i dont find this scene scary desu

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Because it's not.

Or, well, it is if you watch it as a child, but the setup is so predictable that it's a typical BOO! Haunted House jumpscare.

Vamonos OP!

Scared the shit out of me because I lived in a rural area kinda like movie related and I always imagined one was outside my window. I also believed in Aliens and had heard stories n shiet.

scariest movie scene ever for me, can't explain it though

The version in Scary Movie 3 is way better.

yet Signs is seemingly a well liked movie. I dont get it. he didnt get worse as he made more movies. its just that people finally realized just how bad his movies are and are nostalgic about his first ones

I really like Unbreakable.
Lady in the Water is ok.
Signs is ok.
The Happening is barely ok.
My wife likes Avatar the Last Airbender.

The rest are garbage.

It's not even a jumpscare since you are expecting it. The way it was done is what was scary.

I would say Sixth Sense is the least shitty of all his movies. but hey, you like Happening and Last Airbender so you are obviously far beyond redemption with your taste

>The way it was done is what was scary.

Except it's not scary and the way it was done takes away ALL of what would make it scary.

There is zero scariness with the scene: none. It has zero tension. The payoff is seriously lackluster.

No, it is scary. I could go deeper into how the movie plays with belief and disbelief and how the direct, undeniable evidence of the aliens/demons works great here.

But what's important here is the apparent disinterest of the dangerous thing. It's not coming at you, not attacking you, just observing and then leaving. That just feels "off."

The scariest thing is watching it again and realizing you can see it the entire time but only when it steps aside.

I still enjoy JP's reaction every time

It was unsettling to me because of the unusually mundane setting - a kid's birthday party in suburban Mexico, they're watching it through the window. It's not a jump scare, we know what's coming but it just... works.
It's a fucking stupid film but damn it works until the retarded twist.

Well the really unsettling scene was the rooftop but if this scene didn't put you on edge its because you didn't see the film for the first time unspoiled and not knowing the plot.

In the moment it was pretty fucked, as was the TV reflection scene, even though memesters shit on that too

Scared the hell outta my I don't know what you are talking about

A freaky uneasy feeling for sure

*crickets chriping*
*scenes of farm*
*crickets stop*
*close up*
*Hess suddenly wakes*

"there's a monster outside my room can I have a glass of water?"

This scene gave me the heeby jeebies when I was a little kid. I lived near the countryside and so I had this horrible daunting feeling that aliens were camouflaged in the fields near my house and could come into my room and take a peek whilst I slept.

weren't you scared of them taking the cows away?

I loved this film as a kid. Was the first "scary" movie I went to see at the theatre. Still like it to this day. Mostly because it plays on my fear of looking outside dark windows and being alone outside in the dark.

>the setup is so predictable that it's a typical BOO! Haunted House jumpscare.

Yeah, it's totally a jumpscare considering that even the news anchor warns of that the footage is spooky right before the footage airs.

I remember my family was watching this back when i was a little kid and my sister and i freaked the fuck out over that scene. My parents turned the movie off lol. I still haven't seen the rest of that movie.

>ruining the flow of the movie because you have a bitch ass kid

Why the fuck to people reproduce?? There's literally no good reason

Seeing that line is quotable and that OP's image is still memorable despite 15 years passing makes me realize one thing.

This movie has had more of a cultural impact than Avatar. I bet that this movie has moved people more than Avatar as well. Looking past the water plot element, this movie does have good scares and an engaging story.

>My wife likes Avatar the Last Airbender.
Hold the fucking phone. You decided to spend the rest of your life with a person who actually, genuinely, whole-heartedly, LIKED The Last Airbender?

phoenix and the little girl are awesome.

>the little girl


SHYAMALLAMA (dingdong)


This and his reaction to it is the best part and why it is really scary, more so than simply a jumpscare. It is actually the type of methodology that HP Lovecraft used in most of his works. The way the characters react to the stuff makes it much more than what it would normally be. This is because we empathize with the characters. The more we empathize and project ourselves onto them, the more profound the effect becomes.

The more you empathize and project yourself, the more profound the effect becomes.

>Spoiler Image


What the fuck is wrong with your brain that you would do that?

It is fun!


pls delet this

Whatever, at least we won't have to worry about burying you, because you went ahead and did it yourself.


More true than you may realize.

I knew this one was coming.

Everyone does. It is expected. Yet, it is still horrifying.

If I was him I'd rather they just shoot me. Jesus christ

Unbreakable > Sixth Sense > The Village >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else

>The Happening is barely ok.
reevaluate your life son

There's certainly something in the way it is shown that causes a primal response. If you pay attention it very closely resembles the famous "Bigfoot sighting" in which he's just walking through the woods. It's something that's only a glimpse.
This was also done in True Detective when they show the killer for the first time, I thought it was really well done.

That Croatian cave diver stabbed himself in the chest.

damn, i wanna juice her like a plum