How Harvey Weinstein Used Mossad Agents to Try and Shut Down His Rape Accusers

Hollywood is burning:

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Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
no, all lies by /pol


Nonononooo nooooooooó

Its fake news

wow, it really is the synagog of Satan

>The disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein used a web of private detectives, lawyers and even undercover former Mossad agents in a failed effort to stop The New York Times and The New Yorker from publishing their investigations in October into allegations of sexual harassment and assault against him.

Sup Forums is only right about one thing (well, 2; races are different with different behavior):

It's da Joos

>imagine if they were KGB agents.

>to Try and
The state of journalism.

I love it. A community of rapists, pedophiles, drug addicts, cult members and the mentally ill. And these idiots actually believe their opinions on politics and morality have any weight. Hilarious.

These folks can't stop shooting heroin and raping each other 24/7/


carl reiner jr.

>imagine if they were KGB agents.

Farrage and Stone both said Israel is far more of a threat to the US than Russia is.

We see it time and time again but you get shut down if you bring it up.

We shouldn't allow dual citizenship with politicians.

>reporting on yourselves

As a Jew, I can confirm that this is bullshit. We're not all part of some global conspiracy, and Weinsteingate is just an isolated incident.


Best post on Sup Forums since its inception.

Its not individual jews
theres no conspiracy
thats like saying chinese people that come to the US are in a conspiracy to open chinese food restaurants

its judaism functioning as a political system that makes it so fucking cancerous and how the players operate to further a group evolutionary survival behavior

The elite globalism pushing Jews are the worst of it, but the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' Jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no Jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of the other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.

They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just ingrained in their culture. So there‘s the grand marxist Jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.

jonah hill

what country are the mossad from and is it the same country made up as an ethno state of the same them who run hollywood raping children?

I just want to know what he did to piss off his former Jew buddies. They’re all pedos and deviants, so them outing him like this means it’s something big.

how long until these vile white accusers start getting mossaded to protect them?

that late night oliver cuck

maybe he wasnt eating as many children as they do I think.

look up abromovich one of their high priests in their religion.

I think you Vladposters might actually be boring the average retarded American teenager. They're just not caring about this shit anymore.

>i told you so

No one likes a bragger Mel.

Jeff Garlin if he let's his beard come in a little

Idris Elba

>They’re all pedos and deviants
[citation needed]

t. Shill

>jonah hill
best one yet

>As a Jew, I can confirm that this is bullshit.
You're not in the loop, kike.

he's busy playing a norse warrior

>As a Jew


No one says you're a hivemind, it's just that jews are guilty of nepotism too often so you all need to go.

learn to headline, it's correct

Half of them probably do copy their reports back to the FSB as well, for a little side money.

fuck off kike


shut up you kyke faggot

oh great another Sup Forumstard chud conspiracy gosh yu guys are SOOOO cringe make it stop lmao lol """praise kek""" WTF is that heheh

>mfw a poltard does the thing

It was 20 years ago. Let it go already.




this kinda makes me think that Steve Banon and his team are behind hollywoodgate, not that I´m complining, down with this evil faggots

Seriously though, unironically HOW do we solve the Jewish problem once and for all?

it's been done 359 times before

can we just gas these kikes already?

So the Fourth Reich really was succesful in South America

you don't capitalize to and and

Unironically and unequivocally THIS

>allowing dual citizenship at all
I'm onto you.

If only there was some kind of 'final solution' to this problem.

>mfw reading this entire schizophrenic post

lol, why'd they go back there in the first place?

A lot of yuroper americans want to keep their old country citizenship.


Vince Vaughn

borderline traitorous.

kek even with his little army, it didn't work out so good, now hey Harvey?
fucking retard who thought that was what real power is about.

Can you Sup Forumsfaggots stop being right?

yeah...Hollywood will never be seen the same way now. Maybe we'll see actual boycots of movies? It'd be interesting.

lol nah sorry yuroscum you are not rid of us yet. If America falls the great return of the long-lost descendants of the colonists will make Sup Forumss samson option look like a fucking joke.

Formal conspiracy is unnecessary where interests converge.

If fecal matter could speak its opinion would be more valuable than Roger Stone's

He's still right though

if the jews behave like some evil hivemind wouldn't the new yorker keep a lid on this?

Black people don't play bad guys.


So are we going to do something about the Temple of Jerusalem again or not?

Fug :DDD

>like some evil hivemind
You really don't understand or have even asked Sup Forums about the JQ have you? No, not every jew is part of some evil hivemind, part of the reason they behave this way is due to being a diaspora people for centuries. Meaning, the reason they a nepotistic and generally apathetic to non-jews has it's roots in over a thousand years creating a cultural phenomenon within the Jewish community that does not give two shits about the lives of non-jews, as seen by the way Israel treats it's neighbors.

The random Jewish guy selling you a sandwich at the local deli does not have secret meetings with Mossad. Those middle upper class and higher Jews tho? Fuck those guys , also fuck the Hasids in general

He's not wrong


Not a conspiracy, just jewish nature, parasitic wanderers

What does Sup Forums even have to do with this? they're too busy LARPing about Russia.

why dont you stop talking and try it faggot

>imagine if they were KGB agents.
Everyone involved would be dead by now, including Harvey Weinstein. Can't ruin a man's career if he's dead, comrade.

why are neckbeards & mudslimes the only ones
butthurt over Jews?

harvey what the fuck are you doing? just name names and take every down with you, dumbass. this shit is real simple.

Kevin Spacey

TRUMP's curse hits again.

Poor bastards tried to fight his transcendental will and now they pay the price.

>Farrage and Stone both said Israel is far more of a threat to the US than Russia is.
Because SIX MILLION jews died, you fucking imbecile! No russians died though

>foreign interests lobbying to change federal law that stifles freedom is alright


>Jew removes himself as face of company
>works behind the scene without an official title
>still gets shekels pouring in
>still masturbates in front of goy sluts

He's fine. Jews are just scrambling in the spotlight, but they'll always make sure their (((own))) are covered.

He still owns part of the company and will get profit disbursements, the only thing that changed is that he doesn't have to show up for work anymore. But yes, he will probably work behind the scenes.

>as a fellow white, this is bullshit, not ALL white people are deranged spree shooters, this is yet again another isolated incident

Likely story.


Poor Emma. No wonder she became such a hardcore feminist.

Shalom. As a Jew I can confirm this faggot is lying. We are conspiring all the time against everyone and with Weinstein shit has just hit the fan.

Seth Roganstein

>they wanted to save your waifu


Pretty much this.
I worked in high-end hospitality and event planning for roughly a decade. Show-biz people, be it TV music or hollywood, are the most rotten bunch of cunts I've ever seen. Either tyrannical irrespectful sleazy dickheads, regardless of gender, of sniveling whores ready to do anything to please first category, regardless of gender.
I saw millionaies and celeebrities everyday so this is not some blanket rant against rich or succesful people, showbiz are especially bad, even compared to others.

They're eeven worse than the Quataris/Saudis, and that is saying a lot, , those are one obnoxious bunch


Holy shit

i thought we saw that guy from how i met your mother's dick and he was uncut