End of movie shows healing robot things fly down to Earth

>End of movie shows healing robot things fly down to Earth

>Made to look like the rich had an infinite amount of healing stations or enough to heal everyone.....

Wait. In the story is it just rich people being sadist? Or so evil that they wouldn't help Earth folks for some odd reason?

I mean it doesn't make sense. Rich people give more in charity. research. And are more likely to help fight disease and sickness. Plus if the medical bots were nearly unlimited with no real cost then why not share?

>Or did Matt Damon just fuck up everything and destroy the world by destroying said health bots and eventually ruining the world slowly.

They believe to be ascended from the filth that ruined earth. I personally would give them no hate for doing the right thing, letting the filth die and become dust. It just sounds so right.
The richers living on Elysium were just tired of the bullshit of the Earthers
Yea fuck matt damon and his terrorism.

>I mean it doesn't make sense. Rich people give more in charity. research. And are more likely to help fight disease and sickness.

wow really makes me think

It's a really ham fisted allegory about the 1%. Not that I don't appreciate a social message in sci fi, I just like when it's handled with a little more class and subtlety.
I really like the overpopulated urban sprawl, and I've been waiting my entire life to see a movie with a stanford torus, and they deliver with establishing the setting and tech of the world well enough.
The problem is the story is painfully trite, and I still want to know how the fuck he managed to get that t shirt on AFTER they screwed the live die repeat exo suit to his skeleton?

The whole plot doesnt make sense. I mean why the fuck would someone invent a all disease curing medpod and go 'huh, ill make a space station now and fuck off with the rich whites lmao".

Blompkamp probably thinks the ANC are a righteous government for South Africa. Fucking retard.

Pretty much, if the healing machines were no resource drain, they would be widely distributed on earth. Not a single reason not to, everyone gains from it. Hence we can draw the conclusion that the healing machines in fact DO require signficant resources and maintainance and that the entire premise of the movie is fucking retarded, as usual.

That movie sucks
I almost forgot about it

How did Kruger called matt damon again? Boiky?

What if it's intentional to allow natural selection to cull an unsustainable population?

space ppl=americans
jumping the border for healthcare

As usual, nobody understands. Elysium is great, it's /ourmovie/. Matt Daymon and other gang members are villains of the story and 1% are the good guys. When healing pods are flying to earth, it's simply tragic. A catastrophe. An end of the world. No hope. The film is about filthy, violent, uncultured subhumans. How they turn to shit everything they come in contact with. How the only way to live peacefully is to avoid them wholly, put them in a cage and let them kill each other off, and let normal people invent a cure for every disease or something trivial like that.
And almost nobody got it, people are so used to seeing leftist propaganda.

If if that's the message of the movie (and it is not) it still just a plain bad movie

>Pretty much, if the healing machines were no resource drain, they would be widely distributed on earth. Not a single reason not to, everyone gains from i

Those healing machines are basically immortality machines. Unless you're killed outright, the machine will fix any gunshot, stab, poison, radiation, etc. If everyone can only die by natural causes it will lead to even more overpopulation.

Elysium and Chappie by extension have a great sci-fi aesthetic, though I don't know what to call it

>Overpopulation has drained the earth
>Lol let's give everyone immortality machines and put them in the hands of criminal gangs

I may be over thinking it, but Blomkamp being a south African seems to bleed in to the message of this film, and not in a left wing kind of way.

Because there's no way someone is stupid enough to think this film has a hopeful ending.

Yeah that was not a happy ending. The space station was Earth's last hope, the people who managed to leave the filth and degeneracy behind to ascend. Elysium will quickly turn into a suburb. Criminals will strip everything down and sell it. Maintenance will cease. The rich will be killed and raped.

They put it on over his shirt. He's stuck with that t-shirt for the rest of the movie

>pathetic social conservatives jerk themselves off to supporting the villains


>What if it's intentional to allow natural selection to cull an unsustainable population?

Well then by that definition whats fucking left? The Earth seems already drained of all resources, just nuke the place and move on? And if shit is really that bad and crime pays better, why the fuck would anyone want to work for peanuts? Makes FUCK ALL sense my man.

This is the most retarded thing Ive read today.

the writer/director is a white south african whose family had to escape in the 90s
this movie is socially conservative

It was the message though, same as his other films. He gets praised by the left while skewering them

>jewish zog escape earth leaving everyone to rot
>based white hero brings them down

earth was shit because of them though.

This makes sense though, humanity interfering with natural selection is what kept extending africa suffering for more 50 years.

They should deband un, stop giving them money because they don't solve problems, they just attend to symptons and as long as the problem exist they will keep farming global cash from it, thats why everytime an african leader steps it up to solve things and gain control (((SOMEHOW))) they get murdered in another coup by well armed rogue groups and then 20 more years of un support and misery porn.

Doing nothing about something is easier than you think.

You did not understand it.

- America became mexico.
- Incompetent mexican send the last white man on earth to do their mission.
- Whatever jodi foster character name is, shes the person who will do whatever it takes to prevent the monkeys from destroying the utopian society
- liberal black president overrides her at every possible time from killing the mexican inmigrants, because he's a cuck
- mexicans take everything from the white people, everybody is poor now