Are you expecting a satisfying ending for this television series? Also what do you expect will happen?

Are you expecting a satisfying ending for this television series? Also what do you expect will happen?

I love incest porn but none of my family is hot

given the current state of the plot, I'm not sure how a satisfying ending is possible
any ideas?

jon gotta stab dany for reasons so he can get the Excalibur and sacrifice himself to kill the night king. somehow they will have had a daughter and she will become queen of westeros and peace will spread accross the realm

I said many years ago that the librarian fatso is going to sit on the iron throne, and that every main character will die or fade away somehow, we're like 75% of the way there and I'm still on track

this has been patently obvious from the beginning, why else would they continue following him, in a story where every interesting character dies quickly

if it's not him, it will be someone equally plot-irrelevant

Only thing I can think of is that there's a grand revelation about the white walkers and they get to decide the fate of Westeros. But I suppose they'll continue to be brainless death monsters while we get a retarded romance plot between Dany and Jon, and Missandei and Grey Worm, and probably in both one of them dies tragically in the other's arms.

It would have to be a premature baby, because The Long Night won't last for 9 months.

Reminder The Hooded Man is actually Robb Stark reborn having warged into Jeyne Westerling's womb.

In just 6 episodes? No. Everything wil be rushed and they'll still put in stupid shit that we don't need for no reason.

D and D could get cancer and both die within the next year and the show never gets completed. That would be pretty satisfying.

He's just a plot device to move jon's story forward. Jon can't be everywhere at once so they needed someone to keep him informed while he's off out fighting shit
maybe he wasn't always like that but that's certainly what he became

this show is garbage and has never been good

nah because it's time for a batshit Targaryan (I'm not looking up the fucking spelling bite me)

Nigger I just want an ending at this point

If this turns into a feminist iron throne I’ll drop it

6 episodes left? it's doable, but episode 1 needs to be a massive holocaust event that kills everyone but 3 major characters, this way everyone gets appropriate screentime

I heard from a reliable source that they're introducing the rest of the sand snakes and they're doing a heroic rescue mission for Ellaria. This will be the sole content of the first three episode.

elaborate, fag

Night King is killed, popular character ends up on the throne, a few characters hook and at least one popular character dies in the final battle.
The series has become too cliche to do anything different.

95% of characters at this point have suffered this fate, to either Jon or Dany. The other 5% are nothing more than plot devices for Cersei's story


They're spending a fortune on each episode. I expect it will be a great spectacle, unprecedented in tv history and will be talked about for years and years until a bigger series comes around (maybe in 8 or 9 years or so).
If you're expecting some genius writing from DnD then you'll be disappointed.
I expect Grrm will regret the fact that the series will spoil the book ending without at least doing it justice.

That pasta where tyrone says quip about jon & dany while name dropping the shows/book name

More whore your wine?


I dont have that many hopes but I mean,can they fuck up the rest of the cast worse than they did to Jaime,Arya or Littlefinger?

I though he was in greyw

who's the hooded man?

hes actually a jew

More BOAAAR your whore?

sounds gay


I don't like things that are popular, now go fuck yourself

Guy who Theon meets in Winterfell when Ramsey takes it over during Dance. It's either Robb or Benjen

God, I created way to many of these and helped start Bobby posting cause one guy asked for it.

>Are you expecting a satisfying ending for this television series?

>Also what do you expect will happen?
NK will be destroyed. End of the only interesting story arch.

>Cersei dies at the hand of Jaime
>Sansa remains as Lady of Winterfell
>Jon and Daenerys become King and Queen, share Iron Throne between them
>Samwell becomes Grand Maester
>Arya transitions from FtM
>Tyrion remains the hand
>Jaime becomes the King's Guard, has a wank with his metal hand

Reminder Sam actually lied about why he was sent to the wall.

The whole show is revealed to be an elaborate schene by Ramsey to fuck with Theon

>Arya transitions from FtM
that thing has a gender?


>Jon stands next to the Iron Throne
>Daenerys sitting in Iron Throne
>Jon leans in
>"Turns out"
>"It was a Game of Thrones after all"
>Fade to black

It already has friendo

Arya transitions and marries her sweet fat friend Podrick who bakes pies like a good wife

Didn't Cersei already say Game of Throne in the 1st season?

That's not Podrick, that Hotpie. Podrick is the guy with Brienne

They way that they lazily brought everyone together toward a common goal tells me that it’s gonna be some happy ever after bullshit. Jaime is gonna kill Cersei when she goes mad, and Jon and Dany are going to rule the world and bring peace. Oh, and when they kill the king of the dead, there will be no more winters. Yayyy!


No it hasn't.

Reminder Stannis starts up Westeros's equivalent to the Knight's Templar

the night king was never interesting

>expecting a good ending from a show that brought us this

Would you have watch the entire show to find out if it turns into that? What would you drop if you saw the while thing?


>sweet fat friend Podrick who bakes pies
>this is what the average viewer thinks
wew no wonder they kill off every single minor character

that's pretty gay
the excalubir prophecy isn't literal

The latter is a character assassination, but its not inherently bad writing. Having not read the books if you'd told me the latter was what happened in the novels I would have believed you. It's certainly fitting in tone.

Who was? If NK isn't interesting neither is Dragonwhore, Winter-Wonderboy, Sansa or all the other shit characters. Which leaves Stannis who was ruined, red witch who became irrelevant and Cerci who's going to die.

6 ~2 hr episodes?
With the small number of active storylines, why isn't it doable?

Oh and Dany is for sure gonna lose her dragons in the fight, and she may die too. I take that part back, but Jon Snow won’t die and neither will Tyrion.

So does Podrick have a massive dick or something?

No but he had the potential to be.

>Arya transitions MtF

I've only recently got into GoT and I've just finished season 4. Is season 5 onwards really as bad as people make it out to be?

Maybe not for a casual showfag like you.

reddit is just pissed because the writers didn't implement their jonsa wet dreams

reddit loves GoT though

Yes. Alone from a cinematic stnadpoint it is infirior to the first and secound seasons

can't remember the show, but in the books she confessed her incest relationship with jamie and that the kids are his to ned in the godswood saying "when you play the game of thrones, you either win or die".

If you say so
They don't understand any of it, but sure, they love it


They're not doing 2 hour episodes

she said the same line in season 1

This. The only actual would be Dany and Jon both dying and Jamie lives. That would be enough for me.


Jaqen will appear in season 8 and a man will kill Arya, Night King, all the White Walkers and everyone else.

The End, and who are you

Just want Dany to die and Euron to live.

Euron might be the first bad guy to die

Oh yeah? What about Littlefinger and that slave merchant?

What? There's no way Little Finger will die!

>Are you expecting a satisfying ending for this television series?
lol no, it started going downhill after the first season.
>Also what do you expect will happen?
Jon and Dany beat the bad guys anticlimactically and rule together wisely and justly in a fairy tale tier ending. Some minor good guys die in pointless ways to show the writers haven't lost their edge. I'm thinking Tormund, Beric, Jorah. Jaime and Theon will also die, which might actually have some weight. Reviewers will finally be able to say that the emperor was naked once they hype wears down.


Characters like Littlefinger, Stannis, Tyrion, Varys and Tywin are killed or more or less entirely written out.

Instead, you get a bunch of anime-tier moments from Jon, Dany and Arya and a eunuch sex scene.

Regardless of what Fatman has in store for these characters, DnD have proven to engage in hardcore fanservice, so I'm guessing:

>Night King fucks some shit up en route to Winterfell, maybe they sack Last Hearth or something--either way, it takes them half the fucking season just to get to Winterfell even though several eons will have passed in the other storylines
>Jon and Friends get sidetracked by Cers's Mercs, that's a battle episode, they fucking kill a beloved character like Davos to "raise the stakes" even though it's a fucking cheap shot
>Sansa "proves herself" to be a """great queen""" by """"leading"""" her people to stave off the zedword army while Jon's peoples are busy, maybe Tyrion makes his way there first so we get an awkward Sansa/Tyrion reunion and Tyrion helps out or something
>Dany and her fucking dragons save the day at least once, her and Jon will waste a bunch of time acting weird after they find out they're related
>Jon rides Rhaegal against the Night King and Dany flies south on Drogon to duke it out with Cers we get gender-matched final battles--hell, maybe Arya rides south with Dany so she can get some
>Cleganebowl, Arya kills Qyburn and Dany fries Cers
>Jon plunges his sword into a dying Rhaegal to become Azor Ahai and fucks the Night King's shit up
>30 endings like Return of the King and everyone lives happily ever after because that's what this show has become

The only way the show has any chance of coming back is if Dany dies. Jon dying as well would help.

The thing that surprised me the most is that a lot of plebbit's predictions for season 8 are in line with the predictions right here on Sup Forums

Make of that what you will. Will be posting quality autism from leddit.



Ramsay survived and defeats Dany and Cercei with his twenty good men.

Why does this show have a reputation for killing important characters again?
No one truly relevant died since season 3.

Arya assassinates Drumpf, then smirks at the camera while Black Science Man and Bill Nye walk out and demand everyone have anal sex in order to further the evolutionary process.

Same reason the books do. Normies.

Tywin and joffrey in s2, although I guess they were more villains than main characters

I don’t really care anymore.

I mean, I hope it’s good but if it’s crap I’ll move on pretty quickly.

Cripple boy will time travel magic everything away.

>Arya assassinates Drumpf

the Yellow Whale's already dead, user

How tf could it even be either

Probably the Winterfell guard who was with the BwB, sent there by Stoneheart to spy on the Boltons or to rescue Arya.


You think they give a shit about passing of time after the delivering a message to dany about the group stranded beyond the wall and she somehow arrives within the space of a few hours?

is there an estimate for how much time passed last season?