ITT: Underrated actors


after watching good time i legitimately forgot that roberto pattinsino was british and not american

Edward Cullen.

Looks better with longer hair

DUDE METH LMA... *dies*


He was pretty good in Rover.

I feel bad knowing that normies just look at him and think "oh that Twilight guy" and don't bother to check him out further. He's got a lot of range.

One of his fantastic indie projects will accidentally get mainstream recognition in the next five years and he'll get an oscar nomination I imagine.
But I don't know if he's like Joaquim who publicly says he hates the oscars. Joaquim is also really underrated

>JUST hair

This one is worse.

Who is this young padawan?

Literally all of his films post twilight bomb commercially. Feel bad for him


kristen "home-wrecking slut" stewart


the guy who plays nuckys brother in Boardwalk Empire

He's always in stuff as a side character and usually does a really fucking good job

Not really a lead though

Keanu is one of those guys I am always rooting for and I feel like deserved better than he got. People say he is a shitty actor, but I think he is actually a subtle actor that got pigeonholed into playing quiet protagonists. Every now and then, I remember that he wanted to do a live action Cowboy Bebop and I feel sad that he will never get to do his passion project. He would have made a great Spike.

Pattinson is one of those guys who I always felt like was a better actor than people gave him credit for being and I wanted to check out more of his work, but I never have. There was a movie about elephants or something that sounded intriguing.

I hear you

watch Good Time already ffs
Then watch Cosmopolis/Lost City of Z/The Rover/Childhood of a Leader


Charlie Heaton

I've been posting him all week but whatever, fits the thread. He's great in every role I've seen, often literally unrecognizable from one role to the next (ffs he was the fat guy in "Steve Jobs" and I watched the whole movie without realizing) but he's never flashy or show-offy about it, always does subtle, believable work. Top-tier character actor