand criminals, no more or less.
>Minimize collateral damage and civilian casualties
>Work through proper channels wherever possible
Basically this.

Honestly I'd leave the petty crime to the regular cops, and only take on the really difficult ones and ones with superpowers involved that are too much for the police to handle.

Now, when dealing with these types, I'd basically approach it like police do (or should. Not here to debate how well they stick to their rules). Bring them in alive and as unhurt as possible, being mindful of such things as excessive force, etc. But if their resistance is enough that they pose an active threat to even my super-powered life, or an active threat to nearby people that I can't prevent otherwise, then I'm perfectly comfortable bringing lethal force into the equation.

Repeat offenders would get treated with fewer kid gloves.

I mean, all the top scientific minds in Marvel are into superheroics, so even the career-minded Parker would probably do some super-heroing just to network.

How about cutting off faces?

>Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men
>The Shadow knows

>If you cut a face lengthwise, urinate on it, and trample on it with straw
sandals, it is said the skin will come off. The was heard by the priest
Gyojaku when he was in Kyoto. It is information to be treasured.

the NAP.

>Then I realized what man was

Completely depends how powerful I am in this situation. If I'm street level, then I guess I would only kill if my life was on the line. Rest of the time I'd do my best to apprehend the crook without killing them, non violently if possible. If I'm Superman-teir, no killing at all, hardly any violence. I just kinda show up, scold them like a stern father, and fly them to the police.

My morals would be close to the Punisher's with one major difference: Killing and torturing major criminals family is a-ok especially mafioso pieces of shit who think they're untouchable

I mean, you could do all of that right now without super powers.

>This post

18+ website kid

forgot my pic

Assuming that the law has been readjusted to accompany vigilante justice:

>Non-violent crime
Apprehend with the minimum amount of force necessary. Chat with criminal and inquire about what drove them to this while we wait for the police to arrive.

>violent crime
Will not hesitate to engage in a fight, but will avoid any lethal weapons or powers. Will try to avoid excessive damage.

>Murder/life or death situations
No kid gloves, will kill on the spot if lives are in direct danger. If the authorities charge me with murder I will go peacefully and await trial. No kill rules are nice in some stories, but even a small amount of realism shows that they aren't totally viable nor morally justifiable. If it's one violent criminal's life weighed against the lives of innocents, it's pretty obvious what the right call is there. Might not be a nice call, but being a hero isn't always nice. You have to make sacrifices.

That would strongly depend on what I can actually do.
Skillset can makes things easier or harder.


I'd be Man of Murder. I'd take Sup Forums's beliefs to their logical conclusions and see what kind of world it creates.

Found the progressive liberal.


>SS Flash
I'd be down for that.

I wouldnt kill or even seriously injure, killing puts you on their level, and causing serious harm would leave tax payers fucked, if be like a super world aid kinda deal, help in disasters, fix housing/education/hospital/ basic needs problems around the world and think globally, i dont think id be running around catching gangbangers in the states much, more like finding and disarming mass weapons and stopping global conflicts and helping those who just need help, id even start my own kinda organization of people who want to do the less dangerous work to help out

I fucking love Nazi villains. They have a special brand of shameless arrogance that you just don't find anywhere else.

I don't think you have the balls to kill anyone, there's already plenty of villains in the world hurting people and ruining lives and all people who claim this kind of morality end up doing is killing innocents if they ever gather the courage to do anything.

Probably just kill em. Especially if I had something like the venom symbiote that wouldn't leave traceable DNA evidence behind. With the symbiote especially I'd use it to shapeshift and play the victim so that muggers or rapists or whoever would target me and then I'd turn the tables and kill them. Maybe let one live every so often so that they could spread the word of targets turning into monsters, possibly scaring off muggers from random citizens in the future.

Minimal force on low/no threat thugs.

Maximum lethal force towards anyone who could pose a threat to me. Not for selfish reasons, but because assuming I'm pretty powerful (hence SUPER hero) then anyone will ill intentions and significant power could be a walking WMD. Therefore if they were a threat to me, it would be irresponsible to risk my own defeat, and the subsequent jeopardy of civies, to risk not killing them.

I'd create two Superhero personalities.

One is a public, with Superman type morals, i.e. lethal force only when there is no other option.

Then create a Batman/monster/punisher persona that goes after scum like corp execs and polititians, and corrupt and powerful fuckers who hide behind the system. Maybe burn a prison down every now and again to keep the plebs fearful.

I'd be a villain to nonwhites and their white allies, but I'd be a hero to many.

I wonder what memes would be made of me.

Killing and incarceration are up to the judicial system when it comes to normal criminals. Supers who willingly maim, destroy, kill,or just be a dick for the lulz are put down like rabit dogs.

It depends on how powerful I am. If I was Superman tier, then I'd go full Injustice by way of Sup Forums.

If I was lower tier I'd probably just racially profile criminals.

Kill them flat out

What happens if/when the government comes after you? And what tier superhero will you be and what superpowers will you have?

My morals:

No one gets killed unless they're a severe imminent threat to civilians or loved ones.

If they find out my secret identity, they've got to go.

Regular thugs just get beaten up. Villains get beaten up and locked up. The main problem would be how to deal with corrupt politicians or Luthor types that realize they can't physically beat you so resort to smearing your name and hiring others to kill you.

Patrol the neighborhood after work and during the weekends but I take a couple days a week off to myself, lest I get so mentally stressed that I break down.

Altruism would be the name of the game in regards to civilians. If I become popular, I'll use my populist influence to advocate for policies that I think would benefit people.

Depends how many pictures get taken of you.

Didn't take long for someone to post "kill da niggers lol" at all

Kill anyone caught murdering, raping etc.
Maim the violent
Crush the bones of the cruel

Lolhahaomgsokinotumblr anonusofunei