What are some kinos (movies) in which the good guy wins in the end?

What are some kinos (movies) in which the good guy wins in the end?

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World War II movies

>dog running aimlessly across the field is the highlight of the match
kek, fuck football.

Funny Games

>No caca

Someone post the "Pigeon vs Eagles" webm

Spic memes are the fucking worst.

>cat is better route runner than dolphins players
>basketballer murders bat
Aren't animals usually the highlight of matches?

sopa de perro

>There's no rule that says a dog CAN'T play soccer!

Obviously, the worst thing about this incident was that the dog is considered haram in Islam, and this incident made many Europeans feel unsafe.

uma delicia

why didn't no one of the players chase the dog and kicked him



t. muslim

A player threw a dog over the fence in Argentina. HE was confronted and sent off.


>mfw they had to shoot the dog to get it off the field

What are some movies about caca?

I don't believe you

How can one species be so based?


Best seat in the house

Because a superior species made them


botofogo is a Brazilian club, alt-right retard

homo sapiens sapiens

Speak english, this isn't china retard

>he doesn't know zoological nomenclature



>At least 22 men on the field
>Aren't smart enough to form a circle around the dog and close in on it

they can't move if the referee doesn't blow his whistle

>Kicking a dog

They probably didn't want to be hated by thousands of people. It's not as if it's a cat user

You can literally see them moving in the webm

what a cute dog. probably just an stray that wanted a little attention

They're told not to get involved by their FA's and by safety guidelines. It's really odd. Essentially for several reasons.

1. It might be a terrorist attack
2. It might be a disgruntled fan attack
3. If you cause injury to the person/animal the stadium, player and team are liable
4. It's up to the security and other staff to prevent this and to deal with it when it happens

A cat ran onto the field during a NFL game I seem to remember and nobody closed in to get it. Same fucking reason. This is also a reason why some people will watch an accident happen and do nothing; they are liable if something goes wrong (ie; person trapped in burning car, you go to pull them out, dislocate their arm or tear it off or do some other damage).

Honestly, I'd be kinda pissed if someone ripped my arm off while saving me from a burning car.