You're given $150 million to make your dream movie. What do you create Sup Forums?

You're given $150 million to make your dream movie. What do you create Sup Forums?

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An actually good Max Payne adaptation focused on being the American version of Hard Boiled.

a porno where Brandi love and Nicole anistion takes it up the ass

i'd watch it

Nicole is debuting on tushy soon senpai

Star Wars episode 11
It's canon and released in 2019, featuring nine of the cast from 7-9

two girls one cuck

Oh wow, soft filter fixed camera crap. Even Kagney cant save that shit

A faithful adaptation of the first half of Gurren Lagann


>Bee movie had a $150 million budget

Archimedes biopick

a neet genocides the jewish race and becomes earth's greatest hero
>everything is shot on imax
>no score(dishonest)
>real on screen deaths(brain matter, genitalia cooking)
>the most beautiful women in the world in major roles
>utilizing de palma split screen, animated segments, the entire film moves in real time
>strong use of primary colors and high contrast

You said up the ass. Should have been more specific.

No Cunny for Old Men

a film based on greek mythology composed of a series of vignettes wherein star actresses have graphic sex with various animals

fallout 3 with vehicles and a female lead

(suck my dick she'd be great)

i'd film a jar of mayo for and hour and a half then spend the rest on cocaine and hookers

A complete and unexpurgated animated vision of the 120 Days of Sodom in its entirety, with the geographical situation of France/Switzerland laid out with loving care in the overture. I get Chinks to realize it since they're soulless and I hire white voice actors who fit the bill. If Paolo Bonacelli is still alive at production time I offer him one single fat check to do a voice cameo.

mah nigga

CGI remake of Salo where every role is played by Garfield

dat hivemind tho

Resident evil 1 remake adaptation by zack snyder, true to the material, hard R, with the title Biohazard to distance itself from the garabge anderson films

a blaxploitation movie where Samuel L Jackson plays the evil foreman overseeing a bunch of Chinese laborers building the railroads. They revolt and he summons a Zulu army to defeat them

i would pay good money to watch this

the REmake was great btw if you haven't played it.

I fully kek'd though.


*Jon, if you didn't want me to pour boiling lasagna mix in her cunt then you should have said so!* ;3 ~~LORENZO MUSIC~~

House of Leaves

Denis V gets full creative control

Clay animation about Dante's inferno

Different fella senpai. But seriously I just want more Misha Cross Evil Angel scenes, and for her to dye her hair back to reddy brown. LegalPorno scene between her, Tina Hot and Linda Sweet without and BBC shit would be kino

resident evil film adaption in the vein of the fmv intro and the original english va, and then i embezzle all the leftover money

A post WWI movie about a Belgian veteran struggling to maintain his sanity. He suffers from flashbacks and hallucinations while his wellbeing falls apart. His family, physician, and friends try to help him out, but to no avail. They cannot reach him as he descends further into madness.

I would recreate the Second Battle of Ypres, with a horrific gas attack being the highlight. This will serve as the turning point of the character, the great trauma that changes him.

As the story progresses, post war timeline, the character's mental health deteriorates rapidly as the world around him mutates into hellish images of Ypres.

So would i, so would i and yes i have many, many times over.

Make a shitty low budget 2deep4u indie film
Pocket the rest of the money

a passion play starring joe rogan in the role of Christ, where every time he doles out wisdom, he does it while wrestling his apostles to the ground
instead of "oh god oh god why have you deserted me" he blathers on endlessly about how weird it feels to have nails through his hands

judas pull up that video

a biopic of a struggling genius rapper with profound depression who commits suicide because the world doesn't recognize his talent
starring will smith

deliverance remake where the hillbillies are played by jon lovitz and joe mantegna

don't kill yourself will, please.

Proper version of The Shadow over Innsmouth. Dagon is good but it kinda does it's own thing. Have Casey Affleck play the traveller. Get Guillermo. Spend heaps location scouting for a shore line with a rocky bank out at sea to be Devil's reef and building a believable gothic delapidated Innsmouth. Get Brian Reitzel to score it. Flashback Obed Marsh played by David Thewlis who appears in many scenes told by store clerk and extended scene by the drunkard (brian cox). Rainy and dark for most of the movie with day time only being at the start and near the end. Bus driver played by Peter Stormare with heavy makeup. Hotel owner is Niel Maskell with heavy makeup. Sumptious shots of monsters rising from the depths a mix of weta cgi and practical effects. Maybe add in a plot like the game where the traveller has to go out to see for some reason. Final shot should be Casey Affleck walking into the ocean. Possible journal entry aspect providing narration. 2 hrs 10 mins

Kafka's "Amerika" starring Yakov Smirnoff

Fucking kek

Sacha Baron Cohen stars across from Seth McFarlane in this new body cop drama guaranteed to blow your socks off. Coming next halloween, the skates have never been hire. These two wacky misfits who don’t agree on anything just can’t catch a break until the discover the one thing that will change both their lives forever. If it wasn’t personal then, it is now, only they’re up the creek without a paddle. If you thought trouble came in pairs, well you would be right because these two are here to party - and they bring it hearty. Watch it on Netflix in 3 years after this movie that just has to be some kind of money laundering scheme, or maybe we’re just paying Seth to shut the fuck up and stop naming pedophiles, inevitably bombs and everybody is like “what the fuck, who did they think was going to watch this”. Get ready for “Two’s Company, Police a Crowd.” Rated [MA+15]

I would watch this

who would you cast as the main character? chris or jill? or would you work both of them in, doing different plot points simultaneously to keep the pace of the movie?

Muslim Crusaders invade a country populated exclusively by relatives of Kirk Douglas

fuck lets do it this is awesome
>mfw i invest my $150 million into this movie, get producer credits, make a boatload of cash and Weinstein some actresses

how does one neet genocides the entire jewish race?

sorry Sup Forums you're not gonna like this but

a movie trilogy based on the dark souls universe and concepts

dont bash me too hard

Honest to God a vaporwave movie (or animation)

Pastel colours, dreamlike clouds, have cherry blossoms for no reason in random scenes.

Get some smaller indie producers to contribute to the soundtrack.

Story-wise it would be slow, surreal, and dreamlike.

give me 150 million dollars and find out

Ace Ventura 3

That Doge dog goes missing. Ace investigates (alrighty then). He uncovers some bullshit about a dog trafficking business. Talks out his ass. Goes undercover as a flamboyantly gay dog breeder but falls for a Swedish woman (hijinx) who is connected to The Bad Guy. Something else happens in a car (like a glove). There's a climax and dogs get saved.

>Pure allegory for Weinstein's Hollywood.

With $150 million

i'm down for it. just give it a solid fucking ending i beg of you.

cycles nigga, again and again


but does a scene like this occur?
because otherwise i'm not interested.

user, how could you do this to me?

I can fit it in somewhere around "flamboyantly gay" and "hijinx", user

Throw $150 million dollar by dollar into a volcano?

A highly sexualized romantic film. Margot Robbie and Ana de Armas fulfill the lifelong dreams of an unemployed and uneducated man still living in his parents basement. Played by DJ Qualls.

a childhood camp comedy (borscht belt era) where all the kids are played by old jewish comedians. billy crystal, adam sandler, jon lovitz, woody allen, eugene levy, ben stein. their camp counselor is mel gibson. he makes them canoe and go camping in the cold, and they play pranks on him.
the twist is woody's girfriend from across the lake is actually 10 years old

based user that's all i ask.

A movie about the entire nato navy fleet who is teleported in westeros and then they join forces with dany&co against the night king and then against cersei

Horror/comedy starring Dakota Blue Richards. Takes place in a hospital and she has to fight off ghouls and various monsters while wearing a skimpy nurse outfit. Also features as much gore as Dead Alive.

A film about the Colorado Coalfield War, with Rockefeller etc. using modern economic rhetoric

Transformers 6

Tyler Perry's Madia On A Cruise Ship. The entire family thinks they won a free cruise ship adventure but it's actually just a ship back to Africa. Shit happens

In that case, Bee Movie 2

who is this jism prism?

Replace Margot Robbie with Lexi Belle and you've got kino

Real question:
All this talk about how a movie "costs" 150 mil or 260 mil or whatever, but it doesn't seem like an actual outsider, even with said mils could come in and just make something that would be shown in theaters.

YOU probably couldn't user, because you are a terrible businessman.

Dakota Blue Richards

What did he mean by this

Who do you get to play pic related, though?

A movie about the giant civlization that stood before recorded history that was forgotten by time. Two societies clash for 2 hours over some bullshit then a fucking asteroid slams into the planet and floods everyone.

>Her ass withered, worn, marked, torn, more resembled marbled paper than human skin, and its hole was so gaping, sprung and rugose that the bulkiest machines could, without her knowing a thing, penetrate it dry
What is a machine?

An epic 3-hour version of Tristan and Isolde using as much of Wagner's music as possible, extensive fantastical dream sequences and stuff. Not sure about the plot details yet, I want to look at a lot of the countless versions of the story and pick the best bits. With an 800 year old story and 150 year old music, both revered, and the freedom afforded by modern technology, I think I could come up with a masterpiece.

Not yet though. Maybe ten years from now I'll be ready to make that movie. After I've read a lot more books, seen a lot more movies and art, developed my artistic voice, eye, and general sensibility a lot more.

I laughed when I saw it

hearty kek

I love the idea. Good luck user.

Dont think modern audiences are ready for the finno-korean hyperspace war adaption

Ass fucking machines, it would seem.

>named in post but still asks
>telling him anyways

A remake of Prince of Darkness.

graphic serial killer police procedural where the killer is played by Steve Martin. He vivisects women and uses their body parts to masturbate while they watch. Vincent Schiavelli is the grizzled homicide detective who's seen it all, John Boyega is the greenhorn. titled "The Jerk-Off"

Thanks man. Here's the prelude

I'm already working on an elaborate intro sequence in my head for it to play over. Basically a bunch of context with some foreshadowing like the beginning of Fellowship of the Ring, but wordless, just music and visuals. The challenge is to find that exact level of fantastical expressiveness that's poetic (think David Lean or George Stevens) without being OTT stylish and basically anime tier. Like I said, I don't think I'm sophisticated enough yet but I'm confident I'll get there

A movie where Kat Dennings sits on my face for 2 hours.

I make Food Fight 2, and keep all the production money pretending it was for outsourced animation.

A surreal epic set in the Thirty Years' War with minimal dialogue, long takes and no Hollywood involvement based on Les Grandes Misères de la guerre.

FOTR is a great example the prelude immediately put you into the story, music is definitely key. I look forward to the day your work is out there for us to enjoy.

wee woo wee woo oh look guys it's the waifu police

>defends people who can't read by not reading

A Sup Forums wet dream movie, the cast will mainly vs non white
All current tropes and cliches will be inverted.

Dead Space movie

Atlas Shrugged Part 1 with an A-list cast.

The Goose with a harem of tv waifus

I like this idea a lot though I don't know if I can see it making any money in theaters. It might actually work better as an art installation. Have you considered extensive use of slow motion? I ask because, looking at pictures of the etchings, first of all I really dig the wide angle aesthetic which would lend itself really well to a series of immaculately composed stationary shots, secondly I think the sheer volume of visual information in the image would be impossible to process at normal speed. I saw an art installation that was just a slow motion video of a crowd of people (projected life-size) of varying appearance being subjected to a huge deluge of water and, while it was just the sort of artless superficial trash you expect from the postmodern art world, it was strangely fascinating to watch the varying actions/reactions of the people in the video, and I stayed in there for a while watching all the nuances. I've forgotten which art museum it was. Anyway human and visual subtleties are interesting and can be revealed in greater detail in slow motion, maybe that idea had already occurred to you--if not, maybe it can be of some use. Good luck

That movie already exists except that an elderly man takes it over in the last third to meet his dumb daughter who's crucial to the ebin replicant rebellion

A really good femdom mommy porno

In the Mouth of Madness