"A Triumph." ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

>"A Triumph." ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

how you do that shit

>"2 thumbs way way up!"

I'm making a note here, "Huge success!"

I'm a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ man

wtf swaglord

"A tour de force that never lets up!"
"A fun popcorn movie for the whole family"
"I love [insert movie name here]!"

Damn that shit is catchy no matter the leddit stigma


"Directors love letter to X"
"X's and Y's love child"
"Dark Souls of X"

We'll at least they're giving a warning.

>"A tour de France."

>A Triumph of the Will
>condescending frong.jepg

>Film came out in 2014
>"Cult status"

Emojis, dude. Emojis

I rate this post .

>It has good intentions
>but ultimately, it falls flat

>shit is LIT af








I really really hate this one

>It will blow you away!

“A modern masterpiece”


>cooked to perfection

>It's so bad it's GOOD!

>crying laughing emoji
>Error: not text entered

>movie of the year

A mesmerizing lettre d'amour to the nouvelle vague

>The summer blockbuster you’ve been waiting all year for

>"set phasers to fun"


"So #litty I pissed my pants laughing." - Dwayne Johnson


>4.5/5 stars

>the most talked-about film of the summer

>a romp



I remember an episode of Siskel and Ebert where they were talking about this and how they have no idea what the difference is when movies use “two thumbs up” and “two thumbs way up” to market itself. It was funny.

>X is a revelation


>From the producers who saw Shrek 2

>The film event of the year



>A career defining performance

5 star post OP

>The greatest film of the year!
>Release date: January 1st

>"From the director of District 9"

((((award)))) ((((best picture))))

>"Unforgettable!" ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - The Guardian

ayo hol up my nigga dis shit hella lit knowhumsayin cuz 5/5

>From the Academy Award winning director of Braveheart (we'd rather not say his name)

>early contender for best picture

*In tiny fonts*
>From the second key grip of
*In huge fonts*
>Some big hit movie

Fun funny and above all fun

⭐ ⭐

>based on the bestselling novel

>99% on Rotten Tomatoes ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Letterboxd thread?

>comedy of the century

>"A (...) movie"

>Will do for brushing teeth what 'Jaws' did for swimming!
>Critics have called it the 'Jaws' of brushing teeth



{{{{{{{{{ 3rd GRAND PRIX of the 2017 Film Festival in Kishniev }}}}}}}}}

>"From the casting director that fucked your all your waifus"

>a glib facsimile




"good mobie"

⭐ ⭐

⭐ ⭐
⭐ ⭐

>From the guys who hung out at the recording booth for the ad lib sessions of The Matrix

>Literally Unknown outlet gives it ⭐⭐⭐⭐!


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ It's ok I guess. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

>Nominated for 5 Golden Globes
>Ryan Gosling is enchanting



>"This was a triumph! I'm making a note here! Huge success!"

>so bad it's so good

>From the guys who hung out at the recording booth for the ad lib sessions of The Matrix

This is so specific, I love it. Very funny.


Marvel does it again⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I laughed because I saw the blair witch remake bluray at best buy once and they literally had a review like this from JOBLO dot com or some shit

Literally jo blo


This one desu

>a spike lee joint

>Came out in January

I hate these fucking signs so much

>Dog movie
>"Two paws up"

>"From the producer of Independence Day"

"Tight flick"

Then maybe you should slow you're roll, Top Gun!.

>Only God Forgives
>"From the director of Drive"
>The Neon Demon
>"From the director of Drive"