Universal ABANDONS Dark Universe

>A not-so-shocking report over at THR says that writer-producers Alex Kurtzman and Chris Morgan, who were hired as Universal’s “Dark Universe” architects, have departed the franchise.

>The site notes that the studio is exploring its options. One road involves offering the IP to high-profile filmmakers or producers with ideas for one-off movies not connected to a larger universe.


Good. The Mummy was awful.

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very amusing how literally only marvel can get an expanded universe to work cohesively

Ahh too bad I was hoping they could at least retcon all the old movies and treat them as in-universe as maybe a compromise so they could make some sequels or blank vs. blanks but I guess they can abandon the idea too.


>The extra special irony in Cramer’s statement is that Guillermo del Toro‘s The Shape of Water, opening Dec. 1, 2017, is directly inspired by The Creature From the Black Lagoon, and will be an Oscar-contender for Fox Searchlight. What makes this even more hilarious is that del Toro was once attached to direct a Black Lagoon remake for Universal.

hahaha take that jj abrams and kurtzman


>Tensing his arm to appear more muscular in a photo that's supposed to appear relaxed

What an insecure faggot.


>One road involves offering the IP to high-profile filmmakers or producers with ideas for one-off movies not connected to a larger universe.
Kino is back in the menu boys

Also, what monster films from the old times are good, Sup Forums? I watched '32 Mummy and it was pretty mediocre.

Alex Kurtzman and Chris Morgan leaving (THIS IS GOOD NEWS HERE!). Dark Universe promotion cost them too much to fully abandon project. They probably gonna get more experienced high-profile filmmakers.
Kurtzman goes milking TV series and Morgan back to Fast And Furious (+spinoffs)
>"We are not rushing to meet a release date and will move forward with these films when we feel they are the best versions of themselves."
>"This affords Alex Kurtzman more time for a project that is really working well: Star Trek Discovery,"
>"There's no way to give up on this. This is Universal's legacy,"

A monster cinematic universe could have been so easily done


i hope cruise & snyder team up to make totally not-gay ultimate manlet kino


original trilogy 1&2 will still always be kino at least.

If you throw out any connections to the other movies and just judge it as its own piece then it's still a bad movie but god damn if the ending with the horses and the sandstorm behind them didn't get me excited

He's pretty old now though, old people's veins really pop out even when they're relaxed

I'm surprised he's still as good-looking as he is

Good fucking riddance.

Bram Stoker's Dracula is still the best effort at coming close to a Monster Universe reboot. And that was 20 years ago.

Minimal plastic surgery and he obviously stays in shape to do his own stuntwork

Dark Universe gonna be re-structured. Throwing Kurtzman and other hacks, then release 1 well-polished movie every 2 years long time after inevitable death of all that capeshit mania.
...and then I wake up, reading about "Batman vs Iron Man 12: The Most Avanged Heros - Part 4" setting new box office record.

>Couldn't even shoop out the firefox and chrome words
Lazy as fuck

>tfw Brendan's The Mummy is rotten too
Fucking unacceptable

He's probably on dat dere T by now.
Free vascularity.

Doesn't look flexed.

This is the third time we have failed to start a shared universe and we have become exceedingly efficient at it

There was lot of shitting about it when came out. I would say even more than with new mummy.
Mostly about turning iconic monstrous horror into adventure-comedy, which was unthinkable at that time. Making mummy not mummy-like (even in scene they find corpse, it got no bandages left - they buried him wrapped in bandages so they should remain) or generally copying Indiana Jones. Took a bit till movie grew on people.

You gotta remember for a lot of older movies, the Rotten Tomatoes score records inital scathing reviews and not reviews that came out after people began to understand the movie for what it actually was.

Mummy 1999 was a remake of a super well respected classic, so of course it was going to get shit on.

To be fair it IS a trashy adventure film,

We need kino trash just as much as we need kino kino.

Jesus, only Bardem isn't a degenerate or a whore

He's flexing because he fucked Bardem's wife. It's a sign of dominance.

Nah, it's kino in its own way.

>can i copy your homework?
>sure but at least chang... nevermind

Univeral monster movies should be left alone. They've already been raped over and over again.

Just appreciate the original kino.

>Russel Crowe can't fucking stand still for a few seconds for a group photo

who are the losers on the top

The stars of Firrkle I'd imagine

great I'm back to where i started

it really shows how fucked Hollywood is that they can't get a simple fucking monster mash going. Universal pulled this shit off back in the fucking 40's

the trick to creating some kind of shared universe or crossover universe is to not overplan it.

You make each movie self contained and then if you make a crossover, you make a crossover.

you don't need Jekyl in the Mummy or the wolfman in Dracula or anything like that.

All because marvel likes to introduce characters and plot points in individual movies doesnt mean everyone has to do that. And in a way, everyone who does that isnt actually copying marvel, they are copying the DC method.

AKA introduce characters through the back door so you dont have to make individual movies such a priority and can skip straight to the crossover

FIRRKIE - india ripoff

Indian qt >>>>>>>> ugly mummy

>tfw Universal fucked it all up again
>not even Cruise's insane box office power could make it work
>mfw they'll never remake Monster Squad a la The Avengers

i wonder what they will do to strike back against whites for this.

Eurofag here, (ye hate me, or whatever, don't care) "Mummy" is going strong at DVD/BR/Home Entertainment all across Europe.
In 3 days sold nearly 70 000 units in UK. Thats a lot. Brits love to see London in american blockbusters in any form.
Reports from France are well too. Mostly to french actress (and Tom Cruise), movie shines in DVD/BR sales.
According to friends from Germany or slavic/eastern Europe movie sells rather good too.
I guess "Mummy" gonna be near top of worldwide DVD/BR sales, only losing to capeshit and Disney.
I doubt they gonna scrap whole project, they put too much into this. There are 2 games released aswell, 1 of them is getting very good reviews.
This "news" about Dark Universe is probably to bring some attention, same like shitstorm with Fast and Furious. Probably they get new directors and continue. Wolfman or Dracula were not enough to scrap this, so why this would?

It should be a horror cinematic universe instead of the action-adventure bullshit they were pushing through. Though that was in part because this wasn't just a Mummy movie to kickstart the dark universe, but also a remake of The Mummy trilogy, so they had to make it recognizeable in that way too.

They shot themselves in the foot, really

The first two Frankenstein movies are the only good ones.

I don't understand that thought pattern
>oh hey I heard this movie has a few scenes of London in it I'm gonna buy it

Like, is that really how it goes?

not a bonglander myself, but basically yeah, same things happen in my country. "they shot X scenes at Y" or "local actor has a small role in it", so people get interested in it

Damn and I was thinking of pitching my Dark Universe script... If you guys wanna read it here it goes

"I was working in the lab late one night
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
For my monster from his slab began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise

From my laboratory in the castle east
To the master bedroom where the vampires feast
The ghouls all came from their humble abodes
To get a jolt from my electrodes

The zombies were having fun
The party had just begun
The guests included Wolf Man
Dracula and his son

The scene was rockin', all were digging the sounds
Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds
The coffin-bangers were about to arrive
With their vocal group, "The Crypt-Kicker Five"

Out from his coffin, Drac's voice did ring
Seems he was troubled by just one thing
He opened the lid and shook his fist
And said, "Whatever happened to my Transylvania twist"

Now everything's cool, Drac's a part of the band
And my monster mash is the hit of the land
For you, the living, this mash was meant too
When you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you"

My arms do that as well, it's just low bodyfat

“Mummy” ain’t THAT ban flick to start with cuz they were set to make Oscar bite after all. However, saying “Bride Of Frankenstein” is the second entry of the universe, already shown that they probably didn’t know what they wanted to do with the opportunity user.

Pretty much yeah.
Brits are very nostalgic. They miss their classic movies from 60s where London was nearly centre of the universe. Since now mostly movies are done in US, leaving British cinema with TV series only, they adore everything with London.
Movie ads here were exposing London a lot and promotional interviews oftern referring to british-remake of Mummy with Christopher Lee.

>box office power

Have you been in a coma for 15 years and just woke up? He's pretty useless outside of Mission Inpossible.

I agree but Hollywood/Scientology don't.

Can confirm this. Working as sales assistant for huge supermarket chain. Out of recent releases, "The Mummy" is among bestsellers, right behind "Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge". While the latter one is bought mostly by families, kids and youths, "The Mummy" customers are around or above 30YO. Judging by bad reviews, we didn't expect it to go so well. Interestingly, DVD seems to have better sale. Probably due to digibook/booklet format it comes with. People who still buy physical media like this kind of thing.

time to celebrate!

of course, placing Transformers 4 in China made them biggest BO draw

in fairness kurtzman isn't as hack as he is on film and when he is doing TV. fringe was sci-fi kino and DIS is alright. he should absolutely stick to TV.

Let's be honest here.
Who here didn't see this coming?
The Universal monsters don't bring in ticket sales and trying to make a cinematic universe was destined to fail.

T O M. I S. F I N I S H E D.

Miracles do happen!

I was coming into this thread expecting some of those pics of Tom looking all uncomfortable and with his face getting increasingly redder

does anyone have them

Too bad christopher lee died after making that metal album.

Still talk about crossing one off the list

what the fuck

there is something better
starts at +/- 0:50 sec

who the fuck is this punk ? get outta here

but you can still see their bodies, you know who they are

>not even Cruise's insane box office power could make it work.

cruise was the reason the mummy movie was shit
he had a say in how the script would be. he made the intire movie be about himself, even with the fucking ending with him becoming a literal god.
sofia was the only good thing about the movie

woha tom, easy on the tethans.

i'm the guy who always comes into tom cruise threads asking why this meme didn't take off

because Tom is handsome, he just looked kinda puffy that day

romors about early script were even worse
>group of soldiers find tomb
>plane crashes
>mummy breaks loose in London or american city
>prodigium has to catch mummy
>soldiers fight undead zombie spreading in londen
>mummy gets away and wants to get a stone/sword whatever to take over world
>soldiers stop mummy
Cruise added at least 2 things to make it memorable. Zero G-plane crash scene and character/Seth possesion arc. Without this, it would bbe literally zombie shooter with mummy somewhere in background. It would still be bad shit, but instead getting 400 million, it would get around 200 mil making it total disatser.

>We need kino trash just as much as we need kino kino.
Can I murder you?

but ameritards like the muh troops shit, don't they? who knows, maybe an army vs monsters movie could have been succesful

would it be murder kino?

Whoddathunk trying to reboot an entire series of monster movies that no one asked to be rebooted wouldn't pan out.


That picture is photoshopped to hell and back. Tom doesn't look remotely that athletic and young. I wouldn't be surprised if Tom wanted to approve of the photoshop before making this image public.

What did Boris mean by this?

this is from song

>puffy that day
EVERY DAY is a puffy day for Tom.

Thanks but believe it or not I know what the monster mash is retard

>implying american was main audience
Universal doesn't give a shit about USA anymore.
>box-office analyst Paul Dergarabedian. "If you look at [Universal's] Fate of the Furious, 80 percent of its box office came from international. Tom Cruise is an international superstar, and he remains so.
Seriously, do You think they expected such thing as mummy/monster movies get more than 400 mil? This is niche, same to cyberpunk or western now. Normies want capeshit, nothing else. Cruise was "safe bet" to don't end like King Arthur or other similar total flops.

k, then. "Boris" in Sup Forums slang means russian so though You ask about that

You sound like a catty broad.


>JUST Jared

The jokes write themselves

>tfw not rich enough to afford prescribed hgh and testosterone to look 25 in my 50s

Shame about his insertions.


not everything is result of operations and shits.
Cruise is very healthy and active guy. He is exercising a lot, running, swimming (can hold breath up to 4 minutes, for real) and as plane pilot he must be in good cardio condition to fly his WW2 Mustang P51 plane.

working on that dad bod


He's rich as fuck and intact enough to do his own stunts at that age.
He's also not dumb.

Would you not make yourself 20 years younger if you could afford it?

I would get on that shit right now.

>plastic surgery

>forgetting Son of Frankenstein

how do we get them out of hollywood though?

I think it's because Marvel didn't set out with an "expanded universe" in mind, they just sort of got there organically.

think bomb will drop that kurtzman is also raping children since he is one of them?>

top kek

The best are Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein and The Invisible Man. James Whale was a genius.

why are mummy threads always so full of broken english? Fuck off third world shills