Why are there so few movies about school shootings?

Why are there so few movies about school shootings?

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They need to demonize the shooters and if they depicted their lives it would make people sympathetic to their pain.

Glorifying things that hit too close to home for many people will make the directors, actors, producers, and shareholders all look bad, which means no more easy money for Mr. Weinstein.

These faggots has great lives, except one was depressed and impressionable, and the other was a Nazi

>Glorifying things that hit too close to home for many people
Hasn't stopped them from shitting out 6 million >muh holocaust movies

I wrote a screenplay on the topic.

It shows the reasons why they would do it but does not pin down one reason.

The screenplay makes you turn against the soon to be shooters as it goes along and it depicts the violence to be terrible and real.

It's too mundane for American audiences

Nobody wants to watch two hours of some kids shooting other kids before shooting themselves, dumbass.

or literally any other atrocity. it's interesting that literally everything is fair game except for 'murican mass murderin' youths

But the holocaust didn't happen to Americans or the Chinese.

Right. We'd much rather watch us shooting people from your shantyville.

The holocaust is a work of fiction, so it gets a free pass.

A Canadian cop show did a kino school shooting episode a year or so ago but I can't remember the name.
Elephant is an alright pseudo-Columbine movie too.

>"zero day"
>zero results


Really activates the old almonds


They don't glorify the Nazis though. He means the movie studios don't want to accidentally glorify the shooters.

I want to watch that.

The need to browbeat the goyim to get them to do what you want via heartstrings propaganda overrides the need for moral integrity and respect for the dead.

>Why are there so few movies about school shootings?
Touchy feely subject.

You spending money to watch it?

Because we watch movies as an escape from our daily lives.

Come on, you can probably do something more than that. Maybe a character study on students held up in room like the Breakfast Club but with a beta shooting up people during it. Or maybe a psychological thriller on the shooter(s).

Fuck no. I would be waiting for the KORSUB release

Basically this, either they pass on making the movie so they don't get in trouble for making shooters complex or they make the movie with the shooters as cartoonish villains and it ends up being Christian Family Film tier.

It was a long time ago, by the time Schindler's came out, many surivivors were dead of natural causes, and a lot of these movies hardly show any Nazi soldiers.


the real reason is because the left would try to boycott it

It would probably be gun control propaganda.

damn, now I'm never watching it even if they made it

>First hour is about social outcasts buying guns and planning
>Second hour is about them running around the school and gunning down helpless students and teachers before shooting themselves
Not a very enjoyable or satisfying movie

This, it can't be topped.

Point is normies aren't going to want to watch a movie where a bunch of innocent kids gets murdered and there is no redemption. What kind of twist can you add that's not going to leave people leaving the theater completely miserable?

It could work if shot like a heist movie

Just force a romantic subplot. Works all the time for these kinds of shit movies.

You have never watched one of the existing school shooters movie, have you?

The shooting happens in 10 minutes and then its over. The planning is usually just 10 minutes before the shooting, and they don't show the planning because it would be retarded to show the plan, and then show them executing the plan. You just show it once, and its when they actually do it.

My favorite and easiest brain-script is a school shooter movie but I'm not nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor so I made the school shooters the antagonists.
It relies on a tall, athletic, and talented 17 year-old actress though so it'd never be made.

There have been a few movies that dealt with the subject or related subjects e.g. We need to talk about kevin, elephant, and probably a few others.

honestly i think its for 2 reasons. 1) to write a really good movie about kids shooting up a school you would have to inherently empathize and create a complex character(s) that commit the shooting. This is not only difficult as few people really understand that kind of mentality, but also because a movie that glorifies or empathizes with a school shooter would probably be very hard to promote, especially in america. also there would be concern over copycat crimes im sure.

2) as stated above a truly good movie about a school shooting would require someone who actually understands the mentality of committing a school shooting to make the audience understand why someone would want to do that. speaking from the perspective of someone who as a kid used to fantasize about shooting up his school to a point of obsession, I can say none of the few movies ive seen related to the topic accurately capture the mentality. it makes them very difficult to believe and i think connect with audiences. I remember watching we need to talk about kevin and literally not watching more than 10 minutes because right from the get go the main character was too attractive. thats my personal opinion of course...

But in heist movies you want the characters to succeed


Almost mercy anyone?

>not actually committing a school shooting while wearing a gopro and then using one of the school computers to upload the video in your final moments while swat teams are storming the building

to expand on this -- kids dont shoot up schools just because theyre bullied or because theyre outcasts. lots of kids are bullied. lots of kids are outcasts. kids who aren't several mentally ill (i.e. schizo) shoot up schools because its how they achieve what they think of as power or greatness. they do it not because they hate the specific people who've ignored or bullied them, but because they want to prove to everyone as a whole so badly that they are somehow stronger than they thought or that they are finally in control. they want to see people to see them and go "gee i never realized (person) could do this," for better or for worse. Its like how most people have a fantasy about doing something really amazing, like being a rock star or just doing something really impressive in front of a lot of people. that fantasy for a school shooter is gunning down their classmates. and instead of getting praise or admiration from these people in ones life like one might expect in a typical fantasy, in a school shooters fantasy all they want is recognition, and to exact some degree of revenge on those who they perceived to have ignored them and excluded them. and most importantly i think they just want to feel powerful.

t. someone who used to think like a completely sociopath but luckily never got found out and has gone on to become a relatively normal person somehow.

what abut the ones based on true stories

>School shooting scene
>Characters sit under the tables

Haha wow. This is why I come to Sup Forums. You just can't find stuff like this on the rest of the internet

My school's internet is shit, no chance there m8.

did you watch USA channel the year columbine happened

The movie is about the build up to it, like them getting bullied and having a shitty family life, or always failing despite trying to do the right thing and eventually snapping and planning.

That elephant movie was decent at it.

Thanks you just wrote my speech in praise of the villain for me.

There are plenty of people who have it a lot worse. They are genuinly unstable people and exaggerate everything in their minds. Elliot Rodger killed a bunch people because nobody would fuck him for example, not exactly a tragic and sympathetic character.

your shitty pasta bait is getting stale.

we all were in the original thread

What's his name again?

got you to respond lol

>school shooting episode
>pumped-up kicks starts playing

>stand up in plain view of the shooter
>get shot
You show those betas hiding under tables how it's done user.

>not exactly a tragic and sympathetic character.
/r9k/ would disagree.

>because nobody would fuck him
You fool. He was a beautiful Eurasian woman denied his gender.

>The dozens of people sit and wait their fate instead of all simultaneously jumping the shooter

B-but what if I do want them to?

You go first user. Lead the charge.

>sitting under the tables like some gay ass faggots sheep
>not grabbing the cafeteria plastic knife and simultaneously performing a 420 noscope takedown on the shooter

no one has watched this movie?
cmon Sup Forums im disappoint.

I'm certainly not gonna sit and wait for my turn to get shot

Of course not. You're a brave man.

this is a pretty good movie about a japanese high school teacher who goes on a shooting rampage
its directed by takashi miike

>6 million

Was it good?

>the virgin duck and cover
>the chad suicide run

This user summed the topic up well, can't say much else.

If you want to watch the best movie about school shooting, look up the estonian film, The Class (2007) pic related

Also, Zero Day is a classic. I'm not a big fan of Elephant, but it's also watchable.
There is also a film about the columbine shooting, titled I'm not ashamed. It's not ashamed. which is garbage. Look up the scenes from it with Eric and Dylan on youtube, if you want to see it, don't bother with the full one.

Would watch it.

>Every school shooter in existence goes into a school for the purpose of blasting everyone
>They walk into the room you're in
>You sit under the table and wait for him to shoot you
I like my plan better

Not him, but I unironically would have. Me, the outcast, the bullied, the friendless. God's lonely man. Sitting alone at my table. I'd stand up and I'd confront him. I'd yell "Hey! What about you try and fight someone your size! Leave these girls alone you fat fuck!". Then I'd get out of my cover and run for him, yelling at the top of my lungs "TENNO HEIKA BANZAI" in order to sumon the graces of the Emperor and Goddess Amaterasu who watch over their disciplined western samurai. Dodging the bullets by tackling the shooter, I'd submit him on the ground and save the day.

Then, I'll be hailed as a hero and a true warrior.

Yeah, 6 million Shoah movies, at least according to Wikipedia. Apparently the metrics are a bit screwy though, because they used to claim that 4 million movies were made in Poland, but this was later updated to only 1.5 mil, but the total is still 6 million Shoah movies. I'm not an expert or anything though.

>no Wikipedia page

well they certainly make them appeal for me

In the movie The Class they make you simpathize with the two shooters. That movie is heavy.

>what a great life i have. i know! im going to kill a bunch of people and then commit suicide.

Are there any movies which capture the Columbine aesthetic?

user, many shooters have specific people they want to kill (usually people who wronged them). You could just wait it out under the table.

A pure Kino movie would be watching the shooters get bullied and taunted, abused by their parents and have friends turn on them, then as they start the shooting the Chad that bullied them all this time jumps out and knocks one over, grabs his gun and shoots the other one. As he stands over the one he knocked over with the gun drawn on him, he says "you can't even shoot up a school right you fucking freak. You'll always be a failure" then gets awards for heroism and fucks all the cheerleaders, with the final scene being the one who survived staring at the wall in a mental hospital.


thats super weird, must be a real indie film.
so indie it doesnt have a wiki in 2017 lmao

/r9k/is for manbabies and edgy teenagers

Is this copypasta or are you just dedicated?

I wonder how many times its been explained to your very tiny brain that 4 million Auschwitz deaths was never at any point part of the finally count made by western historians, and how many times you've ignored that information because it doesn't fit your preferred narrative. What's it like literally being less intelligent than dogs are, who adjust their perspectives based on new information?


Elephant Gus Van Sant


It's still quite fresh on Sup Forums for anyone who's bored


>Columbine guys shoot everyone they see
>Virginia Tech guy shoots everyone he sees
>Sandy Hook guy shoots every child and teacher he sees
But you just keep believing the bullying meme


Go watch now, kiddies

>They walk into the room you're in
>retard that stands up to face him gets shot while the people hiding survive

Fantastic post

Dude, I'm talking about Shaoh movies, stop being so anti-semitic. Try to have some respect for the dead.

Ah yes, the old "one in every room" tactic.

Memes aside, it depends on the shooter. If it's a student, it's probably personal.
If it's some crazy fuck fully loaded off the street, he's going for a kill count.

>hear about mass shooting/terrorist attacks
>see all the cute girls dead
>immense feeling of dread
how can anybody do that to the pretty girls

>Columbine guys shoot everyone they see
Dylan Klebold actually let a lot of people escape, but he fired his guns a lot less than Eric Harris overall. Maybe his heart wasn't really in it.

Elliot Rodger for example only targeted couples. Also the Columbine guys warned one of their friends not to go and let him live.

>Sit under table
>Shooter walks past
>Jump them from behind
>Neutralize shooter, kick gun away
>Get hailed as hero, get dick sucked, profit

>"one in every room"

is this the closest we got? youtube.com/watch?v=9BzFzF74asQ

I have some sympathy for Dylan because he only did it because of depression and peer pressure from Eric