Will it be good?

Will it be good?

There's a decent chance but ultimately it depends on whether editorial fucks it up for not


>falling for the "Spencer is bad because he said something that hurt my feelings on twitter!" meme
wew lad

no, the only good thing he did was Superior Foes and Ant Man, everything else has been trash. He only does comedy

>Will it be good?
>Marvel's bringing in an entire team of artists to make sure all the issues go out and they just get this over with.

Spencer is a good writer, he's just a bad person. Have to divorce the person from the professional output.

>Let's Just Get This Over With: The Event

I'm glad Brooks is getting some high profile covers out of this tho

Marvel events are never good

The Fix is great, Captain Hydra has been a fun ride, and Standoff was good. Beyond that, there was nothing wrong with Avengers World other than the focus and pacing being all over the place by design. What comics of his were "trash"? THUNDER Agents? UXM? Bedlam? Morning Glories? What about those made them "trash"?

you fags also said Fraction was good

Between Civil War II and Secret Wars, I'm perfectly happy with them going the "let's just get this over with" route when it comes to events. Fuck having "summer" events lasting until the next year.

He was. He just got too far up his own ass the second he had any success and that affected the quality of his output.

But Spencer wrote a Marvel event that was fine (Avengers Standoff).

Isn't this 10 months long?

That was a family crossover, not a linewide event

I don't think Spencer is a bad person, but something made him go insane in the past year. Like, the response to Captain Falcon and Captain Hydra really got to him.

No. It's double-shipping with 5 different artists to keep the schedule. CWII and SW got delayed to hell and back because they only had one artist working on them and they couldn't keep up.

>something made him go insane in the past year
Him and everyone else in the world.

Probably, but everyone will crap on it for being
A: Hydra glorifying
B. Event Fatigue

>Between Civil War II and Secret Wars, I'm perfectly happy with them going the "let's just get this over with" route when it comes to events.
It's 10 issues long, so they're not in some kind of rush mode for events overall. The reason they're in "let's get this over with" mode is, if rumor is to be believed, they're basically going pull the Marvel Rebirth stunt but they're too in deep with the politicized Captain Hydra run to change course now. This has undoubtedly ruffled Spencer, since he's been shitting on Rebirth and the meat-and-potatoes approach for months and it likely prompted his newest anti-DC outburst late last week.

Probably not. Spencer is decent when playing in his own little corner like in Ant-Man, a sizeable chunk of his Cap run, creator-owned stuff, etc.

Where he frequently fails is with these big line-wide-affecting stories. For reference, see Utlimate X-Men.

>linewide affecting story
The closest thing to a linewide affecting story that Spencer has had was Standoff, which was good.


all he have is hope

whats your opinion on captain hydra then?