What was the point of it?

What was the point of it?

Just a beautiful dark comedy/period piece about talent, jealousy and obsession.

motsart was perver xDD

Such a great poster.

What do you mean point? The point was be a good book.

I mean movie.

Be content with mediocrity. There is always someone out there greater than you and life is too fickle to get bogged down with the issue.

This is so much easier said then done desu jealousy is a bitch

I can't even reach a mediocre level

How? Salieri wasn't mediocre, far from it.

>In the video it looked nothing. The beginning simple, almost comic. Just a jeep. Driving through grass, like a small guy. And then suddenly, far in front of it, CIA. A single stance, standing there, unwavering. Until a mosquito man took over and sweetened it into a scene of such delight! This was no meme by a performing redditor! This was a meme I'd never seen. Filled with such fire, such rising fire, it had me in wreckage. It seemed to me that I was watching the biggest one since the silent era.

Compared to Wolfie hes a fucking joke lmfao

>theatrical release is perfect
>director's cut is better
how is this even possible?

Naw, the moral is that you should kill those that are above you. If you can't have the glory no one can or should.

>he didn't get it
Oh wow. No, see, Mozart was the actual joke. That's what infuriated Salieri to no end, because he saw him squat down and take a shit of raw talent. But he rarely worked for it, and squandered away in hedonism

the point was to tell me jealousy is bad and give me a fetish for 18th century fashion

Because the director's cut has those fat fucking titties that instantly made it go from PG to R.

Don't try. There's no point to devotion and dedication, there will always be someone that is naturally better than you.

>But he rarely worked for it

He spent his whole childhood playing and writing music, and he says in the movie he's constantly thinking about music. This whole "Mozart was just 100% naturally gifted" thing is a bit of a meme. Not that natural talent doesn't exist, but he obviously put in time and effort.

contrast Salieri who got into music later in life and who spent more time worrying about Mozart than composing music.

Nigger Salieri acknowledged the genius of Mozart and thats why he was so bitter. Because in his eyes his talent was being wasted on an idiot and not him. Salieri is a KEK

>What was the point of it?
To tell the story of the greatest musical genius the world has ever known?

although the real Saleiri knew about Mozart's prowess from a young age, the audience in the fil don't - also he's being portrayed from Saleiri's perspective. So the Mozart we see does shit gold and think nothing of it, whereas Salieri grinds and grinds only to be mocked at a party at the very mention of his name

Cool didnt know there was a film on Johann Sebastian Bach! I'll be sure to watch it!

character assassination against salieri
doesn't help that americans need movies to educate themselves just look here

>superior to Mozart
I guess I can't laugh at that opinion, even though it is wrong.

Which version should I watch, the theatrical edition or the R rated cut?

it was just a retelling of cain and abel

R rated cut fleshes out the story a bit more plus has giant tittays

What a shitty close of Infestissumam.

To the casual listener(The emperor for example) there wasn't much difference in Salieri's and Mozarts music

But Salieri was a good composer, you don't get to be the court composer to a emperor by being mediocre, and he could understand and appreciate perfecrly Mozarts genius.

This is why Salieri is envious, no matter what he does, no matter how much he improves, he will never reach Mozarts level, and the worst part is that Salieri is a good enough composer to understand this.

>the new testament is just a retelling of Horus

Theatrical is actually much better. What the extended adds detracts from the flow of the movie and isn't interesting.

I always looked at Salieri's role like a modern pop star. Sure they're talented and recognized widley but theres always more talented and better musicians below them ultimately making them mediocre in comparison. Remember the scene where Salieri gets that award from the emperor and yet he feels inferior.

>swn fart on your eyebrows