
What would alien race would be each Sup Forums board?

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well the would would alien race that would think more like would probably be klingons being /k/

Klingons would be /his/
Cardassians would be Sup Forums
Vulcans would be /sci/
Betazoids would be /soc/
Andorians would be /k/
Xindi would be /int.
Nausicans would be /fit/
Ferengi would ofcourse be /biz/

Blalock really was qt in ENT.

Reminder to vote:

tv is made of Andorians. Small statured manlets who get really upset about trivial bullshit and are completely self loathing. Also a strange preoccupation with proving who among them has superior taste ie. Patricians

I love how many normie Star Trek threads have started to appear since STD. Stay away from our shit.


she is my trekfu pls no bully

betazoids would be /r9k/

what no the founders would be /r9k/. betaoids are totally /soc/

Feregi would be Sup Forums

borg would be Sup Forums
malcorians would be Sup Forums

Hirogens would be /k/
Orions would be /hc/
Starfleet Corps of Engineers would be /diy/

Oh I'll bully

she got better
and is married to a millionaire now. tfw you will never have her ask about your feelings


Ferengi value profit over keeping their race pure.

What actually happened to her here?

Link to collection of gf memes?

she is a fitness freak and was dehydrated

Wew so basically drinking water fixed her.
Also I guess you would need to be a fitness freak to keep that shape at her age.

What board is he browsing?

/ck/ ofcourse.

either /ck/ or /fit/ he is bulking already i told you creeps!

You telling me Sup Forums isn’t a bunch of Mr. Shekels in disguise?

Nausicans would be Sup Forumstant metalheads

Vulcans could never deal with the general attitude of this place.

that's why they would be the mods
Sup Forums is full of cardassians with bajorans complaining about the 15 gorillian


I'll post 'em

>complain about the “goyim”
>get people to buy clothing
>get people to buy flags
>get people to protest

Are you sure it isn’t one big ruse to make shekels?


Why does no one understand that the reason Bajorans were pissed off was because their world was subjugated by an alien race? Don't you think that if some aliens came to Earth and put us in forced labor camps for 50 years we'd be thanking them and dancing in the streets?


millenials are cucks
all they want is some strong fascist to dominate them, so no





>advocating for racemixing with filthy aliens

If it has a hole . . .

This is the last one I have, don't know if you guys made any more while I wasn't here


what a stupid way of looking at it.
its about freedom not death.

I think you'd feel more at home in the B5 universe, Paxton. Well, in the time before Sheridan, at least.


>tfw no smart matter room to simulate historical and fictional settings in and occasionally be deceived into thinking it's reality in

Holy shit those feels.
Think of how the videogame industry would be.

>What would alien race would be

I imagine that GamerGate has succeeded by the 24th century. Sargon of Akkad probably started the company that put holodecks in production.

freedom is overrated

I didn't even read the OP
/lit/ would be those aliens from Spock's Brain
/sci/ would be The Teacher from Spock's Brain


But what board would humans be?

maybe /trv/

Sup Forums

>implying that the entire galaxy won't eventually be Borg
Your resistance is cute user
Cute but futile

The Q would save us. btw would board would the Q browse? blah blah mods yeah what else?

Has anyone ever told you that you type like a faggot?

i still say the prophets should be /n/
the pakleds are Sup Forums

what board would the Q frequent?


oh that's good.
>What alien race would be the worst posters?

>The Q would save us


they would help us and you know it

please don't :/

Borg, thanks to the hivemind it would just be billions of drones spamming the same stupid shit relentlessly (so pretty much Sup Forums)

>He doesn't remember the days before Captcha

>My name is John and I hate everyone of you...
god no wonder rk9 was made

How big is sick bay on these ships? It seems like they don't have room to treat more than 10 or 15 people at once. That's kind of short-sighted, don't you think?

they can also fix people up really fast, so it doesn't seem like they need particularly large sickbays.

That makes very little sense considering that a ship like the Enterprise carries a thousand people and often takes major casualties as a result of combat or natural phenomena.

well when they can fix any serious problem that we have today in a matter of minutes i would be surprised if any one person there lasted more than a day

Have you watched the show?

did you? everyone was in and out even when dealing with transforming your whole genome and physically changing your appearance to a different species didn't last more than a day. the only people than lasted longer than a week (and even less than that) were people on the verge of death

>the only people than lasted longer than a week (and even less than that) were people on the verge of death
That's my point, you fucking idiot--what about situations where everyone on the ship is effected? This isn't a hard fucking concept.

if everyone on the ship is fucked then everyone is fucked what the fuck are you asking genius?

I'm asking what happens if there's a plague that effects more than the 15 people they can fit in sick bay? God damn it, how fucking stupid are you?

they are fucked unless they can quarantine themselves somehow. you are so smart

Why did you even bother trying to answer my question if this is the only level of thought you're capable of providing? I'm asking about the actual capacities of these sick bays, which must be floating around somewhere online. You're just like 'hurr durr it's the future so durr'

if everyone is contaminated but 15 people i hope everyone else is quarantined otherwise they are fucked

Just stop replying to me, please

Do you actually watch Star Trek? because the crew falls ill and is contaminated many times and the only reason they live is because some people weren't infected and find a cure to save them

OK but I'm asking about the capacity of the sick bays on ships like the Enterprise, Enterprise-D, and Voyager.

maybe go to /tg/ star trek thread? they would know. if you are asking about specific numerical capacity about specific ships no one here knows but /tg/ if you are that autistic to care ask them they would know

Do you speak for everyone in this thread?

i can speak for everyone in this thread when i say if you want real answers and real discussion about star trek find the star trek thread in /tg/ trust me


Well stop replying to me

Probably the worst theme song of all time

then get out of here you autist
>i require exact specifications for medical capacities for these three ships. what? you don't know fuck you
yeah fuck you too


wow you really are autistic

A Fistful of Datas is the worst TNG episode, prove me wrong

In the beginning of VOY (and other episodes) we see them doing triage in sickbay, with the patients on the floor. For mass casualties or whatever, they just set up a triage-center in one of the cargo-bays. Since meidcal equipment is so small, you don't really need much space for patient beds and such. Sickbay is for very serious cases and also functions as a lab. So the capacity of sick bay is maybe like 10-15 beds from what we can see, during normal operations, but a ship has a much higher capacity, depending on the nature of the medical emergency.

was it rape?

>so ashamed of being Star Trek you drop the Star Trek part and put a redneck song

And these people complain about STD not being Trek

sub rosa because of the crypt keeper

Let me guess, you like the STD theme.