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Is this Sup Forums related?

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Damn, I wonder if they'll do it, WB is a very valuable asset, but CNN is a major news network


its fake news user, basically in the US at least we consider it propaganda at best like most news networks since their run by them, and them hate america

but monopolies are good according to every news outlet and late night host

of course but Sup Forums is going to cry otherwise

hokay, russia

most of the talking heads agree they will complete the deal and release CNN. It will continue to operate independently.

NOOOOOoo! Where will I get my Objective fact based news on DRUMPF now?!

Wtf can they do that?

>It will continue to operate independently.

spoken like a brainwashed drone.

Is there a link for a press release from justice or a letter or anything explaining why?

And you knew that already

oh shit, cnn will soon be unstoppable

CNN is owned by all israel run execs no way would they let that go.

Do they get to keep making fake news?

the irony

>CNN is owned by all israel run execs
So is the Trump administration

Anyone else fucking terrified that our freedom of press is under attack by a fat orange manbaby who somehow (RUSSIA) won our highest office?

So is the 1%

wtf I love OWS now

>CNN is owned by all israel run execs no way would they let that go.
implying its just CNN

it should be under attack by the various libel and slander laws they skirt by reporting bullshit from "anonymous sources"

They're selling CNN and all of Turner Broadcasting (TBS, TNT, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Turner Classic Movies, etc.)

No, we're not retarded propaganda spoon-fed children.

>in 2011 6 companies controlled 90% of media
>today it is 5 companies
>if this deal goes through it will be 4 companies

>literally trying to shutdown freedom of the press
I've been on of Trump's biggest defenders but this is too much

>linking an image from Sup Forums