C'mon Sup Forums, what's your schtoyle?

C'mon Sup Forums, what's your schtoyle?

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I feel like this was a reference to something very specific that I wasn't familiar with, and so the joke they repeated for the entire episode just went over my head.


It's strange how something like Southpark simplistic art style has completely captured this reptilians human form

Is anyone else kinda sad this season has been absolute dogshit? Last season too.

What the fuck happened with Matt and Trey?

I don't know what a schtoyle is.

I think Trump getting elected broke them; they were no longer the edgy comedy outsiders when they wrote an entire season around the assumption that Clinton would win.


I know I am a legit retard to ask but, what was his character doing a parody of?

Check out my schtoyle. Do you like my schtoyle?

shows been on for over 20 years, had a good run and at least they can say it's nowhere close to the dumpster fire that is modern-era simpsons

They're probably just bored of it and want to move onto other shit but have a contract to fulfill.
Hope they make some more musicals and maybe some indie movies like they used to do.

I think it still has some funny moments, but man was that Halloween special a letdown. I didn't watch last season really but what the hell is up with Cartmen having a girlfriend he hates? How is that funny? Plus he is having a hard time getting rid of her? Not even like him.


I thought the season would pick up after the Zuckerberg episode because I enjoyed that one quite a bit, but nope. Its like they had cool ideas for episodes, but couldn't come up with funny shit to fill the time.

Are the games worth playing?
I wonder why most of futurama stayed good while The Simpsons crashed so hard.

The zuckerberg episode, and the one about hummels/opiods were great. The witches one was pretty good too. You're only upset because you're a drumpkin and can't take a joke.

It's mot the same show anymore, the old south park has ended a long time ago, nothing lasts forever, that's why it's different, it's something else with the same name.

They do the episodes in about a week, I don't think that leaves much time to do a great episode.


fuck mark zuckerberg. fuck him

>tfw imagining Zuckerberg winning the presidency and controlling the NSA while personally owning everyone's personal data
Dude could be the most powerful dictator in history

no idea i never played a sp game and i was never a big fan of futurama from a comedy perspective. i guess it was consistently entertaining but only old simpsons and south park had those golden age episodes that made you wheeze from laughing