What if the Sonichu took place in the DC universe?

What if the Sonichu took place in the DC universe?

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More importantly, how would Chris and Sonichu get along with the Justice League?

I would pay to see the joker go wild in CWCville

What if Superboy-Prime was Chris?

Would Joker even want to? Everything is already so topsy turvy in CWCville that there wouldn't be any point to him bringing his chaos there.

>ChrisChan and Sonichu become the new super heros of DC
>They have a warped sense of justice and are more like villains then heros
>The Justice League along with a few others fight Chris and Sonichu because they became major threats real quick
>Chris chan is imprisoned and Sonichu is trapped in some space jail or dead

I am thinking alternative earth here, one of the unexplored earths from the new 52, Chris being the ruler of his own little world and Sonichu being its greatest Hero

Can someone please explain the whole "But during the stone age..." thing please? Yes, I know it's a line from the comic. But what I want to know is what the fuck is Chris trying to reference or whatever the fuck?

>Cavemen are dumb and need to be told things twice.
>Cavemen live in the stone edge.
>Ergo, if you were telling me in the stone edge, I'd be a caveman and thus so dumb you'd have to tell me twice.

>Chris has to power to manipulate reality with his "imagination"
>its limited to his universe though
>entire universe only exists that way because Chris wants it to be like that
>he is unaware of his powers, his adventures are subconsciously created by him and he just rolls with it
>bringing him to any other earth would make him snap out of his fantasy world, thus destroying the universe where he originally came from

Spend hours trolling chris

>Chris is about to get killed by some low level thug while in prison.
>Chris curse-ye-hame-has the fuck out of him.
>Some of the other major player villains take note of this.
>Manipulate Chris into becoming their muscle with bullshit accusations, like "The Justice League is full of male homosexuals." or "Catwoman would totally fuck you if you kill Batman".

The Greeks couldn't have written a sadder tragedy than CWC

I see the logic in it. But for a joke that is dumb as hell.

It's written by Chris, you expect otherwise?

What if Sonichu was written by Morrison?

Chris achieved CHIM?

Sonichu is unironically more meta than anything Moore could ever dream of writing. So meta that it's scary.

>They never follow up on their deals with results with Chris trying to backstab them
>it always ends with him getting knocked and sent back to prison because all he can is the cure-ye-hame-ha and beyond that is just a human

Imagine there's an entire arc where chris chan becomes his sonic OC form and is the prime baddie

he'd annoy wonder women to be his boyfriend free girlfriend

>Chris achieved CHIM?
Well according to current canon he's a hermaphrodite god-king with power over everything.

Nah, Chris is OP. He basically has any power he wants to have at the time. Also, he has precognition.

Greek tragic heroes are people with mostly good traits but one fatal flaw. Chris is a person with mostly fatal flaws. The Greeks would have thought him to be unrealistic.

Sonichu is probably the ultimate argument against death of the author.

Not unless we're considering young Chris entering the sonic contest to be the start of the story. That's basically when his life started to spiral out of control.

His life was fucked anyway, his parents refused to get him the help he needed.

and yet he can' see that taking expired female hormones wont make a him a woman and a his guiche piercing hated him so much it rejected him just like his mother should have.

That, or the Christopher -> Christian thing with the animation bear which gave him a new identity.

WTF is this. Did ChrisChan pay someone to do actual competent art for Sonichu?

Or was some drawfag here just having a giggle?

>he becomes the lead editor of CWCpedia
>he becomes fat and lazy and obsessed with Chris
>he's driven sane from how much time he spends talking about him

Make it happen DC.

>just like his mother should have.

Didn't she threaten to kill him when he came out as trans?

Someone recreated issue 0 of Sonichu, but drawn well.

It was an actually talented person who redid issue 0.

Anyone got a link? Because I wanna see that shit. That's too fucking funny.

should have smothered him at the first signs he was turning into fat mental fuck that makes a hikkomori look like a perfectly normal person.


Or just let the school put him into a special needs class until he was ready to actually join society.

That's not really drawn by him is it? Did he actually draw so much crap he got good?

>Broadcasts across all of CWCville "JUUUULAAAAAYYYY".

>Replaces all the outfits in CWCville with pickle costumes.

>Gets some magic based character to give Rosechu a penis.

No, Chris is the only artist who actually got worse the more he drew.

Christ no.

The sad thing is, I'd actually want to read this with a cover like that.. Deep down I am truly autistic.


Holy shit this is amazing.

Like obviously the concept is still austit-fanfic at its worst.

And the script is fucked.

But the art actually makes it fun.

Did... did I just enjoy Sonichu?

Check out Rosechu's story.

I'll just storytime it here.

Yes please

>Did... did I just enjoy Sonichu?

You mean you didn't enjoy the original? That shit is interesting, it's literally the world through the eyes of someone with no accountability.

Just in case
>She's still alive

>mfw I love sonichu now

Jesus christ ... did someone make sonichu fan fiction?

So he becomes Null?



>You mean you didn't enjoy the original? That shit is interesting, it's literally the world through the eyes of someone with no accountability.
I guess I enjoyed it because of what it was; the literal ramblings of an autistic person.

But with good art it was almost actually interesting.



So any happenings regarding Chris since the "injury that shall not be named"?

this is unironically good


Since Chris turned into a woman woman he'd probably fit in more with Marvel stories :^)

Just constant bitching about the election really.

Not even they'd sink this low.

Thread theme

Chirs would probrably be Section 8 main villain and not even they would take him serious



It wasn't growing fast enough, so Chris carved deeper into the wound with a knife. Trolls from ED got pissed and forced him to go to a doctor and now he's all better. Chris has also declared that Donald Trump isn't the president of the United States.



Whether President Trump will go to war over CWCville's apparent declaration of secession is still in question.



>Chris has also declared that Donald Trump isn't the president of the United States
Oh, well now that that's taken care of.


I also like the implied bestiality here.


>You can have him




An early look at Chris' belief that backwards name=evil.


This becomes so much easier to read if you imagine Chris being canonically an omnipotent god





This is the same face the Zapdos made in the original.


Friendly reminder that in Sonichu canon Mike Pence hanged Donald Trump. Afterwards Marge Simpson threw Mike Pence in jail for beating Hillary.

That's all they did, which is too bad because the insanity really starts shortly after this.

call me an autist if you wish but i like the idea of Sonic having electric attacks

Vivec doesn't have CHIM, though. Vivec just lied and manipulates shit to make himself look better even though everyone kinda knows he's the biggest shithead of the tribunal. Sotha Sil was the only chill one. Vivec just used a Dragonbreak and the Heart to rewrite shit.

>this whole post
Is Chris making comics again? Please tell me he is.

No, he made a video where he was playing with legos, but he references the Sonichu series, which makes it canon. (starts at 2:50) youtube.com/watch?v=IVJBoE8fAE4&t=7s

Sauce on him saying that Trump isn't the president. youtube.com/watch?v=QPVOyfwiGf8&t=1s

He is making voodoo to try to make Pence kill Trump and then go forsuicide, stalking his old friends for apologies, making fake shiny pokemons photos to get attention on facebook and he even currently triyng to make a skylander OC merchandise projected that was a way to scan money from his fans

The last Skylanders had a phone app that allows you to create and share your character on the Skylanders website and then order a 3D printed statue of such avatar (you know, that amiibo thing) . Crhis created a let's play channel ("Let's play" in silent because he don't know how to use a microphone) where he plays the game with his new tranny-angel-anime-girl OC (Not sonichu related, because this would be smart).

Chris brillant scheme works like this: "Chris is saying 'watch my blue haired character fight in this video, and then pay me to order some merchandise of it through the app'. He says he is not using the app's 'Chirp' feature because 'Chirp' is a way of transferring and sharing his creation. Doing so would let people order his character directly, cutting Chris out of the loop and whatever price hike he has in mind."

>I still don't have the slightest clue about any if this shit means
all I know is that it's made by an autist...

>>Tails touching

>Chris-chan is mantling Vivec, who is mantling Mephala