IGN's pics for a X-Men movie

IGN's pics for a X-Men movie...

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Idris as Charles is lame
Ruth Nega as Storm is lame
BDH as Jean is not bad, and that literally who as Magneto is fine

stopped at "idras elba as professor x"


>Idris Elba
Well meme'd.

lmao the first comments on the tweet are black people hating the casting

its another case of white guilt trying to pander to blacks and accusing other whites of needing to be less racist and more diverse. whites are their own worst enemy

Why isn't Storm cast as an Asian or Mexican!?

>dan stevens
>most generic bland hero ever made


hello twitter

>Idris as Xavier

LMAO I am not evenw atching the rest of that shit. Why the fuck do they keep wanting to blackwash characters? Idris could be a great Bishop but nah, no one knows Bishop lmaooo we need bald man and bub sknit and eye laser man on screen at all moments.

>Idris could be a great Bishop but nah, no one knows Bishop lmaooo we need bald man and bub sknit and eye laser man on screen at all moments.
this he basically looks the part here already

all are actually solid choices, desu.

except idris elbow. we've memed that too hard

>open link
>Idris Elba as Professor X pops up

top fucking kek I'm not even watching the whole video

>the tall fat fuck from Stranger Things as Wolverine
>an asian chick as Storm
>a middle aged woman as Jean grey, a university student

What the fuck? This is a joke, right?

It's just that he's basically the only black leading man in Hollywood rn so he gets meme-cast in everything

Will Smith?

he's over the hill, they don't want to cast him as a lead cause he's already iconic for roles from the 90's

He gets routinely cast as the main in shitty movies only though.

well yeah

So does it really count I mean, he is no black Leo Decaprio, more like....idk that one dude that appears in only shitty movies that everyone forgets -dude

yeah idk he's like any of those guys who was big a decade or two ago; they're still in shit but not huge productions as the MC