

Neither could a lot of the batmans. First Nolan Batman couldnt

Neither can your mom after what we did last night.

every Batsuit after Begins could, BvS was no different, not sure what the deal is here.

jesus fucking CHRIST his expression when he turns reminds me of those god awful collegehumor batman videos

>The virgin freak-out
>The Chad retort

that doesn't excuse it.

if you build a batsuit that can't turn its head because you need to make it look cool , THEN DON'T DIRECT A SCENE WHERE YOU SHOW PLAIN TO SEE THAT THE BATSUIT CAN'T TURN ITS HEAD..

Jut film it in one of a million different ways. choose a different camera angle, edit the footage, position batman differently, fucking anything.

This is as lazy and shitty as having an a stage-assistant walking around in the background of a shot.

Yah it’s a nod to the classics

Would it have killed them to have Flash react at superspeed, instead of like a teenage girl?

That's not how the speed force works, you great big dummy.

Nobody knows how it works, honestly. At the same time having him clutch his chest like he's having palpitations is just weird.


I think I prefer it that way. Just seems more Batman-y.

user, if people thought like that we'd never have moved past the Adam West Batman and I'm sure we can all agree we fucked up

I think as you learn more about films and their production some of the magic is lessened.
When you watcedh the Burton movies for the first time you weren't thinking about costume restrictions, you just thought about how Batman looks like this unstoppable badass.

BvS Batman to me comes closely to what you'd expect in the comics/cartoons, he's strong, agile and incredibly fast, a trained martial artist with a bat motif and high tech toys to go with it.


That fucking flash, god.
"Quick, gotta quip!!!"

I just dislike that stuntman so much, he looks smaller than batfleck and always does the same facial expression both in this scene and flashback scenes. Also in the end of the sequence when they cut from him to batfleck, just kills it for me senpai

In the nolan movies it was more like a helmet with a black turtleneck. This looks like its a throwback to the big foam rubber cowl of every other batman.
Pretty sure it was the same in BVS, you just don't see the bat in his costume much, or hes in the iron man batsuit.

I actuallt gotta respect that guy because he worked his ass off for the movie, that Knightmare sequence? The reason it looks so wonky is because it was last minute and he along with most of the stunt crew had had very little sleep.

In action scenes, especially when they are not cut to shit, it's the sound that sells a hit, so in the webm, they normally looks like dance.

But I have to say, in BvS the action seems to have incredible real weight. Props on Snyder

This one is the best Batman suit and honestly the most badass batman ever made.

>shot in the back of the head
>nothing happens
What a shit movie holy shit

>think a costume made of old money would have the durability of kleenex

He could turn his head in BvS why DCshills are such liars?

It's iconic as fuck, but I have a hard time not seeing it as moulded latex anymore.


Nigger he isn't wearing the layered helmet, Superman destroyed it.

Literally the only good moment of BvS : It managed to achieve what a dozens of Batman movies couldn't.

its literally worse than the original batman live action film

You have incredible shit taste. I feel bad for you.

for a board that hates superhero movies, you guys sure are obsessed with them.

said the Snyder cocksucker

Batman not being able to turn his head bothered me so much in Burton and Schumacher's films when I saw them as a kid

Watch the IP count. It's literally the same handful of braindead retards who make these console war threads every day.

I literally told you that this one the only good moment of the movie dumbass.

Miles better than 90s batman and Batman Begins action scenes tbqh

just did, looks like its 2 posts per IP, like any regular thread, you are obsessed with this genre.

There's no reason for Batman to be wearing a thick rubbery cowl anyway. He's a Stealth/DEX based character and yet they cripple his movement with a rubbersuit. Pic related is how a real Batman should be: light, agile and in tights. At worst, his cowl should be like a raincoat; water resistant but still very thin and flexible.

>every Batsuit after Begins could, BvS was no different, not sure what the deal is here.
Member Burton?!


Reading comprehension, get some

no apparently he has to use a cybernetic anti-bullet helmet to absorb bullets nowadays

The original live action Batman is the best so far so I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

Are you retarded, watch that scene it is alfred complaining about the voice synthesizer in the normal cowl.