Fist of the B0rf Star II: Episode 6


Surely Sup Forums hasn't lost interest in this already.

he should go back to using 80's anime OSTs.

I'm not well versed on newspaper comics characters. Who was the pig? And I was thinking the duck was Mallard Fillmore or something but I guess I'm wrong there too.

Orson and Wade are from US Acres, Jim Davis's other comic that nobody talks about because it's fucking awful. 100% of people who know about it, know about it from Garfield And Friends.

>correct spelling
Actually mad


He should go back to using MS Paint.

who's the guy in the car and what did orson crush in his hand?

Mark Trail and Spiderman's mask.

That kind of annoyed me. He kills Spider-Man but we don't even see it.

They're not dead til we see a body. And this is fucking spiderman, he's been crushed by cars before.

Pure Kino.

Weirdly enough I found the farm segments more entertaining than the garfield ones.

The new art is fucking shit

They weren't bad.

The comic itself is trash though. Take Garfield and then remove everything good about it, but keep all of the flaws, and then try to rip off Peanuts as hard as you can, and you have US Acres.

Didn't expect Orson to be a bad guy

Or alive. I expected him to be good but it turned out that Garfield killed him, explaining why the rest of the US Acres serve Garfield willingly

Arts fucking trash.
Still hyped tho

I don't recall that dog and cat

the cat's name is Blue and the dog's name is Cody

they were left out of Garfield and Friends because CBS thought kids would be confused at why they could speak and Garfield and Odie couldn't

Is that a piece of Spidey's fucking face he crushes.

I had to look at the channel title to make sure this wasn't a knockoff

What happened to the ms paint? And did he actually spell Garfield right? It's weird to not have to decipher what the fuck "gramfilf" is supposed to mean