Justin Trudeau plays Canadian war hero, Talbot Papineau in "The Great War"

Justin Trudeau plays Canadian war hero, Talbot Papineau in "The Great War"



Based. Canada literally can't lose. Vive le Quebec !

I feel bad for Canadians

>a literal bastard self-loathing cuckold surrender-advocate and "I would rather be nuked than use nukes" fuck playing a canadian war hero

Seems accurate

Go fuck yourself frog

is that fucking castro?

I'm from Ontario you stupid faggot. Cash me outside howbowdah hoser

someone redpill me on canadian history, we literally don't learn shit about canada in burgerland

Le numale face

no his son

Even worse then kill yourself you muslim loving cocksucker

Shouldnt he be worrying about dog fellating laws

It's kinda boring, if you're into Revolutionary War-era America there's a lot of interesting stuff about trading and the colonies. We were badasses in WW1 and 2, not even bragging, Canadians were considered some of the best disciplined fighters. We kinda invented modern diplomacy during the Suez Canal crisis and OP's pic is the son of a famous prime minister from the 70s and 80s who lived a kinda celebrity lifestyle. Plus those pesky french always wanting their independence

>that lisp

You're the one who's likely to get show by a towelhead in Orlando, faggot

>Be thirteen colonies
>USA decides to revolt becoming is own nation
>Canada remains loyal to England
>Hundreds of years later Canada becomes it's own nation
>Conservatives out West, Liberals out East massive divide in how the country should be run

I'm from Alberta you fucking trudeau voter

Try Sup Forums

I hope your mother gets raped tonight, you treasonous fuck. Learn to respect others on the internet

why does he sound like such a fag? is he playing a gay man?

Enjoy your somalia tier economy when Alberta secedes from your libtard shithole