Jesus Christ... how did The Goose get away with this??

Jesus Christ... how did The Goose get away with this??

Other urls found in this thread:

>le epic redpills XD
You have to go back.

Fun fact: Sam Raimi wrote this scene

Gosling deserves a Oscar

beautiful actor

>okay Ryan for that scene I just want you to be yourself


sounds more like he's talking about Post Modernists than jews but that isn't to say most Post Modernists aren't jews because they are.

Not a single lie in that scene.

It's a "false flag" scene where they attach a bunch of truths to a hypocrite so that people don't take the ideas seriously. It reinforces the idea that only a jew could be so verbose/articulate and that the ideas are merely the ranting of a self-hating jew and nothing substantive.

I like the subtle kike accent. Really well done.

isn't he saying jews are smart and responsible for the rapid recent modern advancement?

all the while not providing a counter argument to the claims. Simply by attaching the ideas to a flawed mind, they are flawed by association.
"Surely only those who are crazy think this"

are you referring to the human race's recent and continuing descent into total degradation and squalor? note: I don't personally think the joos are responsible

Jesus, what the fuck?
This has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.

What movie? wonder you see Sup Forumsreddit complaining about young people so often lmao

The believer

how did he become so hot? He wasn't that good looking when he was 20 yo

Men age like wine

lol dumb. and how easily you idiots all agree and love the scene shows how dumb you are. easily swayed followers just like the nazi party, who are losers in history.


holy shit yeah, really stands out after 1:06 when he does a Jew voice

No he didn't.

What is a centipede in this context?

it just means a donald supporter

i don't know where it came from

Wtf. This is black pill level. Most emotion I’ve ever seen Goose display in a scene ever. He didn’t even display this much emotion in the Notebook.

it's pretty funny they shorten it to pede, because it sounds a lot like pedo and they don't seem to care

>red pill

Cuz he is playing a self hating Jew, makes it okay.

Goose is quite obviously /ourguy/. Unfortunately due to the environment that he is in, the only way he can unleash his power levels in public is through acting.

These people aren't civil war veterans, today a 50 year old could have been a 20 something early adopter of the internet and using it for decades.

You 12 year olds like to think this is your sekret klub, when it's common knowledge among tons of internet regulars.

Some people aren't wastes of space like us and feel time spent on the internet should be productive.



Notice he puts a little "oy vey" in his skinhead character, because if course if you watch the film you'll know that he's actually a Jew.

It was actually improvised.

It's like an anti-redpill. It's literally what a Jew thinks Nazis dislike about them.

Which...I guess makes sense in the context of the movie.

>losers in history

At least they killed 6 million Jews.

Some video that was popular with Sup Forums (but mostly reddit I guess) during the elections had a cenetipede in it. So redditors called themselves "pedes", like centipede. Which Sup Forums would then use ironically and associate with Nazi shit which made "pedes" upset.

>we have the cutest comments folks, believe me.
Jesus christ how cringy can you whites be?

I can never tell where he irony ends and the genuine beliefs begin with Murdoch Murdoch.

such as those fine gentripedes amassing updonalds in their reddit echo chamber

This is why they kicked him out of the Mickey Mouse Club.

It was a different time.

>for this scene, Ryan, just be yourself.

Murdoch Murdoch is just GI worshipping Sup Forumsacks. It's not really ironic.

Anymore than Sup Forumsacks are in general.

thanks I'm going to go throw up and throw away my laptop now

except theyre probably americans who dont pronounce pede and pedo similarly

Pfffhaha. What the fuck.

I sense this post could be a joke in disguise.

Wow, this is so surreal

americans don't pronounce it pee-doh?

>things that never happened

Just like in american history x

>Jews use their brains
>what have [these scientists and grand minds] given us?
>we use our hands, They use finance

Right, so Jews are... bad because of this?


Jews are immoral. That's the problem.

>I'm an older Lady Centipede too.
Ara ara

Man, this image is more true than I thought.

>the stupid fucking things trad-cucks will say to get out of christianity being responsible for the downfall of the west
Abandoning the core ethics of rome was your first mistake, abandoning rationalism for christian romanticism was your second.

American (((white women))) are the best example of this. Jews didn't "corrupt" shit, your own culture, or rather lack of a realistic ethical system that women can follow is what corrupts them. American women are sluts, most magapedes claim that it's the influence of jewish television that made them this way. If a group of people is so easily brainwashed, then there is a deeper problem.

The only bad shit jews are responsible for is the shitty financial situation that we are in, and only then partially responsible, since it's stupid white elites who accepted the debt economy and sold us into slavery, the jews are just profiting off of us abandoning Austrian economics.

I always love when Sup Forums tards make it appear like Jewish people are genetically predisposed to "undermine other cultures. The best part about it is how Americans say that Jews "arent white", when in reality the European Jews have mingled enough to be pretty much European to an extent where the semitic Jews in Israel call them Yekke and treat them as a different class.

Furthermore I love the notion how all Jews are somehow genetically involved in this global mass conspiracy to destroy all "white" societies.

Its almost like you Americans have never met a real Jew in your lives.

Lastly, I really find it amusing how the Matrix used the term "redpill" as a metaphor for enlightenment and Sup Forums and their 80 IQ normie counterparts arent even capable of understanding basic evolution, genetics, history, or even psychology.

Nice Reddit spacing Mr. Noseberg

Try arguing with him instead of attacking an inconsequential detail of his post next time. I'm not even taking sides, but if you want to do battle then do battle, don't throw pebbles.

He gave up all his credibility when he said that Jews are white

>Explaining Marxist ideas about commodification, alienation and returning to living through soil
>Attack Jews for allegedly creating abstraction of value and manipulating it
>Namechecks Marx

If you agree with what he said you also agree with the fundamentals of Marxist philosophy. You people seem to have no self awareness

Oh my god
Sup Forums was a mistake

This is why white people need to be bred out of existence.

If there was a state enforced interracial breeding program 2 decades ago then racism and poltards would've been bred out.

We need to start now.

>dont look at what ive done, fight within your own families!

>extreme identitarianism, a philosophy which celebrates you no matter how stupid or shitty you are as an individual attracts a bunch of fucking normies
who would have thunk

yeah his speech is bullshit and equates civilization with jews

>white people
>having good family values
christiandom is beyond repair, at least in america

It runs counter to german idealism, so sorry but you will be gassed if you are christian when I complete the system.

Oh my god, old people. Drumpf btfo, fuck Sup Forums #ImWithHer

White supremacists are so fucking hot


You can just hear the impotent soy anger from this post.

Ha, what a deep soy tool, check out this BASED BLACK GUY #LOCKHERUP #CIVICNATIONALISM

you people have the conversational skills of a chat bot

could he be anymore of /ourguy/?

This is pretty accurate

what would you expect from redditfugees
this election was fun but it fucking ruined Sup Forums

Back to your discord.

omg i just CAN'T believe this is real haha if you're a right winger you should be embarrassed by this.. i just..CANT deal with how cringey this is lmao

I don't even know what that means.

omg im cringing so hard wow this is PURE CRINGE, these levels of cringe shouldnt even be possibru

urgh this was so cringey i screamed out loud like pic related

Wtf you samefag