Talking like that to a guy when his sister is right there

>talking like that to a guy when his sister is right there

Other urls found in this thread:

>already renewed for two more seasons

>btfo us
>video shows the hillary bitch getting btfo
I don't think you understand what btfo means.

>attacks Sup Forums with ad hominem and strawman arguments
>gets smacked in the face
only thing missing is her making a sandwich after getting smacked like the bitch she is

they clearly called us alt-righters out for being virgins, and in the scene right after that he gets (rightfully) arrested and thrown in the loony bin

>writer/showrunner clearly comes here and probably even directly rips off ideas for scenes from Sup Forums and Sup Forums shitposts

>thinks it's fine to shit on us
why is this allowed bros?

>rightfully arrested
Ohhh you and your bait heheh good one friend :^)

you're right, I'm a #CruzMissile now

we can't let Drumpf get the nuclear codes

should have just chilled gotten a handy then fucked the 3 of them, then you can slap them


>called out for being virgins
what do you mean by this? is that illegal or something

This thread will be filled with BS but let's be honest. Everything she said about the typical Sup Forums poster is true. I mean, have you ever seen the people who post photo's of themselves on Sup Forums? They're fucking losers.


You have to be retarded if you don't think that it is somewhat true. Unless you actually have a kekistan t-shirt in which I guess you're one of them.

so epic, the way that stronk female character OWNED the Sup leftist culture is so smart and quirky


>QT Big Mouthed Bitch offering to give a HJ
>Not just unzipping dick right there
Also it's a shame that they kinda got the lingo right but then they fuck it all up by being insanely anachronistic. No one knew what the "Alt-Right" was until after the election.

The alt right doesn't exist, it's just a name created by Clinton to round up her enemies under one banner so she could say "they's all ebil nazis" now the left use it all the time and for some reason the right doesn't say shit about it.

In my country if you're still a virgin past 25 you need to pay a special tax to your community

it gets worse if you're still childless by 30

This shit is too cringe. Closed the video after the girl mentioned Sup Forums.

do they microchip you to know if you ever broke your ass hymen?

this, just wip it out and tell her to test his resolve

Man what even is this timeline

being gay is frowned upon, I'd be ostracized from my community if that were the case.

I don't remember any pedo or Bane memes
You have to go back

but how do they know if you're a virg

Everyone does this. Some guy ripped off the *RECORD SCRATCH* meme on twitter and got like two-thousand retweets.

you need to meet up with a government official and bring your gf with you so she can confirm your story

if they don't believe you, then they inspect her hymen and inspect your penis to see if they can find any traces of vaginal fluids on it

I voted for trump and im not altright
also im not white nor a virgin (count is 10 diffrent woman at 27). ahs stopped being gooed mid season one. the show is trash and isnt blowing anyone out.

what kind of snacks do they have in the waiting room?

>your Sup Forums pepe frogfucking buddies
>shrill cuck bitch

Wait is this suppose to be a satire?

>not tomorrow
baka desu senpai

i wouldn't know I'm a disgusting virgin


just fuck your mum kid

>not knowing how this works
a portion of trump voters and supporters are unwashed fat anons so they try to make fun of it as much as possible

it's really that much like elementary school namecalling

27 yo here i literally couldn't care less and so should you


There not blowing anyone out silly, their audience is the kind of people who resonated with the first episode where everyone was sobbing and and acting like Trump winning was the apocalypse, this is the kind of stuff they want to lap up. I don't get how people can watch a show like this and get upset, this isn't your demographic


but I am burden upon society until I become a real man

woman detected

be my gf

>woman detected

yeah, my penis is incredibly feminine

so are my balls

yeah good so be my gf (boy) you think i give a fuck?

>3 girls
>clinton supporters
>all fit, no one obese

>Economic anxiety? AKA racism

they still, STILL don't understand why they lost

but i don't want someone inside my boipussy, i want to be inside a real vagina (female)

take what you can get, you'll be happier for it.

Wtf hate white men now.


>he btfo all those bitches AND he gets to fuck them all because based Trump won

i'm pretty sure they're the ones who are going to be doing the blowing

t. """based""" pede

they entered into an oral (kek) contract, they're fucked (literally)

>dat slap
talk shit, get hit

This is the first time in years i'm enjoying AHS. Shit got really ridicilous.

It's the only time I've enjoyed it desu

even then half the episode is usually pretty boring

missed the best part

>Alt-Right is a term created by Clinton
*Breathes in

Season 2 of AHS is absolute kino though?

Reminder that the only qualification for being "alt-right" is self-proclaiming that you're alt-right

It's all here you dumb idiot

nah, if people call you alt-right enough you become it, that's how it works.