This was a good Warcraft movie and it's a shame we'll never a get a sequel

This was a good Warcraft movie and it's a shame we'll never a get a sequel.


Ching chong ding dong

Too bad there isn't a warhammer movie

Made money because of foreign box office, we likely get a sequel. Not sure how they could frame the Second War though, and even doing Arthas in a movie seems hard to structure. Can't do Illidan without the Night Elf stuff

I liked, but most humans were badly miscast.

It was a good WoW movie. Which means the plot didn't make sense, the characters were retarded and the whole thing shouldn't have happened.

Realer than real life! I was the one who created that meme by the way. But overall I really enjoyed it I hated the fact that they had to cut 40 minutes and make it faster for retards and im pissed that it didnt make more specially considering 11million people were subbed at one point that alone should have gathered a lot fo cash guess people are stupid

They really screwed the pooch with the human story line.

Oh no, where will fans get WoW content now? The MMORPG? The highly acclaimed RTS series? We'll never know, because the video game movie that was the lynch pin holding the franchise together failed.

Shitty acting and bad cgi

It was ok enjoyed some parts of it

>budget $160 million
>box office takings $433 million
do people pat you on the head a lot and call you special?

fpbp. We also would have accepted ching chong bing bong.

>spot major chieftans throughout the movie like Grom, Ner'zhul and Kilrogg
>they never get called by name
Damn it.

I loved it. And there will be a sequel because it did
really good in China.

Most of the money came from Chinamen, and the Chinese government takes significant amounts of revenue for foreign films.

they'll be a sequel just a cheaper direct to DVD one.

Sometimes i wonder if the casting choice was actually good, because it portray humans as week beta faggot.

Agreed on acting but name a movie that shows magic better than this one.

They condensed decades of in-universe history into a single weekend. Maybe it was easier for the normans to follow but I was so lost.

>plot butchered to pieces, a gory mess through which you can only make out the most distinct pieces
>cgi did not mesh well, the orcs were borderline cartoonish in their proportions and especially their movements
>many scenes were composited so badly that you could practically make out the green screen
>the costumes and actors only vaguely resembled what they were supposed to be
>"the fel" - one symptom of a movie afraid of direction
>overall the movie was weak, worse than transformers-tier trash with nothing memorable about it, just pathetic popcorn scenes

a shit stain of a movie that only china could enjoy