The horror... Kevin Spacey-type predator

the horror... Kevin Spacey-type predator.

in jail, right where Kevin should be right now.

goddamn stacies



betcha they were 17

Guys who become high school teachers are kind of pathetic in that they are finally the "cool guy" hat all the teens look at and up to.

Girls who become high school teachers are stunted whores who can't get over not being the center of attention

Why didn't this ever happen to me? I keep reading about this sort of shit in the news but I find it hard to believe. Why is life so unfair?

>mfw i read that as "shearing bed"

Poor kids how will they ever recover from the pussy juice


Men and women are not equel. A female teacher sleeping with a male student is not the same as a male teacher sleeping with a female student. While the teacher should get fired. Jail time is retarded.

Your teachers grew up before the liberal plague

Why jail? Lol this is the dream of every 17 yo

It's a Muslim thang

you're just being biased because she's pretty.

Pretty doesn't get you a free pass when breaking the law!

How you feel about it aside, the law is the law so she deserves equal treatment in that regard.

Probably because you were most likely a fat sweaty nerd

Well, SOMEthing is retarded.

fuck those people who snitched or bragged on her, you were living the dream and just threw away your honeypot


omg, don't ever post that image again
its nightmarish.

She should get a medal

Hi wamiq ali





>tfw this is literally my fetish
may the son of god be trampled by a thousand elephants for not making me live this out

why not me 10 years ago



Be careful what you wish for. Two of my HS teachers wanted my dick, but one was a biology teacher who looked liked DJ Wells with a vagina and the other one was rather bland too.

shut the fuck up


you aren't good-looking and tall

yeah, listen to him

2 plus 2 is 4, minus 1 is 3

Those boys were clearly gay

I want to go back to the old days

>implying a woman can teach, let alone teach mathematics

Why give her equel treatment when I said men and women are not equel?


Why aren't liberals crying about "Sup Forums - Television & Film"? Are they pedos?

>t. fat rostie

Her looks doesnt change the fact that its different from when a man does it. Just because no one bought you drinks at a bar doesnt mean you get to take your resentment out on some one else.

And another one

based school maiden report

someone put mary kay letourneau in there


Go to sleep pajeet

>All white except for the one Asian bitch
Really makes you think

Hey you show bob? Kiss kiss?

What is this from

school maiden report , retard

Sauce, please.

I'd like to point out that the second one from the top-right(texas) was known and accepted by the kids' parents. Also, they said they loved one another. Kinda fucked up when you think aboot it.

>tfw every time I imagine working at a HS, I imagine myself as a cool teacher to teaches all the kids life shit and years later, they all tell me how cool it was to have me as a teacher

Most girls that become teachers were whores in College. Name one girl you know that wasn't a whore that became a teacher, I dare you. I fucking double dog dare you.