Kubo Thread

Is Kubo's BAFTA win a pity prize?

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Forgot I never watched this, thanks user.

anything laika is a pity prize

If it ain't an Oscar then what's the point



I rather wait for Laika's next film than feeling sad about Kubo

So who won the Oscar then?

It hasn't happened yet.

Why would it be a point? Disney cannot lose since you're not required to see movies in the category, and past interviews with voters showed most just voted Disney or the one they remembered seeing commercials for since they had no respect for the category.

HOLY SHIT!!! Thanks for posting those Kubo clips user. I am in awe at the animation, the character designs, and the sheer spectacle of the movie. Definitely going to watch this movie. Kubo definitely deserved the BAFTA. I hope it wins the Oscar, too. Fuck Zootopia and Moana.

be honest, would you have taken up the grandfather's offer?


They literally made that category up so they don't to embarrass Disney by being the only big studio with no relevant Oscars. That category is basically "Disney pity prize" on itself

actually they made the category up so they could give Shrek an oscar

I thought they made it after Beauty and the Beast actually made the nomination for Best Picture (since all animated movies could get before was a "special", not-regimented award) and people went all "what, a cartoon in my serious prizes? Not on my watch!" and made an Oscar so all animated movies could safely be dropped there.

no, it was made much later than that

they did it because they didn't want a repeat of Beauty and the Beast with Shrek

You're aware than those same guys pick what movies get nominated right? It's not like Trump calls them and tell to choose among these movies to give the Oscar or something. The picked the Beauty and the Beast because it was good enough to be there but couldn't compete with serious movies because Disney doesn't make serious movies.

But they make serious money so they made up that cateogry so they could win every year something and that's that.

the category was a long time coming, the only reason it didn't exist earlier was because there weren't enough studios producing and distributing animated movies in america until dreamworks and pixar really got into the game. rules are that the category will not be included unless there are at least 8 eligible films released in a year.

also believe it or not, disney proper only has 2 oscars for best animated. pixar has 8 though.

Disney and Pixar are the same thing

This year it's so clear that Zootopia is going to win that I wouldn't even show up if I was Knight

you'd have to be autistic to believe anything a pale, old guy tells you.

Do I get to /ss/ with them?

>Disney and Pixar are the same thing
They weren't for awhile, and not during the particular time period under discussion, I believe.

disney owns pixar now this is true, but originally pixar was a separate company and disney just handled their distribution. the success of toy story cemented pixar's place in animation, and with dream works producing several 2d animated films prior to shrek, disney finally had competition. this lead to the creation of the best animated category since academy bigwigs finally figured it'd be worth it.

also frankly even though disney owns pixar now, they're still separate companies in a lot of ways. disney even constantly poaches pixar's people with better deals, which is why disney's movies have been getting better overall in recent years.

woops, forgot about antz too, dreamworks was really just aggressively throwing stuff at the wall to see what stuck since at the time disney was starting to decline out of the renaissance and dreamworks wanted to take their place.

>The picked the Beauty and the Beast because it was good enough to be there but couldn't compete with serious movies because Disney doesn't make serious movies.

And what counts for a "serious" movie exactly? I'm genuinely curious of what you mean by this.

These two were some top tier designs

Shit like that "Manchester by the Sea" stuff like that I guess

I don't see what Sup Forums loves in this movie. It looks like generic CGI stuff to me.

Damn right Manchester by the Sea is a good example, it was great.

I meant movies appealing to mature audiences more than little girls. Something with good characterization (even to the point that the movie can be carried on the characters alone, that is, no plot), artistic ambition, real human emotions and ideas, you know, shit like that. Good movies as they are called.

Disney is fun but has little to nothing to brag about in this particular department


Clearly Kubo doesn't have the right mindset to be an immortal moon asshole so I don't find fault in is choice

But my life is unsatisfying, 1/3 over with already, and I'm ill suited to thrive in human society anyway. I can't think of a single downside to becoming an immortal moon asshole, except maybe I'd miss looking at things since I'd be magicblind or whatever.

>I meant movies appealing to mature audiences more than little girls. Something with good characterization (even to the point that the movie can be carried on the characters alone, that is, no plot), artistic ambition, real human emotions and ideas, you know, shit like that. Good movies as they are called.

So like Beauty and the Beast then? What about Disney is enough to completely discard an entire medium and segregate it? Even if you completely ignore Disney, there's still plenty of animated movies being made that have all of you described and more

Opposite actually. BAFTA's have been seeing more of an indication of the Oscar results than the Globes the past few years. It's thrown a spanner in betting sites this morning because the BAFTAs have that effect and because the voting is closer to the event than the Globes, you get a lot more changed minds. Especially since buzz and word of mouth can change minds quick post globes.

Zootopia will still be the favorite, but Kubo has an underdog chance.

Nah, Moana is gonna win, released closer to the ceremony, "look how cool our minority is" the movie.

it will prove Oscars for animation is a fucking joke, again, and for good

>"look how cool our minority is" the movie.

Not everything is a conspiracy, you goddamn Sup Forums-tard.

After seeing "making of" Zootropolis I'm not so sure anymore, if you rewatchbrecent Disney movies(animated and others) you'll notice a pattern.Besides Consider the Coconut.

Y'know, I feel like Monkey presented a rather colored-out story, and the whole conflict was more about a typical father-daughter issue with Kubo and his dad being caught in the crossfire. In which case I don't think it mattered whether Kubo accepted his grandfather's offer or not, because the whole plot was effectively solved when his mother "died" the first time.

What was even Disney's movie that won? The big dinosaur?
They don't deserve half their prices

>They literally made that category up so they don't to embarrass Disney by being the only big studio with no relevant Oscars. That category is basically "Disney pity prize" on itself

Actually, no.

They made the category because some people had an outrageous over Toy Story being nominated for some Oscars. The complain was that giving it to a animation was a disrespect to "real" actors.

The Oscars have lost all credibility as of late. It shouldn't take a higher place above other awards. Especially so when it comes to the Animated Movie category where the committee clearly dont give a shit and award anything that has either Pixar or Disney stamped on it.

Not really, because it wasn't just a father-daughter conflict. It was about a sad old man believing he was above others, and couldn't understand why anyone would actively choose to be human. He wanted Kubo because it would've been a validation of his beliefs. He thought Kubo would blind himself to the bright side of humanity like he did.

>The complain was that giving it to a animation was a disrespect to "real" actors

That seems more believable then what this jackoff posted, but it's still ridiculous. It's not like "real actors" can't be in those kinds of movies either, hell, most prefer if they do.

>So like Beauty and the Beast then?

lol no

And Disney isn't the entire medium but the award was created so Disney could have their pity prize. This year I think they've nominated Doctor Strange for some other bullshit award but Disney will never be a contender for the relevant ones.

Not because it's animation but because it's basically toy commercials

>if you rewatchbrecent Disney movies(animated and others) you'll notice a pattern.

if you're autistic, yes, you'll notice a pattern. most people will realize that disney is doing what they've been doing for the past several decades.

I don't pay mind to the Oscars.

It's all politics, baby!

>caring about awards

>Film 5
Is it Wildwood or something original?

>Not because it's animation but because it's basically toy commercials

I didn't know Studio Ghibli made toy commercials.

Hopefully, Zootopia will fuck Shitskin "Feel the Ethnic" Moana just like it fucked Finding Faggot Dory in the box office.

Moana must fail if Zootopia is to survive.

You're just a furfag, fag.

Zootopia is objectively better, no amount of weeabooing, MUH FURRIES or contrarian nonsense is going to change that.

I agree that Zootopia was the better animated film overall in 2016, but why are Zootopiafags so obnoxious about it?

Is this just how furries are?

Not really.

except BAFTA is an actual respectable award and not just an extension of hollywood marketing

so they acted like FMF?

well, maybe it's just one guy who does this for the lulz, but they still have /trash/ threads, It can't be helped.
i REALLY adored Zootopia because it was gorgeous and funny, but when i knew more about it I NOPE'd the out of there.Still, good movie "wasted potential" as some say. but for a reason.