Do you agree with this Sup Forums

do you agree with this Sup Forums

template if anyone wants to make

>correctly recognizing that Cersei isn't any of these things

wat? too smart for Sup Forums

>Lawful impure

Fuck off

>Bronn is evil

Faceless Man belongs in Neutral Evil, Bronn in Impure Neutral.

wtf is social and rebel supposed to mean

no, thats pretty bad

ramsey should be chaotic evil
dany should not be good and should probably be chaotic
bronn is not evil

probably should be more changes as well

Daggers guy that drank from a skull is Chaotic Impure

Joffrey isn't chaotic at most he's Social Evil, accepted by the public etc, and limited by Cersei

Little finger is neutral evil since he switches sides to whatever is convenient

Bronn is true neutral because he has no stake in anything and fights for both sides whoever pays more, and he's not really invested in politics

Rebel Evil is the Greyjoy dude who killed his father, kidnapped his sister etc and declares himself the new ruler

Ramsey is chaotic evil, kills his own father, mutilates people, tortures, has his dogs eat people alive, flays people

what is cersei closest to

Switch Dany and Jon

Bronn is Impure because he will straight kill you to get that.

Social Evil

Faceless men can do no wrong.

and LF then
note i didnt make this

You're confused with the Hound

>no Mountain on this list

I don't think she belongs on the chart at all.

She's Cersei-Cersei aligned. She's closest to Hodor-Hodor alignment, but even that doesn't really describe it.

rebel moral id say

That's certainly what they say, but they're actually evil.

i mean rebel impure

>Tywin evil
>Ramsay not evil

>joffery as chaotic evil

ramsey was chaotic evil, biter is easily chaotic impure.

What are these alignments from anyway? Never heard of these "social good" or "impure" categories.I actually kind of dig them.

imo tywin isnt evil
hodor should be removed as he is too unimportant of a character and imo bran is true neutral

>This is the face of evil according to you.
Stay away from Bravos.

>fucks her brother
>fucked Lancel
>tortures people in dungeon
>paraded in streets naked and pelted with shit

>does everything by sleeping with people or behind the scenes
>tries to retain charade of public appearances
>still interested in legacy
Social Impure

Not Arya, the Faceless Men.

and dany isnt good

idk you have the template so make your own if you wish

Idiotic evil

Joffrey is not more evil than Ramsay, He's just a spoiled kid. Bronn is also not evil, I think he was being facetious about killing babies.

I don't think Marjorie is moral, she's "team Marjorie" just like Cersei is "team Cersei".

Jamie, as one of the few character with an actual arc, may have been impure, but but grows to be at least neutral, possibly moral in the books, he's just stuck in a shitty family.

Varys is only neutral because we don't really know what his end-game is. He's probably not getting any kind of end-game in the show, he'll just be a minor plot device, but I still think his is going to be the biggest payoff in the books
