When Hauer performed the scene, the film crew applauded and some even cried

>When Hauer performed the scene, the film crew applauded and some even cried.

Were they the American crew?

Other urls found in this thread:


>the director later thanked the crew for ruining the take

>be 56%
>make movie
>clap each time they finish shooting a scene
all this time i thought it was a meme

Who the fuck names their kid "Rutger"?

they meant to name him rudiger but the nurse was thai and mispelt it

that's actually true

blade runner is overrated

That's really unprofessional. Did they only do one take or what? Sounds like some stupid bullshit you made up to me.

One of the most surreal thing I've heard about this movie is that it was partly produced by the fucking Shaw Brothers.

>thats a wrap everyone!
>american crew starts whooping and shooting guns in thr air


Did they own their homes and cars? if yes, then they probably were.

Continue being poor, third-worlders.

>they meant to name him rudiger but the nurse was thai and mispelt it
>that's actually true

It's a common dutch name.

>Why does a dutch person get a dutch name?

what if Americans started applauding applause?

I guess that explains all the chinamen shit.

Can I get a quick rundown on said brothers?

Legendary Hong Kong based film production company that made classic martial art flicks from the 60s-80s, most are seen as cult classics in the West (eg The 5 Deadly Venoms, 36th Chamber of Shaolin, The One Armed Swordsman). So super surreal they decided to co-produce a sci-fi flick. The company is pretty dead now I think.

They also collaborated with Hammer Horrors for a pretty shit kung-fu vampire/Dracula movie despite convincing Peter Cushing and David Chiang to star in it.

good post user

>After Rutger Hauer (Batty) delivered his final soliloquy, the surrounding crew applauded and a few even cried. It wasn't just the replicant's final poignant words that stirred them. Finishing the rain-sodden scene marked the end of an arduous shoot. The exhaustion on Harrison Ford's face as he watches his man-made adversary's demise isn't just acting. He was knackered.

Well if made up it wasn't by that user.

>dem lazers was lit, Deckard
wow my synapses really fizzled