The absolute state of Hollywood

The absolute state of Hollywood

If Trump did this with ex-Russian agents Liberals would be accusing him of treason

Whew this witch hunt got out of control fast.

Based Israel

uh oh this is getting slid hard user because he hired that group from his people!

Oy vey. Nothing to see here goyim.

Good, let it burn, the entire idea of the 7 digit salaries that men and women like him and everyone else in hollywood makes enables shit like this to happen. Tear it all fucking down and give the money to hospitals Not Jennifer Fucking Lawrence.

Hmmmm who could behind sliding the board to bury all weinstein threads?

Did he rape them, too?

This is so ridiculous. How are any of you still on the fence about Jews when you read shit like this?

The goyim know.

They're going to have to purge us soon.

its FORMER mossad, you dumb redneck

I'm not, but I don't think getting upset over it on an imageboard changes anything. The Jews are too powerful and one just needs to learn to work around them. There's also plenty of evidence for Jewish blood rituals, "blood libel", but I'm not going to bring that up to my coworkers or friends

Harvey is kinda handsome in a gruff way, penetrating eyes and scuzzy facial hair, makes you want to scratch your cheek against.


Trump, you mean the president of the united states?
Versus a private citizen in hollywood? Who's career is being completely erased and who is vilified permanently now?

>when not even ISRAEL could save you
Has feminism gone too far?

No one is really on the fence, but no one really knows what can be done when zionists like Trump and most EU leaders are in power. We just await the cleansing that is long overdue and hope these filth will be taken away.

B-but Trump tells me that we love the Jewish community?

It's getting harder and harder to defend the Jews.

>back dimples

can we PLEASE gas the kikes already?

So you're implying Weinstein did nothing wrong. Or that the accusations against Trump are true.

Now's not the time for pesticides. That comes later.

thumb coasters

If Hillary did it, she would produce a fake dossier to frame a sitting President for which the leftist media would hammer that President non-stop on "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA" to distract from the fact that she took millions from Russia in exchange for illegally selling them uranium.

Oh wait that's exactly what she did.

is this thread why the whole board is 404ing so fast? because their getting named?

dang she dun got harvested for her soul by them look his nose!

Its a wealth thing, not a jew thing.

why isnt harb arrested? oh yea he is one of them protected by their 1% of bankers.


Who is next from them who are all child rapists?