The insurance company won't cover my cancer treatment

>the insurance company won't cover my cancer treatment
>lol fuck this guy he's evil he must be tested and killed
Really Jigsaw?

Other urls found in this thread:

you think ayone who spends their time working on elaborate death traps has a hint of reason and logic to them?

>her husband lied about surviving a Jigsaw trap without her knowledge

More like Nigsaw

>"Dude I never killed anyone lmao"

He would intentionally screw people over though. Plus Saw VI is fucking kino.

>saw being kino
I don't think that word means what you think it means.

wow it's like jigsaw is a bad guy

saw, saw ii, and saw vi are unarguably kino

How can one person choke so hard? She almost aced the entire game.

You must be 18 or older to post here.

Saw 8 is kino too

>the insurance company won't cover my cancer treatment
Enjoy your shit tier country with shit tier universal-health-care.
Mfw I'm a leukaemia survivor.

Better question, why were there LCD TVs in 2004ish when that takes place? Final Destination 5 did the secret prequel tweest better.
>movie comes out in 2004
>13 years since then
>implying I saw Saw in theaters when i was 4 or younger
>i don't like it so it's bad
>i'm an adult but post pictures of cartoons on an anime image board

>impossible to see a movie after its release
Saw fans are worse than capeshit fans. At least capeshit fans are just having stupid fun, Saw fans are just jerking off to edge while being too afraid to watch real gore.

>instead of simply being a devoted copycat, nuJigsaw is yet ANOTHER secret apprentice

Saw is stupid fun. Just because you jerk off to men in spandex beating each other doesn't mean everyone finds those awful movies fun.
Worse than the Dr. Gordon is an apprentice twist

He never actually killed anyone he just gave them a choice.

>watching torture and death
>stupid fun
Ok there edgelord, heh you win ok. I had fun but you win you baited me, good on you.

There was barely any gore in this movie. Saw is fun because of the elaborate tests, yelling at idiots who try to beat them, the cat and mouse game between the detectives and jigsaw, the twists and those last 10 minutes where everything falls into place while Hello Zepp plays.

You do realize it's fake?


Fucking this. Also trying to piece together the convoluted overarching story. It all comes together in a really fun way
>you're just pretending to like it to make me mad
>meanwhile I'm in a thread discussing something I hate so I can be mad
go back to re.ddit please

Jigsaw was pretty tame desu. Only a few parts with actual gore.
>taking off buckethead's bucket
>the black guy turning into minced meat (though they barely showed it)
>based detective turning into an octopus
The rest of it was something you'd see on The Walking Dead or GoT.

>saw is deep
>don't talk to me unless you have something nice to say
I'm havin a good laff here.

I never said it was deep. Also I think unironically you are autistic because you've posted in this thread a half dozen times with STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE

>you replied to me so you lose
Only from a Saw fan.

If you watched V, you'd know the true meaning of kino.

Adam it's ok

The whole movie seemed a lot more audience friendly. The previous Saw movies were pretty bleak and humorless. This one has lots of color, has some gallows humor and has fun characters (like Halloran who's basically a giant noir detective trope and the redhead punk Jigsawboo).

>Only from a Saw fan.
what a fucking thing to type in a SAW thread. Only on Sup Forums could you find somebody so autistic

>you like saving people too much
>lol fuck this guy he must be tested and admittedly inadvertently but honestly what did he expectkilled
Jigsaw strikes again

Why the fuck did he kill Riggs again? Because he wanted to help people?

Jigsawboo was a cute
DUDE STOP HELPING PEOPLE LMAO I think it was more about his obsessiveness and inability to let go

What now user?

V is neo-noir Kino. Strahm and Hoffman story was far more interesting than 90% of everything in this franchise.

kek who wrote this shit

What's with all the Saw threads being made every day?

The glass coffin is cool but the rest of the movie is pretty lame desu

New movie just came out.

It's edgy and these kids love the edge.

it takes a while for the true kino to be appreciated

Well it's either that a new Saw movie recently came out and that people want to talk about it and Saw in general, or if you are so inclined it's because there is a paid team of round the clock shills creating Saw related threads on a Mongolian crepe decoration enthusiast imageboard in the hopes of getting a few more people interested in the franchise and possibly seeing the new movie, which is obviously the most effective and flawless advertising possibility open to a marketing company, and so definitely worth their time and money.

Yeah turns out jigsaw is just a cunt who uses any nearby philosophy to justify killing people. He'd probably trap jesus and be like 'you being a saint makes other people feel bad and that's wrong'

"You thought you outsmarted me, but it turns out I have even more secret accomplices and twenty more tapes and traps I made during the apparent fifty years I must've known about my tumor."

Kramer is omnipotent

Halloran was based as fuck. No wonder the numale apprentice didn't like him.

Having a secret accomplish from the beginning almost would have made sense if he had been a cop or something. After all how does he find all these criminals that didnt directly fuck his life up?

>my experimental with no proven results cancer treatment

Jigsaw once put a guy in a game for playing hooky.

so is jigsaw like freddy from scooby doo or something, except he's setting traps for meddling kids?

And one just for smoking

Hoffman was a cop (the main guy from Saw IV to 3D). He was the muscle and provided insider info.

>So you're having an affair in your broken marriage, huh?
>Haha I never killed anyone dude

uhh actually amanda put it on her, she's the killer...

amanda puts it on at jigsaw's command because he is bed bound due to aforementioned inoperable brain tumour

6 is overrated garbage with only two good scenes. 5 is kino and the ultimate litmus test for plebs.

he's just pretending to be stupid

Someone kept namedropping Sup Forums on a Saw fan forum now we're getting flooded with Saw obsessed autists.

I'm pissed this guy died. He's the most entertaining character in the entire series and he lasted one fucking movie.

>so you're telling me you're just doing your job, trying to catch the serial killer terorizing the city?
>stick your hand down a vat of acid to remove those metal things that are ALREADY ATTACHED TO YOUR RIBS LMAO YOU'RE FUCKED

Yes, but he also told Amanda to take it off towards the end of the movie because she did what he asked for. The tumor was inoperable but performing a craniotomy would help release the pressure and stop him from having seizures, temporarily. Amanda was also being tested and she failed. Everyone failed in Saw 3 besides the wife. And I think A LOT of you are forgetting that the Saw Franchise had several apprentices. It wasn't just John Kramer.

>you've been a charming awkward young man who isn't sure where to go in life
>now you will starve to death with no chance of escape

Reminder that there are retards ITT RIGHT NOW who think the braindead idiots who created this trash didn't intend for Jigsaw to be some sort of anti-hero gone mad with ambiguous morals and a noble purpose. The fact that they tried to give him this embarrassing shred of a dimension and pathetic backstory means they couldn't accept that they're fucking idiots who can't come up with a villain more complex than Jason, so they tried this shit...they have failed as hard as you can fail. Yet here we are

This bothered me about Jigsaw's shotgun trap.
>the person who pulls the trigger and actually fails the trap gets a quick painless death with a shotgun shell to the face
>the other person who didn't pull the trigger is condemned to a slow painful death from dehydration

He should've been the main detective in the next movies. Catching Jigsaw would be his "test" to redeem his deeds as a crooked cop. He reminded me of Eric Matthews in a sense that he's kind of a jerk who plays dirty, but overall means well and tries to catch the killer.

>haha dude why haven't you achieved total enlightenment and forgiven everyone involved in the tragic death of your child in a car accident
>lol fuck you you deserve to be killed and tested along with your entire family lmao

To be fair this was Hoffman's game was it not? Not saying jigsaw isn't equally mentally twisted, but Hoffman is literally the joker style just want to watch the world burn.

Will Jigsaw II be 50% boring ass flashbacks of Logan setting up traps with John to explore their relationship or does Stolberg have an IQ above 80 and will keep flashbacks to an absolute bare minimum (five minutes max).

>appreciating your life
Pick one

>i'm a mediocre balding loser and I even failed at killing myself
>mmm...better play God and torture and murder random people because I get to be the judge...because I have cancer....yeah that makes sense
>you don't appreciate life as much as I think you should, I'll subject you to some horrific torture, and if you survive you'll be maimed and probably handicapped, but hey that's life huh?
>but I didn't kill anyone, they got themselves into this because they weren't as perfect as me
>am I complex yet?
This is good writing according to Sup Forums


please stop smoking anonymous

Who knows, but if Jigsaw III i.e Saw X isn't a sci-fi flick about a copycat killer in the distant future who studies the old case of the Jigsaw killer and takes up his mantle for some Saw action IN SPACE then they literally have no idea what they are doing with the franchise and shouldn't even bother.

the next movvie will be called Saw: World and reveal jigsaw has an apprentices in every country and they communicate and share traps on a social media site called Sawbook. We can only go more full retard from here.

The first one was a genuinely interesting concept that was weighed down by the same things a lot of low-budget movies are. Still, it was a legitimately good horror movie. Then it went out of control and they made like 16 shitty sequels.

>nobody, in the 30 movies they made, asks Jigsaw who the fuck does he think he is
I guess they couldn't even think of an answer. Are the writers of this part of some Special Education Hollywood program where legally retarded people are allowed to make their own films?

What about "Saw in Space"? Jason did it in "Jason X" and that's a classic so bad its good movie.

They need to include Tobin Bell somehow.

They had brief moments
>You think cancer is an excuse for what you do?
>Well putting a gun to someone's head and forcing them to pull the trigger is still murder, John.
>What you do is no different from murder. You torture people. You watch them die.

If including Bell means we have to spend more than 5 minutes of the fucking movie in flashbacks it's time to let him go.

I'm pretty sure all games we've seen in Saw I-3D were all created by Jigsaw and only put together with the help of his apprentices.

So what did he answer? Did he mumble like the weasely worthless worm he is?

He literally ignored them and started rambling on about something else.

Eric Matthews confronts him about this in the second movie, I think. But not many cops come face to face with John in this franchise.

>mfw he takes a swing at nuJigsaw while locked in a trap
RIP /our cop/

This can legitimately work. In Saw 9 we reveal John had another secret apprentice, a former astronaut who almost died when he ventured into space. His near death experience gave him a new appreciation for his life and he started going on the record about how he agreed with the Jigsaw killings. John sought him out and helped teach him the ways of a Jigsaw apprentice.

Cut to Saw 10. The night before a space station is about to be launched out of orbit he sneaks into the compound and rigs the station with traps. The traps become active when the station enters space and the passengers have to play the game. It's genius.

Maybe if you don't take them seriously and pretend they're comedies.

>this woman is a prostitute
>let's put her in a game with killers and drug dealers

This fucking pissed me off. The one main character that learned the most during his game, and he dies. Really didn't deserve it. While Bobby Dagen from 7 doesn't save anyone and ends up living.

Wasn't his game (I actually truly hate this ending and copout). Was expecting edgelord YOU KILLED MY DAD kid to be an apprentice in jigsaw

>watch Tobin Bell interview, he seems like a clever guy, he must know Jigsaw's a worthless piece of shit
>he practically praises him
Well I guess a clever man wouldn't be in this turd in the first place

I dont even get this trap like lol why stick both hands in

>drug dealers being compared to killers
You need to get out more.

stop doing drugs

Okay, but dealing drugs inarguably does more harm than fucking for money.

You fucking faggots completely missed the point
Hoffman was in full control at this point
Hoffman does not follow John's rules
Hoffman is a murderer. Jigsaw is not.

Tbh he's selling the franchise. One of the main themes of the series is "is Jigsaw a good boi who did nothing wrong or is he a delusional murderer?". If he simply trashes Jigsaw's morals it doesn't look good in the eyes of the audience.

Because it's a trap. If she actually stopped and thought about it, the key to opening the box was behind the box the whole time.