Why didn't God simply kill Sauron?

Why didn't God simply kill Sauron?

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Too busy singing, and larping about with nature.

He did. Frodo carrying the ring to mount doom and destroying it was planned since the beginning of time.

Then what was the point of sending wizards to middle earth?

union thing

>it's a we think bombadil is iluvatar episode

Tax breaks

Kind of this. Supposedly it is impossible for someone to willingly destroy the ring, and once they get to Mt. Doom, they will always fail. That's why you see both Isildur and even Frodo, who is more resistant to it, turn away at the last moment. An argument could be made that "god" did intervene, by having Gollum fight Frodo for it (through his own obsession with the ring) and just ever so slightly push them over the edge in the heat of the moment. Basically, the only way to desteoy it is by accident.

Hey guise

Why didn't Eru simplify the tax code?

He's right. Bilbo found the ring for a reason, it wasn't dumb luck he just stumbled upon it in the very day the ring freed itself from Gollum.

After the Numenor and Beleriand mess he didn't sink shit any longer.

Eru gave Gollum a nudge. That was it.
He only influenced events in the sense that some of the coincidences were him.

The Silmarillion blatantly stated that Eru created all that was, is and will be when he played his music, and then he created the world where everyone is simply going through the motions. Literally everything that happens is destiny.

Hated this explanation. Why go through all that bullshit if God is going to destroy it himself in the end anyway.

Not god

Prove me wrong ;^)

>The Silmarillion blatantly stated that Eru created all that was, is and will be when he played his music, and then he created the world where everyone is simply going through the motions. Literally everything that happens is destiny.
I don't think so user. Firstly, the Silmarillion was written by Tolkien but never completed and released. His son did that.
Second, in one of his letters, he states gollum was nudged by eru. You can't beat word of god in literary user.

Because (((He))) made him.

But what about Morgoth fucking with shit?

Keep this shit out of LOTR threads please

>one rate to rule them all

Bombadil is forgetful, Erú is all knowing.
Bombadil cares only about himself and Goldberry, Erú is concerned with the faith of the world.

There's a theory out there that Eru knew that Morgoth would turn evil but created him anyway and didn't tell the Valar because struggle, bravery, and overcoming evil would make the 'song' better.

Don't know if that holds water though, haven't read the Silmarillion in years.

Because he wanted to create an interesting story

Where did Eru come from?

Eru is unknowable and that's the way it should be. Once we start projecting human traits onto him it lowers the impact of the books.

I swear to eru this song bullshit is the lamest excuse for mythology ive ever heard. Why cant he be like norse gods fucking with shit?

He just was. Same as Ungoliant and possibly Tom.

Why did Goldberry have a ring of power?

Check out Elder Scrolls mythology, it's better than Tolkien.


>the entire TES universe is inside someones head
>better than Tolkien

No really.

Norse gods are the capeshit of mythology

Not really

Isn't that what he did? There is more than one great power in the world and Frodo was meant to have the ring. That's why Bilbo found it in Gollum's cave instead of some random orc grabbing it.

Because he would have ended up here.

if morgoth succeeded in having the anal intercourse he craved with luthien does that mean she'd be BLACKED?



>lamest excuse for mythology
>it's real life Christian mythology with the names changed

but Talion took care of it?

What? I don't remember this

Shadow of War series is fanfic.

but morgoth is black. and because he is so large he does have BBC
"lel puny whitebois can't even compete" he would say to beren

Ungoliant was spawned by the first few chords of Melkors song

No she wasn't. Her origins are unknown. It's theorized she might be a spirit corrupted by Melkor but we'll never know.

Morgoth had a fair form so he wasn't a nigger.

Reminder to pour one out for Huan
Rip doggo

>Morgoth had a fair form

not after that business with ungoliant he didn't. thenceforth and forever he was stuck as "a dark lord, tall and terrible". thorondor trying to remove his face didn't help matters

I think I'll do that.

Every musical needs a few dark melodies to contrast the joyful ones.

>evil exists because it makes for good storytelling
i'm alright with this

Not in this case. Good/Bad had no meaning until Melkor tried to be a douche.

tes lore is surprisingly good but i think you are going too far

He just wanted to give some creative input and Eru is a control freak who hates critiques.

Probably, but he should've waited for his turn. Once eru was done I'm sure melkor would've been given the mic

The biggest plothole in Tolkien's universe is that the Gods could have just wiped the floor with Sauron but didn't
Hell, even some of the elfs in the immortal lands could have done that


>christian mythology isn't something in the real world
That's what he meant user. It might all be bullshit, but Tolkien was xstian and his work reflects all of that.

Tolkein was a christian who believed in concepts such as the trinity. If Jesus is God, but is not all knowing and is mortal, than Eru as Bombadil can be forgetful. I'm not saying Bombadil is Jesus, just that it's possible for Eru's middle-earthly manifestation to not have all his traits. Like a vow of poverty.

Doesn't seem like Eru is Bombadil. I don't think God would be beaten by Sauron, yet gandalf claims if he get's the ring, even Tom will fall.

Pretty sure Bombadil is a part of the earth, he was created along with the earth.

I'm sure all the beings who were tortured, corrupted, and raped to death over the years really appreciate that.


Makes more sense than him being god, especially when coupled with Goldberry who's most likely a water spirit

Then Greek mythology is the anime of mythology.

Jesus was killed by Pilate. God didn't stop existing. Same for Bombadil.

Bombadil is simply a way for Eru to experience his creation as one amongst it.

Was Zeus a trans?

I don't care who killed Jesus. If Tom were god tolkien would've made it clear instead of having regretted keeping him in the tale.

No. He was a serial rapist.
Majority of Greek gods are horrible and Greek myths have horrible outcomes for the protags.

Why would he have made it clear? What makes you think he regrets his inclusion?

It's in one of his letters and If i recall correctly, he laments the fact he added Tom to the final draft because it detracts from the story or some such shit

Give this a read through. It's a basic overview of Tom and discusses Tolkiens thoughts on him through his letters

Seems pretty positive here.

Yeah seems to blow the Tom is Eru theory out of the water, not too mention aparently:
>"He was Ilúvatar. The only support for this notion is on theological grounds: some have interpreted Goldberry's statement to Frodo (F: "Who is Tom Bombadil?" G: "He is.") as a form of the Christian "I am that am", which really could suggest the Creator. Tolkien rejected this interpretation quite firmly."

Well again, he isn't literally Eru having all his knowledge and powers. Like a vow of poverty, he is an earthly being Eru has manifested as to experience his creation as one amongst it.

Gandalf helped Frodo a lot.

No no no

Tamriel is actually a dream within a dream within a dream

>moving goalposts

why would god live in an evil forest with a bunch of spooky monsters?

I've been saying this from the start. Or does noone on this board understand the concept of the trinity?


It's quite plausible he doesn't even know he's Eru.

>frodo drops a golden ring into an active volcano
>aragorn makes him exempt from paying taxes
How does this work exactly?

I do but I don't by into the theory. It's good you do, but ignore shitposters like

The Shire isn't part of Gondors domain, ergo if you're gonna try and meme, put even a tiny amount of effort in

No, he said Sauron would eventually get the ring, maybe because he asks Tom nicely, tricks him, or maybe Bombadil just loses it

Actually men are free from the music. That's why it's called the Gift of Men as, despite being mortal, men are the prime movers in the LOTR universe.

I'm pretty sure bombabadil was another godlike entitiy like Eru, but he wasnt eru himself. eru specifically made middle earth so he could have some drama to watch and it would be rude for bombadil to do anything world changing, so he just fucks his hot wife in the forest and chills

what do you think would happen to bombadil in the present day?

Faramir might be my favorite character from the movies. Don't really know why. I like that he's "soft-spoken" and kind etc. but still masculine I guess. I think he pulled that off even better than Viggo.

Aragorn is king of Arnor as well, but he kept Rohan and the Shire independent after the reuniting the two Kingdoms, so actually that poster was quite on the money you retarded moviefag