Justice League

*ruins your movie*




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look at this dude


Im assuming flash will be the best part of the movie


>That's rude...

Jesus Christ that is terrible.

It would've been infinitely funnier if he just looked around, looked at Gordon slightly bemused and then sped off. And even then it's still shit. Why do people keep buying tickets to see this shit


>le nerdy autism man
I hate this trope desu

in contrast they should spend their actual lives on a mongolian basket weaving forum like you do

>reddit and memey nazi punch scene playing behind Affleck
Wew lad

good god that suit is retarded, all those open gaps between the armor, makes him look like a toothpick wearing a winter coat



Nah he actually looks pretty entertaining
I have no problem with Barry being a comic meme man, it fits his character, but if Supes or Bruce get turned into quipbots then there will be problems

I've said it before and i'll say it again. They should have used Gustin.

flash will unironically be the best part of the movie

same as quicksilver was best part in xmen

wish batman didn't have the retarded voice thing on all the time

They needed a dedicated quipster. The reason I won't watch this (never planned on seeing it in theaters but was going to torrent) is because of the island nigger as Aquaman.

missing the one with Batman in the Flash-cave when he goes all Sheldon with an ACTUALLY that's an oversimplification

Barry Allen is not comic quipper in comics.



I also have no idea how Cyborg speed forced his way out of there in a second. If he walks he would go CLANK CLANK after every step. If he flew the jetpack or whatever would make a turbine sound.

Makes no sense IMO, also Flash is retarded as shit, I hate him.

To be fair

fuck blonde people btw

there are no spots for white people on the justice league

i think this film looks garbage but this bit and line/delivery really reminded me of mike myers as austin powers, i laughed.

>Barry Allen is not comic quipper

Well he is now, have you watched the tv show?

Have you read the comic Pajeet? Bet they don't sell Wednesday comics in India.


Found the Marvel audience switching over to DC now that Justice League has been Marvelized

>reminded me of meme myers as austin reddit
How is that a good thing? Kys, merrimutt

What if he was just one of Flash's sidekicks, and Wayne broke his killing rule?

You do know that anyone can read any comic on the internet, right?

>mike myers as austin powers, i laughed.

lol get a load of this guy

Don't know or care about your manchild characters, but the actor is fucking horrible. Is he even playing a role?
Seems like he's the same annoying cunt both in interviews and in trailer.

They should definitely include him in the Flash movie. Even if it's just a cameo.

>i don't know your abilities
>so i'll just throw a knife at your face lol

I haven't seen any marvel movie (except Logan) since the first avengers.

That suit is a mess.

>they don't like austin powers

wew lad

How can DC so shamelessly rip off quicksilver? Where they that desperate to stop this film flopping?

DC is becoming Marvel (back when it was good in the early days) and Marvel is becoming DC back in the Batman Forever days. It's like poetry.

Looks like Kino's back on the menu

This takes place in Barry Allen's house, and Barry is a typical reddit-browsing, IFLS millennial. It makes sense for him to enjoy a popular sci-fi cartoon like Rick and Morty.

TV Barry brings the banter. Movie Barry is just a sperg.


this entire video makes no sense

t. brainlet

I'm not saying Ezra is a good flash, he is not. I hate him far more than your video. But your video is non-sensical shite. Why the fuck would he use his powers infront of witnesses? Why the fuck would a cop arrest a man that got clearly mugged? Why the fuck would he mug the thief? Why the fuck would is the assaulter behaving like some Disney show, it clearly shows the director or writers have never been mugged in their life.

Everything is just plain retarded,

Holee fuck user, good grab. That's atrocious.
>le awkward science man likes Rick and Morty :))

You're overanalyzing a gag scene.

Well it should be obvious by now that I hate gags

I miss Snyder.

>it clearly shows the director or writers have never been mugged in their life.

wtf, there's no universal standard of how muggings go down. It could happen in a million different ways.

It all those million different ways, you will never find ONE guy that doesn't try to get what he wants in less than 20 seconds. Every second counts. No one is gonna stay around casually mugging you when the pigs could show up any second, or a brave bystander could spot you and either call the cops or just shoot you.

what is the point of seeing this movie in cinema? feels like everything there was to see I already got from youtube

this is really shit marketing strategy if you ask me, kills all the hype

it's not like they needed to sell anyone who's into capeshit on movie with batman, flash, wonder woman and superman

>is she with you?
>I thought she is with you

>"i don't fight"
Wait, isn't he a cop?


he conserves his energy to beat up minorities. that's why there is a racist exchange between him and cyborg. You didn't hear it from me.


Momoa's perfect for the role actually. Literally the only thing in this movie that still might be good.

He was in the JL tv show.

TV Barry isn't autistic sperg
Comic Barry isn't either holy shit

He's way more autistic than Quicksilver.

"I don't fight"
>comic Barry and TV Barry both have killed before


Based, fuck all the Flash redditors.
>it was le me barry xD

That's Wally West

>the spiderman of DC
>corny *ill wait for the audience to laugh* humor
>muh good guys vs bad guy
>Zack Shitner
>Ben Afleck as Batman, looks and sounds like a fucking manlet compared to Bale
Why is DC even trying? This is fucking embarassing

Oh right. They probably should have just made Ezra Wally then if they were going this route.

I am laughing at the just league topics but batman and flash are the best heroes. Maybe cyborg as well if he isn't overpowered.

Wonder woman and superman are overpowered and screwed from the start. Flash is as well but at least he's funny

i love how the rooftop scene the flash doesn't even like start to take a step. he doesn't "ease into" his speed, he just disappears. so it leaves the actor standing there looking like a douche waiting to be edited out. i bet he just stood there and quiped for 5 minutes and picked the "good part"

> at least he's funny
":haha I did a funny" kind of funny, not
"oh man that was actually hilarious, I like that guy"

capeflicks are for children only these days, lets just face the facts and stop going to the theater to be dissapointed

>good part
>A Zack Shitnyer Production

Okay for real though cyborg looks fucking retarded the mouth movements virtually don't exist in his first line and he looks like a cutscene.

soy-flash D:


lol what the fuck is this? some fat sack of shit couldnt even get his costume CGId over him properly?

Jesus fuck this Flash is fucking terrible

>capeshit is terrible
you dont say captain obvious

>the virgin speedy boy vs. the chad god of speed

Ezra a cute.

I wish I had his jawline.

>durrrr capeshit durrr capeshit

Die in a fire.

Based Chad Flash.

His lips annoy the hell out of me.

someone make the edit

Spiderman and the stranger things boy have a better jaw

Lex Luthor is the worst part

post the webm, you know the one

Literally dozens of webms get spammed in capeshit threads, which fucking one?

This isn't a capeshit thread you fucking pleddit, this is capekino thread

>>Ben Afleck as Batman, looks and sounds like a fucking manlet compared to Bale

Going good till you outed yourself as an idiot

Is Flash literally marvel numale inserted into DChad league?

all capeshit is for numales

While he may be autistic, he is right that Batman sounds like a chain smoker.

Both of those statements are false

waaaah no fun allowed!
Flash will be the best part of this film, faggot.

>t. Ben Afleck
Bale would whip Afleck's manlet ass, quite suckin Ben's faggot cock

Nu-Flash looks autistic.

DC really fucked the pooch on this one and if I was a fan, I'd jump off the roof of a tall building in a single bound.

>"Look! It's a bird, it's a plane... it's a DC fan killing himself cause they will always lose to Marvel, yeaaa!!!!"

>modern Barry Allen flash
>they just give him a worse version of wally west's personality

Nu-comics can suck a dick

How do you ruin shit?


We will never get this alpha version of the Flash on the big screen, why even live?