Recommend me a good anime movie. I already watched Ghost in the shell and I liked it

recommend me a good anime movie. I already watched Ghost in the shell and I liked it

Other urls found in this thread:愛-奉文-x-聖子

Obviously Akira.

its too old

kiss x sis ova

Perfect blue

Literally any feature length film from Madhouse.

Perfect Blue


Ninja Scroll

Fucking GOAT right here.

Satoshi Kon's Filmography.

you're welcome.

Idk Kimi No Wa? Koe No Katachi? 5 Centimeters Per Second

fuck you

cant get any better than Satoshi Kon
taken too fuckin soon ;_;

I think that Patlabor 2 is kinda better.




This. Don't FUCK around op.

Death Note is the best anime of all time.

24 handdrawn fps. That kind of stuff ages well, unlike CG.

Kill yourself.

The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long
Same with Kieslowski

my nigga, it's incredible how no one never talks about it

>Death Note is the best anime of all time

You're utterly wrong, but I honestly remember watching it in high school, when it was only available with fansubs. I watched the whole series in like 4 days. What a ride.

Truly God-Tier
Honestly makes me sad just thinking about it

speaking of lesser known anime movies, the cat returns is really underappreciated

Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer

imma watch akira then

Good on ya mate

Whomst here Sword of the Stranger?


not a high bar

18+ board, kiddo

Oh fuck off, seriously.

You're quite right there. Also, check out his tv series "Paranoia Agent"

Boku no pico

Jin roh
Grave of the fireflies

Wings of Honneamise is great

Tomoya Nagase is kino I'll watch any of his dramas

vampire hunter d bloodlust

Mezzo Forte

Yuki and Ame - The Wolf Children

that film is like watching paint dry.


>Sword of the Stranger?

sounds like a cuckold fantasy, kill yourself

It's pure kino

Man, that fucking machine that makes women orgasm and then drains them off their blood is soo sick

Tough shit. They don't make good anime any more

well, looks like I know what I'm going to watch tonight

This nigga knoweth

It's not in the first film, I think that's the second one.

>sounds like a
Literally kys

Take care that you find the uncensored version though, there have been a lot of cuts.

Yup, that's the second one but they are quite self-sustained movies imo

go fuck yourself

shitty movie, so overrated with that stupid climax ending

pff, even wonder woman is a better movie, and ww is not a good movie.

is cool enough

hell yeah!!

so fucking A

ok my suggestions for movies:
>AKIRA is a must watch
>Cowboy Bebop The Movie
>Ninja Scroll (Only Movie)
>Berserk Golden Arc Ovas

Garzey's Wing

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overrated pos

Just downloaded it and watched it after your post.

Thank you.

Thank you thank you thank you.



the show is perfect, the movie is cool enough too

Awesome suggestion. I've never heard of it and I'll check it out. Thanks

Belladonna of Sadness

Give me any reasons why the ending of 5 cm per second was not the most kino ending in all of animekino.

Fall off a bridge

That movie really lived up to it's name, I almost fell asleep.

Because your name ending was better


It's pure comfy and I don't usually like SoL

Who will make the inevitable live-action Hollywood remake?

I liked Garden of Words better. Cake teacher and her feet porn were the best.

Roujin Z


Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子

Keit-Ai has been made into:

>a wiki
>a fanfic
>a fictionpress story
>a manga
>a meme
>a series recognized by TV Tropes
>an anime preview
>an anime episode
>an anime series
>an honest-to-goodness anime movie
>Oscar considered
>a critically acclaimed box office success in Japan
>a worldwide hit
>the no. 1 highest grossing anime film of all time
>a certified fresh movie on Rotten Tomatoes
>a live-action film

Meme magic is amazing.

EP 1:

What are some films about Americans?

Retardlevel over 9000

Arcadia Of My Youth
Crusher Joe
Toward the Terra
Gundam F91

I recently watched Perfect Blue and I think it's quite overrated. it's all right, but I have to agree with this faggot , that climax was kinda idiotic.

Speaking of stuff no one never talks about, the 2 Devilman OAVs are kino.
Too fucking bad they never finished the series.

Vampire hunter D
Blood the last vampire
(All studio gibli movies)

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

Just look up old anime movies. New anime is hot dog shit BELIEVE IT!

In Steins;Gate they try communicating with a baka gaijin

OP here, goddamn Akira is good af

>good af
Please learn to express yourself better

Shut your browser and watch it.

False, there's good shit and bad shit, as always. For istance, last week I watched The boy and the beast and it was very good, and The tale of princess Kaguya is one of the best animated movies ever made.

mind game
tale of genji
belladonna of sadness
time of eve
ghost in the shell 2: innocence (a sort of sequel to the og gits but not really)
lupin 3: castle of cagliostro

Yeah, Redline is awesome

Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust is kino

yea nah fuck you and your thread

but i watch it on my browser

The end of evangelion

Ninja Scroll

Porto Rosso

It's not even a movie I'm not even that knowledgeable when it comes to Anime and it's cheesy as hell but it's a great watch. The animation itself is far from perfect (I don't know if it gets better) but everyhting else is great, the story is hype, it's fast paced, the art is great and the soudtrack is perfect.

That looks legitimately dangerous.

Kill yourself Sup Forumseddit parasite