ITT: Your favourite celebrity Twitter breakdowns

ITT: Your favourite celebrity Twitter breakdowns.

Other urls found in this thread: from:@realDonaldTrump&src=typd



What was his problem?


All of Cher's Twitter desu

Kind of sad.

Did u just call *moi* a dumbass?



>This actually happened

not a celebrity

its kind of surreal that an American president did this

I mean I guess in 20 years we will have presidents who will were raised on twitter and instagram

the unironic GOAT

You can't tell me this is actually real

Dude, that's Nikki Blonsky from Hairspray

It's true, all of it. You can tell the orange baboon wanted to fuck Kristen real bad, he's just like Weinstein. from:@realDonaldTrump&src=typd

Interestingly enough Trump WAS right

ok kek hold me tight
Trump is very invested in teenage romance

>5 years later
>Trump is president
>Robert Pattinson only appears in good movies
>Kristen Stewart is a nobody
Really amazing. Time flies.

pretty much every single time Wil Wheaton makes an ass of himself

Can't believe he won after saying this.

Trump loved the first Twilight and so did I.

Actually sound advice and a true prediction, as surreal as it is.


this isn't a 'breakdown' you annoying faggot, there's a fucking general dedicated to trump on Sup Forums, whinge about him there

Reminds me of this


That's not having a breakdown. That's just being a dumbass.

Sup Forums - Twitter Screencaps & Celeb Gossip

Premium keks



He was right though

I've seen her recent pics and this bitch needs to stop using that catapult full of boulders in her glass shack.

still can't believe this doofus in chief managed to get away with this

Carrie Fisher had the craziest tweets. RIP in piss you coked-up bitch.

someone send a code breaker, she was obviously trying to signal something but got killed



somebody translate

Bring me more cocaine or I'm going to have a heart attack from the sheer stupidity of Disney Wars




"The Jews did 9/11"


Classic Latza




I want 'Bridge over Troubled Water' playing at your funeral. To mine should be the 'Pimp Juice' vs. I am. A horse hole rock jetlag destroying me. Goodnight.

Not 100% accurate. What the fuck is Horse Hole Rock?

>Saw Daniel Craig when he was a stormtrooper great?????

Kek I remember when someone pretended to be Mike and baited this guy into an RLM audition. He even flew out to Milwauke looking for the studio.

Oldie but a goodie

>BretEastonELlis is to literature what Lee Iococca is to literature.

That one's pretty good desu.

"Great hat+abs" I think.

>I don't do drugs
C'mon, Amanda...

>Star of "Huge" and "Queen Sized"

I want "Bridge Over Troubled Water" playing at your funeral, too. Mine should be either "Pimp Juice" vs "I Am A Rock." Jet lag destroying me. Goodnight. I hope they respected her last wishes and played either Nelly's Pimp Juice or I Am A Rock by Simon and Garfunkel.

I 'member being a teenager and thinking he was the bees knees. I'm so happy there wasn't social media around back then, I'd have to stay left wing for the rest of my life out of the embarrassment.

>Good hoes would boost male moral and fix the recession

I'd vote for 50

>Defending Rhianna's disgusting moonface.

I still don't understand where the horse emoji came in.

Kek why does he hate him so much?

To think she was an author.


He tried so hard

Can I get a quick rundown on that dude?

Yeah she sometimes does that, like the ambulance in the middle of "playing" which makes zero sense, or the two dancing ladies in the middle of "be." I think she slips and hits the wrong emoji and doesn't notice. Also crazy.

Oh, and it should be "Goodnight and I love you." Forgot to carry the +heart.

wait, wtf? shouldn't she be pro muslim horde?

Cher's a right wing nutter who just happens to be cool with gays

How fucking long must it have taken to compose one of these


What did she mean by this? She's 27 and he's 14 b t w.

literally all Cher's tweets nowadays is her shitting on Trump

I'm not defending Rhianna. I pointing out that someone who looks like this shouldn't be going around calling other women fat and ugly. Why do you think I made that exaggerated throwing stones in a glass house reference?

It's cute when it's an older woman

Boomertalk is slowly evolving

>Horse Hole Rock?
She just started watching Jojo and was saying Hol Horse rocks


Shes a Jew. She hates muslims is all.

I think it takes about an hour for an old person to tweet. That's if they remember their password.

You could say that about pretty much every celebrity who doesn't have a very big career these days, though.

>I hurt myself, today....

This guy used to be the top terrorist in Ireland during the Troubles lol

Id fuck that before Rhianna.




The Rock's career is ending. It's understandable he's upset, but he really only has himself to blame because he fell for his own hype. "Heh, the people love me. It doesn't matter what I do, those dummies will eat it up! I could be in any crap movie and make it instant gold because I'm the Rock!"

that last tweet.
my sides

>top terrorist in Ireland
>not posting the british
Ayy lmao

What's the story behind this?

He will be fine. He will do kids flicks like Sandler and make fistfuls of money.

HE voted for Scottish independence and got super butthurt about losing

Not really that different from Obama talking about Game of Thrones.

>disconnect between critics and people

It's almost like the majority of the movie going masses are idiots or something and wouldn't know what a good movie was even if it bit them on the ass.