Does anyone talk about red she hulk?

Does anyone talk about red she hulk?

She should grow Harpy wings

she was forcibly depowered by banner prior to his loss of hulk powers and subsequent death. betty has yet to be used since, im not even sure if she showed up following banners death

inb4 that one page where Hulk bangs Red She-Hulk

Her book was bland. It had Machine Man though, so that's a plus



She was at Bruce's funeral and was one of the people in his will.

She visited Jen in the hospital and her father in prison

Is that the mother fucking Orb?


Yeah, Original Sin gave him his moment in the spotlight.

They fucked.

I get that, it seems to have been done for a reason other than procreation or pleasure.

I never expected to see him ever again.

No, it was pleasure.

No one cares about her because Green SheHulk is better.

Bump smash

she was literally able to physically take anything he could dish out and there was no incest vibe attached.

also she's blatantly over-aggressive. I'm guessing cow-girl.

shitty McGuiness art makes her not sexy

Red She Hulk is Betsy not Jenn

>"smarter, stronger version of Jen Walters"
>proceeds to use "ironic" incorrectly


She was cool in fraction Defenders.


>bites your face off


She was in that Fallen one shot tie in.




>Not "Dammit Goyer!"
You had one job Cho.

Yes Jason Aaron will put the Orb in every book he writes!

Let's see, I think this arc was Jason Aaron's where he wrote Hulk and Banner separated. Prior to those panels, Banner was trying desperately to turn back into the Hulk with no luck and was going literally Dr. Moreau kind of mad. He also felt that Betty/Red She-Hulk no longer liked him because he no longer had a Hulk dick.

Long story short, the Hulk here is actually separated from Banner, and he's technically cucking Banner by rage fucking Red She-Hulk. That Amanda chick Hulk talks about is Victor Von Doom's...daughter? And Amanda was a bit of a Hulk fetishist. She really really really wanted that Hulk dick through the entire story.