Galaxy Quest came out almost 20 years ago

>Galaxy Quest came out almost 20 years ago
Hold me lads, I don't wanna be old yet

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that 1998 was 30 years ago.

imagine being 50 years older and shitposting in an old person's home

it sounds kinda fun

all my grandparents had to do was sit around and watch TV, very passive. All you need to shitpost is use of your hands, eyes, and an internet connection

One day the internet will be filled with old people, maybe even dominated by them, because they'll have as much free time (if not more) than teens, we just need a savvy generation to age first

>2018 is already 2 months away

More like Galaxy Chest

Fug :D

I really, really like this post

Ahh 98 and n64.

and it's still 10/10

When he finally got his name.


>tfw I didnt even notice that she was Sigourney Weaver the first time I watched this

Math is hard....

I've loved nearly every Sam Rockwell performance I've seen, and I wish he was in more films.

This was her peak.

by the time we're geriatrics we'll have the holonet and the internet will be a relic.

That's not how you spell Heartbreakers senpai

So far I've seen him in Galaxy Quest, Seven Psychopaths, Moon, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Green Mile, Conviction and Assassination of Jesse James. What's some other essential Rockwellkino?

Lawn Dogs is his most Sup Forums performance

Since it hasn't been posted I'll assume you haven't seen it. It's a fake documentary for the 20th anniversary of "Galaxy Quest" the in-universe tv-show.

I haven't watched it yet I'm saving it for a rainy day. Thanks to that user in that thread for mentioning it.

>So far I've seen him in Galaxy Quest, Seven Psychopaths, Moon, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Green Mile, Conviction and Assassination of Jesse James. What's some other essential Rockwellkino?

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Top-tier performance.

Memes are harder...

Confessions of a Dangerous mind is a fun biopic/fiction
He's great in Matchstick Men, my favorite Nick Cage movie
Mr. Right was written specifically for Rockwell (he dance-fights) but the script is funnier than the movie

Same, really want to see his new movie, heard he was great in it

>tfw you helped user fill his rainy day

thanks anons, I forgot about Matchstick Men that was good. Will check the others out though.

I think this'll be fun. No matter what technology it'll be, shitposting on my death bed will be the peak of my existence.

More like Tit\ Quest amirite?

Laugh all you want but we're well on our way to this being true.