What's the point of these guys...

What's the point of these guys? British people are LITERALLY paying for them so they are living in posh castles and doing whatever they want

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This board exists solely to satisfy the obsession with movies and movie stars. England has the same approach to government.

Could Prince William have pulled her if not for the money and status?


They keep queens and kings because people are obsessed with them?

Wait what.
They've already reproduced twice?

>and doing whatever they want
Quite the opposite, if anything. They're public servants from the cradle to the grave and can never live a normal life. They also generate more tax revenue than they cost.

>They also generate more tax revenue than they cost.
How so?

>be British
>piss in own mouth

tourism revenue

Allows those countries with the Queen as head of state to elect a head of government whose role does not have to include ceremonial or formalistic duties.

Means that the British, Canadians, Australians, and other commonwealth peoples have an ultimately healthier and more critical relationship to their prime ministers than Americans do to their presidents

She's pregnant with a girl too

>be british
>get blacked

>be American
>get shot

She actually rules the commonwealth. Anyone who says she is just there for a tourist trap or tradition is blowing smoke up your ass.

because it turns out owning all the land in Britain produces money

>thinks a flesh wound is a big deal
You pussies have no immunity built up.

>be British
>get blown up by pissed off potatoniggers
>claim the U.S. is "violent"

I'd say something about them but technically we are not allowed to insult royals at all.

When he had hair maybe

The Crown is a good idea.

The Royal Family, not so much.

The family gives all the profits from their owned land (usually around £200m) to the government in return for an allowance (currently around £80m), and have done so for the past 150+ years

>be American
>believe in muh freedom, muh god, muh bear arms
>get gunned down in a church by an overweight autist
like poetry

As if running a presidency in a republic is free. I bet the annual running cost of Air Force One is bigger than the entire cost of maintaining the British monarchy

More important question: did she get Weinsteined?

Tourism taxes based on people seeing the royals pays for them, they are a good connector with all the commonwealth nations, and to be blunt, having the head of government and head of state not being the same person is good, and is one of the few mistakes we have in our government.

She is the one human female on Earth who could have a meeting with him in total private and not be harassed sexually.

So they basically pay 60% in taxes and live as royalty

know how people who get into new age spiritualism believe anywhere East of west is this mystical land of enlightenment and will spend real money to journey there for the "experience" and get jackshit in return?
It's like that. It actually costs little to put on a song and dance, but brings in a lot.
As the other user said, their prancing around is more a service than a luxury, if they were made to cut the shit a lot of people would end up hurting before them.

>A French journalist said to me once that the monarchy was one of the things that have saved Britain from Fascism. What he meant was that modern people can’t, apparently, get along without drums, flags and loyalty parades, and that it is better that they should tie their leader-worship onto some figure who has no real power. In a dictatorship the power and the glory belong to the same person. In England the real power belongs to unprepossessing men in bowler hats: the creature who rides in a gilded coach behind soldiers in steel breast-plates is really a waxwork.

George Orwell, 1944


Sounds like both sides benefit from this arrangement

Aren't the royals sent out as basically lobbyists for UK businesses?

>be British
>believe in muh god, muh Queen, and gun control
>get shot and stabbed multiple times in an informal meeting with muh constituency

>Being out of bed at that hour on a sunday.
It says right in the bible that you should keep the day of rest sacred, by fucking off and not doing anything.

Yes, they are essentially high-level diplomats and allow us to punch well above our weight internationally

big if true


Of course, I still say the most curious royals are the Thai royals

>What's the point of these guys?
To remind us why we kicked their asses out of the colonies in the first place.

>be dictator
>give yourself all the land
>give some of the money generated by the land to public expenses
wow what a great deal for the British people

Are you proposing we go full communist and just steal their land? Like it or not, they own it.

>be dictator
>except you have literally (literally) zero instruments to do governmental politcal decisions

seems legit

>le George III was a tyrant
Why do Amerisharts still swallow this myth? He governed legally and constitutionally and any grievances America had with Britain should be blamed on Parliament, which had been sovereign for over 100 years at that point

You can make them not monarchs without taking their land.

The Royals dont own "All the Land", royal lands are 792,000 ha

If you remove the royals you lose a ton of revenue.

The government gets directly 200 million from the lands, for a cost of 40 million to support the royals, and that does not include tourism revenue.

Yes, especially to the Arabs. They love a bit of royal cock, no matter what colour.

Fucking spoilt royal kids. Apparently that little George faggot is a massive entitled bully already at his school.