Fassbender: "I would never consider myself British."

Michael Fassbender says he considers himself Irish, despite having lived in London for 20 years.

The 39-year-old actor was born in Germany to a German father and an Irish mother. He moved to Kerry at the age of two, and spent his entire childhood and adolescence in the Kingdom.

"I definitely still consider myself Irish. Yes, yes. And I’m definitely European," he told The Guardian newspaper.

"I would never consider myself British."

Fassbender says that the British media only try to claim him when he's doing well.

"If I’m not, I’m Irish," he laughed.


What an ungrateful Kraut paddy, we made him! we can break him!

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Dope spacing, OP

>person raised in country considers themselves a citizen of that country
What's the issue? It's not like he's being a plastic paddy or anything

Good man, never trust the eternal anglo

>Fassbender says that the British media only try to claim him when he's doing well.

>"If I’m not, I’m Irish," he laughed.

Kek. We're the same with Scots. See Andy (British when he wins, Scot when he loses) Murray.

That stuff never fails to be funny because you know the commentator is pissing off loads of people.
The olympics are great for it, it's "the plucky Brit" or "Briton" or whatever when they win and the "Welsh/Scot" when they fuck up.

Who the fuck calls him British? People who have never seen him talk outside of a film?

>Definitely European

Not so fast, Paddy.

Of course he's not British, he lives in London.

Just because you're physically located somewhere doesn't mean you're the same as the natives. An irish/german guy living in england still isn't english.

>An Irishman doesn't consider himself British
colour me surprised

by that logic white americans are still europeans, not americans. And the black ones are still african.

>Fassbender says that the British media only try to claim him when he's doing well.
>"If I’m not, I’m Irish," he laughed.
the question is: when are you ever doing well fass

I guess he won't play Bond then.

yes, and?

fucking of COURSE not. he's irish

Brosnan was Irish, Connery was Scottish, and Lazenby was Australian.

I'd rather him play the villain then

>Fassbender says that the British media only try to claim him when he's doing well.
>"If I’m not, I’m Irish," he laughed.

As a Scot I can relate to this feel but Fass fucked his own career and betrayed kino.

Aren't Lennon and McCartney both ethnically Irish? Everyone considers them English though

Why does anyone give a fuck what he considers himself and why does he feel it necessary to state it?
He performs well in almost everything he's in and that's all that matters.

So he's confirmed that he isn't white.

Eternal Anglo btfo for eternity

>The 39-year-old actor was born in Germany
Oh, so he's German.

He's just butthurt that he wasn't cast as Bond
Maybe if he was better at choosing his films and didn't take every piece of shit script that landed on his desk, he'd be a respected actor by now and not a fucking meme


The Irish have a frankly superior sense of style desu

>the Kingdom



Hunger was this potato nigger's best film too.


Fuck the eternal anglo

The Saffron kilt comes from the British army. As does Tartan actually. Gaelic nationalism is quite a modern thing.

But he is a PaddyKraut. Do we really need to claim him?

And that's retarded.

I bet he's still avoiding British Tax though.

How can people be so ungrateful to Britain? 20 years, here since 19 years old and still feels like he owes the country nothing. I hate people like him so much.

This, Fassbender is based.

How will the eternal anglo ever recover from this?

pic related btw, the face of Britain sports.


>born in germany
he's as irish as gibson is australian

His white mum loved black dick.

Hahahaha imagine being, fucking Irish?! Haha. Ooh wait, all of the upper East Coast of the US apparently claim they too are Irish despite only being maybe 1/5th Irish.

Right, this is starting to grip my shit. I've literally never heard or seen the media do this. The only people who fucking complain about it are the non-English with massive chips. And I'm not even fucking English.

Fucking hell you lot have got me going. Not even all the Sup Forums shit manages that.

Being spat on by an irishman is enough over there

Err ok? We don't consider you British either m8.

I'm from Kerry too. We call it The Kingdom.

The UK is such a meme

>1/5th Irish.

No true native says crap like I'm British'. I'm English. British is one step away from 'citizen of the world' hippie shit.

This. I honestly wouldn't mind if the UK broke up because I'm sick of assblasted Scots, Paddies, and sheep shaggeers complaining about us crumpet munchers. I thought it was a meme but when I meet these people they personally hate me unironically. They can fuck off

I'm a burger, but from the perspective of an outsider looking in, the sitaution reminds me of pic-related, with the guy being the English and the mob of rabid feminists being various groups claiming victimhood or whatever the fuck, like the micks, the scots, etc

>The Saffron kilt comes from the British army. As does Tartan actually.
That's like saying the British army invented pants. They modified existing Irish and Scottish dress, they didn't invent them wholesale.
>Gaelic nationalism is quite a modern thing.
There's been a shared Gaelic identity basically as far back as the Irish have been writing stuff down. "Gaelic Nationalism" as a modern political movement is new, sure, but the Irish annals are full of references to the Scots and Manx also being Gaels.

They are just salty cunts that can never move on.

I want it to break up for the memes, also did Fassbender donate any cash to the Irish when they needed a financial bailout or does he hide his money in a British overseas territory?


We're used to it, if anyone actually picks up a history book and reads they'll realise the Irish are not innocent dindus, they are actually pretty scummy and have been for hundreds of years. They preach about Celtic unity yet they blackmailed and kept Welsh slaves (St Patrick the famous one). They invaded Wales and England (when they formed an alliance with Constantine of Scotland) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Brunanburh

They got completely fucked the fuck up and are still buttmad over it. Along with their failed invasion and take over which led to the rise of Oliver Cromwell and the Levelers Movement.


The Welsh are the only loyal ones because they know how scummy the Scots and the Irish really are.

>British is one step away from 'citizen of the world' hippie shit.
although you are in fact citizens of the brown world

>How can people be so ungrateful to Britain
he's Irish

>The potato famine was just a meme.
>They didnt come over to America by the boatload in order to find a new life.
>I'm a big fucking moron who doesnt understand how migration works and all those Americans are lying about their easily established heritage.
>Also all the Americans how arent Irish but celebrate Irish holidays in order to party and have fun are stupid!

t. 56%

Don't forget the whole let the French use Ireland as a launching pad to invade England

There were no Gaels at Brunanburh, it was the Vikings of Ireland who fought there. They weren't Irish. In fact they were fighting the Irish as hard as they were fighting the Saxons.

>Along with their failed invasion and take over which led to the rise of Oliver Cromwell and the Levelers Movement.
Are all Anglos this historically retarded?

England raised the most amount of financial aid to help with the Irish famine. Even though agricultural laws were first introduced into Essex, the Highland Potato Famine was taking place and Cholera outbreaks/heatwave was going on across Europe and hitting England/Wales pretty hard.

Devolution was given to Ireland and they had their own Irish landlords. The only thing Braveheart got right was how backstabbing Scottish clan leaders were, they were like that in Ireland and to an extent Wales had them (England also had them but most fled during and after Boudicca's uprising). They would stab their own family in the back for a shekel.

Read up on the Black Dinner, the Glen Coe Massacre etc.

They talk about Anglos being scum? LOL.......



lmao nice try wuz nuthin

a paki, chinese and indian are just as much british as you or me

>There were no Gaels at Brunanburh, it was the Vikings of Ireland who fought there. They weren't Irish. In fact they were fighting the Irish as hard as they were fighting the Saxons.

You're a dumb piece of shit, your subservient people to the BIG VIKING DICK were used as soldiers, you enslaved your own brothers and sisters in Wales and you got rekt. So you shut your whore mouth you traitor.

>Are all Anglos this historically retarded?

Stupid nigger... Catholic divine monarch under the House Stuart who had vested interests in Ireland, who Ireland supported to rule the Crown of England and rule over that of Parliament. Go fuck yourself.

>Bitch tits plastic paddy never read a history book
Suck it little nigger, suck it good.

Born in based Heidelberg and speaks fluent German.

Every fucking thread in Sup Forums. Every fucking one.

>your subservient people to the BIG VIKING DICK were used as soldiers
Not that user but come on dude at least try

>anglo education
>reddit spacing

He was raised in Ireland though, and he's ethnically half Irish. Just because he was born in Germany doesn't make him more German.

Amy Adams was born in Italy, do you consider her Italian?

They are both. America is a young country created by Europeans, that there just happened to be natives there didn't change that, they didn't have any concept of a country.

>Fassbender says that the British media only try to claim him when he's doing well.
>"If I’m not, I’m Irish," he laughed.
This happens all the time, any time an Irish person makes it big and becomes famous the Brits try to claim them.
Once they do something bad or fall out of the limelight they are Irish.



Name one example

Name one fucking instance where this has fucking happened.

Based Fassbender. The anglo is the devil. I remember how we laughed when some english helicopter went down. Good times.

Andy Murray becomes Scottish when he loses

Well, you're an idiot then.

Your ethnicity and the culture you were raised in are far more important than where the hospital you were born in is located

Americans have a retarded concept of nationality and think that being born on a certain patch of soil suddenly makes them indistinguishable from everyone else. Like how they think that just because some guatemalan mayan woman shits out a baby after crossing the border into burgerland, that baby is 100% american same as anyone descended from the pioneers.

Haha, ok, bud

I think you read someone wrong. He said he WASN'T British.

>Saoirse ronan
>Rory McIlroy
>Padraig harrington
>Shane Lowry
>Ruth Negga
There's five off the top of my head.
If you really want to piss off an entire country and have every irish person collectly clench our ansuses you just need to claim an Irish person is British.

He's right.

I was born in a hospital in England. Grew up in England. I don't consider myself English - ethnically I'm not, culturally I'm not. A lot of this is down to get yelled at as a kid to "go back to where I came from". Makes it difficult to identify with that particular culture. I'm certainly British though - but that's my nationality.

Give me proof this has happened to any one of these potato munchers

Are you fucking touched in the head? I only vaguely recognise the first two of those and nobody thinks they're fucking British.

Go back to Pakistan.

Nice argument there, fool

This article also lists off a ton more Irish people I did not know about being claimed.

>Are you fucking touched in the head? I only vaguely recognise the first two of those and nobody thinks they're fucking British.
The British media does.

Shut the fuck up, Basil. You know he's right.

Heh. Stick with your faulty logic, kid.

Close! But yeah, fuck Pakistan.

bruh look at this dude

I'll wait for you to refute it. Won't hold my breath tho

Duke of Wellington

>And I’m definitely European
since when did europeans refer to themselves as europeans

Go back to Gujarat

I don't debate with toddler-tier intellects. Stay mad, though, champ.

>a German father and an Irish mother
Two countries thoroughly cucked by England that go great together!

He doesn’t even look European

that's right england, germany was all you. it's not like two superpowers literally divided it in half

burger here

i hope england gets nuked but the other countries emerge unscathed

>Fassbender says that the British media only try to claim him when he's doing well.
>"If I’m not, I’m Irish," he laughed.
Fuckin based.