How does his trilogy measure up against those of Captain America and Iron Man?

How does his trilogy measure up against those of Captain America and Iron Man?

Thor 1 = 6/10
Thor 2 = 4/10
Thor 3 = 3/10

they each have 1 decent movie


all 3 trilogies are shit soooo

Captain America Series: Bad, Awesome, Terrible
Iron Man Series: Awesome, Bad, Terrible
Thor Series: Bad, Bad, Awesome

the first captain america wasnt that bad

Captain America Series: Good, Awesome, Good
Iron Man Series: Awesome, Bad, Good
Thor Series: Bad, Terrible, Awesome


It's bad.

No it isn't.

Sup Forums - home of in depth film discussion

Fuck off cunt

Just got back from watching Thor Ragnarok. It was okay, I think I might like it more on a second viewing. Some of the elements, like Jeff Goldblum and the planet he ruled were fantastic and actually got me laughing. Especially the joke about the slaves. This is the most Goldblum he's ever been and it works perfectly. Everything about the design of that planet from the soundtrack to the ships to the people was spot on.

Doctor Strange parts were nice but I was expecting a slightly larger role for him in the film. The Odin bits were kinda weak and the background looked very green-screeny. Hela was a pretty good villain (rare for Marvel) but the way she goes out is kinda shitty. Some of her lines were hit or miss too.

Karl Urban with the assault rifles was great. The Led Zeppelin bits at the beginning and especially the end were borderline kino but I am a big fan of the song.

There's some lame bits though, like the incredibly fucking forced """humor""" from the guy made of rocks. The entire theater thought he was hilarious but I couldn't register it as something I might find funny. A lot of the other jokes fell really fucking flat for me. GOTG didn't get me every time but at least I almost always grinned through both movies.

A big part of my criticism comes from the special effects. It could always be the theater I saw it at fucking it up somehow, but they looked pretty phoned in. More than the usual Marvel standard even. I'll give them credit though, some scenes looked really good. Most shots of Hulk were rocky but there were a few that were nearly perfect. Hela's dog started off bad but had some nearly photorealistic shots later.

The soundtrack with the synths is really well done but falls apart when they try to do the regular orchestral "oh no here da big bad" and shit. I wish the whole thing had been the slightly more experimental synths they played around with.

Cate Blanchett and the girl who played the Valkyrie were fucking hot

Iron Man 3 is better than 1.
Winter Soldier is good, not awesome.

>Iron Man 3 is better than 1


I know what I wrote, thank you.
Greentext and a reaction image aren't an argument.

they're all equally garbage

Shills btfo

I agree with this except valkyrie, she looked ok.

Go back to your funny fun site plebbitor

Iron Man > Winter Soldier > Ragnarok > First Avenger > Civil War > Iron Man 3 > Thor > Iron Man 2 > Thor 2

>Civil War > Iron Man 3
Are we still pretending Civil War wasn't garbage?
>Winter Soldier > Ragnarok
Come on now.

If winter soldier is good, then every Thor movie shit tier, especially the last one

capeshit doesnt deserve nor does it even warrant any in depth film discussion, only shitposting

Official Thor waifu ranking:

Sif > Hela > Frigga > Jane > Darcy > poop > Valkyrie

Civil War was a perfectly serviceable action flick. And WS is clearly better than Ragnarok

>responds to Satan trips
>gets upside down Satan trips

Confirmed for Surtur

Speaking of which, what did you guys think about him?

Rangnarok > civil war > IM3 > Thor 2 > IM2 > Thor 1 > Captain America 1 >>>> IM1 >>>>>>> winter soldier


I'd give Thor 3 a 5, but otherwise accurate.


Except the shit-brains commenting upon this garbage are the mindless zombified consumers of it and they're shitting up this board with their low quality posts about capeshit, Game of Thrones, Star Wars and every other gigantic turd which draws them like flies. You think these idiots are about to start discussing Rohmer or Resnais? At best you get some sneering remark purporting contempt for things they only have a passing familiarity with because they're thought-conditioned non-persons, the same as you.

Some of the humor was OK, but I think toning it down by like 50% would've helped, in part to make it a bit less silly and also just to help the funnier bits have more impact as opposed to the "lets just throw every quip or gag we can think of out at every possible opportunity and hope that some of them stick" sensory overload technique.

this scene was fucking cool, why couldn't the whole thing have been this neato



How can the other Avengers even compete?

>Zombified consumer
>Implying I paid for any of these shit flicks

Thor trilogy is 4/10
Iron Man is 6/10
Captain America is 5/10

>Thor has become Odin


That's a nice Sheev spin

Captain America Series: Pretty Good, Awesome, Pretty Good
Iron Man Series: Awesome, Bad, Passable
Thor Series: Passable, Bad, Good

Captain America is Marvel's most consistent series so far, not just in overall quality, but in tone aswell



At this point, Hulk vs Thor isn't really a contest.
MCU Hulk is pretty weak compared to his comic counterpart.

>Hulk vs Thor isn't really a contest
>Hulk vs Thor being a contest is an important part of the movie itself

What did he mean by this?

Am I the only one that finds the Iron Man movies really boring?

My ex hated the first Iron Man movie.

IM3>Ragnarok>IM1>Winter Soldier>Civil War>Thor1>Thor2>Cap1>dogshit>>>>>>>>>IM2

The music eleveated it very much, but fighting waves of faceless goons got really really fucking boring in-during and after Ultron.

I loved these side-on scenes that felt a tad more fantastical than a regular Marvel action scene. The Valkyrie's charging on Pegasi against Hela and Titan-Thor vs Undead were really cool visual shots.

MCU Thor is weak as fuck as well. He has small moments where he hits regular Thor powerlevel, but they're reined in so that the rest of the Team can do something.

I'm curious how did American audiences react to the Kiwi accents and humour?

It's clever how they always show the landing part in every trailers but left the sideways shot out. It's just too cool for trailers.

This is the kind of epicness Snyder can only dream to make.

I've never seen the words "Iron Man 3" and "Better" in the same sentence.

Iron man 3 was worse than Twilight.

their characters' power levels in modern comics have gone ridiculously over the top compared to their origins. You just cant apply all that to the movies.

Captain America 1 = Wonder Woman

they deserved better than what they got.

>Some of the humor was OK, but I think toning it down by like 50% would've helped

Or if the serious stuff was 50% less serious it would also have been good. Ragnarok is like two completely different movies were edited together.

CA: 5/10, 9/10, 8/10
IM: 9/10, 7/10, 4/10
Thor: 4/10, 7/10, 9/10

Fuck you Sup Forums I like capeshit. I've been waiting for these movies since I was a kid and Thor: The Dark World is underrated.

Winter Soldier is better than any of the Thor movies.

if my theater and I were any indication, we liked it a lot.

Cap : good, brilliant, good
IM : awesome, good, good
Thor : not good, not good, brilliant

Iron man- great, meh, good
Captain America- ok, great, great
Thor- good, kinda forgettable, fun but inconsistent.
Overall none of the mcu films are particularly bad. At worst some are kinda dull.

Great, but underrated
Good, but overrated
Shitshow of plot holes and bad acting

Pretty spot-on.

Thor could have been amazing. He could have been the real gateway into cosmic Marvel and the deeper lore. He could have introduced us to Thanos, actually given the audience some connection to the character and some sense of his power. Thor could have introduced us to magic and it's cost, earth-born sorcerers, their Earth's hidden past, the Eternals, the gods, the Deviants, you name it, but the suits calling the shots know fuck-all about comics, and have made the world-building in their oh-so-praised, "ambitious" cinematic universe an absolute shitshow.

You could start pointing out continuity errors, bad characterization, and plot holes today and you'd still be listing them this time tomorrow. At least it's "fun" though, right?