Qhat the fuck are we going to do once this man dies ? only movies worth actually waiting for and wanting the leaks for...

Qhat the fuck are we going to do once this man dies ? only movies worth actually waiting for and wanting the leaks for. will there ever be another mind like his come along and make a film more cutchya self cool ?

Zahler will be a good replacement

His movies are just Frankenstein'd togeter from older better movies

thanks god Brett Ratner exists

Hopefully you'll develop taste in actual film by then

This. Watch more films OP, Tarantino's a hack

then what is a good film in your standard ?

This isn't an argument. He pays homage to many films and adds his own flare.

there's three good movies on there

Rush Hour
Rush Hour 2
Rush Hour 3
After the Sunset
The Family Man
Money Talks
Red Dragon
Tower Heist

It's a black male thing



>His own flare
Like what?

Reservoir Dogs, Jackie Brown, Pulp Fiction?

Hateful 8 was glorious
Django was shit

>claiming to know shit about movies
>not having Jack and Jill, a modern day classic, on "best" movie list

you forgot the room

Flip it and you're half way there.
Hateful 8 is shit
Django had that bit at the end that was cool

>the room
more like the REDDIT
owned epic style!


or saulnier

Brett Ratner didn't direct Jack and Jill sorry

no i did, ama