ITT: Your favorite Sup Forums sight gags

ITT: Your favorite Sup Forums sight gags

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Goddamn I forgot about that.

That's a hat that would put TF2's inventory to shame.

Flannel that's just a single large pattern in the background and the shirt is just a transparency. Mostly because i remember that blowing my little brat mind when i first saw that

Didn't Chowder do that with almost all the clothes people wore?




Almost everything in the last season of Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law

I liked the gag but it bugged me how his hat was normal in his early appearences

Was Doug Dimadome meant to be a metaphor for Donald Trump? They can't use his name directly.

trump isn't the only rich asshole in existence, user. At that time he was irrelevant. Doug is just supposed to be some morally dubious millionaire.

Does Trump own a stadium?

trumps hair looks like toothpaste

I don't think I've ever seen something too this.


no he was always a parody of the "rich wouthern white gentleman" trope, more specifically the "texan oil tycoon" type.

donald is your classic east coast real estate mogul.

Hey, you're not giving don enough credit. He's at least the "corrupt money laundering villain" type by now.

Doug reminds me of the rich guy from Northern Exposure

Okay, this one is amazing.

>he won't even try losing gracefully

The best thing about their constant battles with sign makers is that none of the characters ever actually acknowledge it beyond what ends up on the signs.

love it


trumps hair looks like many things

>guaranteed replies in the 4chans

>horse pussy

Yup. When I was younger I thought it was a really cool effect, but now that I think about it, it was probably just a way to save time.

>I don't think I've ever seen something too this.

Huhu Sike!


And Sup Forums wonders why we think they're underage.

I always assumed it was Ted Turner


It took me a second to figure out what you were trying to write.

it's psych btw

It was actually pretty stylistic, the creator talks about it in this podcast, he headed harvey beaks too

Sup Forumsmblr

Do you have "Lowe's But Like An Animal One Or something"?

t. spicer

Almost all of this episode

>Vicky has 5 o'clock shadow



I love it when they use this gag and they make a little article about a another prevous gag/subplot. I can't think of any particula example right now though.

I LOVED that Ico reference!

>post stupid unrelated trump memes in a sight gag thread
>get called out
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman


>bear patrol step up it's game

I bought that shirt! But mine's white, so I don't feel right wearing it. Wish I'd spent the few bucks extra to correct that.

are those OC's or from a show ?


My guess is it would be from the FoP movie Channel Chasers
>tfw no vicktator gf

Yep, channel chasers. It was back when FoP wasn't shit.

Most of the parodies are pretty entertaining, except the dragonball one, its kinda eeh (plus the constant "ITS SUPER VIOLENT" touting gets annoying).

Channel Chasers is easily the best FOP episode of all time. The Boy Who Would Be Queen is second.

The best part about it is that it would have been the proper ending

kys fag

>hurr is this rich asshole character trump?
>hurr I must Sup Forums post somehow hurr
Suck a cock



I thought of him more of a Jerry Jones type except not an idiot.

Seriously underrated show.

>kids look like they could come from either of Timmy's major love interests

The absolute perfect way to handle that situation.

Seriously? You don't even need to go outside his cabinet to find a better example. He's even got a name which is just as cartoonish

I legit love this.

Yeah, it's called America.


I swear to god between this show and South Park, the mundane / benign jokes are so much better than the vulgar ones.
Although Drawn Together did word play better than any show I've seen. Shame it's over

I get that reference




Does anyone have the "Nude headless corpse" newspaper from The Critic?

Wallace and Gromit films had plenty of sight gags, from obvious ones in Curse of the Were-Rabbit's church scene, to audio visual gag in this contraptions short:
> Something for the weekend, sir?

Butters had a higher kill count than everyone on the show combined.
Cartman BTFO

t. The Eternal Trixiefag.

>A Animal


Any GIF of Butters' tap-dancing disaster? That was some Final Destination-tier murder.

Vulgarity can of course be funny, but it's also and easy to get lazy with.

someone needs to get fired

>Master Shake throws something on the ground, which then explodes

>Squidward slams into the ground, and then explodes

earliest example I remember is the offbeats from kablaam



I have never seen this but if there isn't an obligatory Hogan's Heroes reference in that camp I will be upset.

>Edna Krabappoly

>"I hope I don't get sued for this"
It really is.


>This is a sword!


I just love how when Burns made the model, he also made Smithers look freaked the fuck out. He knows he wants to torture Smithers even after he's dead.