21st Century Fox is planning to sell their capeshit to Disney. This is the end of anything good about capeshit

21st Century Fox is planning to sell their capeshit to Disney. This is the end of anything good about capeshit.


It's fucking over. Disney has won.

>still linking to days old and outdated info

Kill yourself. Do us all a favor.

They say the talks are dead, but I want to happen.

Yeah OP, off you should have offed yourself yesterday

Oh no OP posted some news some people have heard oh no.

Fuck off Marvel shills.

Is gonna happen

A Avengers vs X-Men movie would be the biggest thing in the world.

>wanting an infinite, soulless series of x-men films after the kinos
I can't tell what your damage is.

is capeshit going to end up like the internet bubble or the housing crisis?

That's... not how movies work.

They'll just go out of style at some point, like Westerns or Monster movies back in the day.

It probably will be a while since the current generation of fans are children in their 30s and they're spawning more of their kind as they speak.

Where these people find a woman to carry their disease, I do not know.

some bitches will sell their soul for a sucker who provides for them

>all capeshit will be consolidated to one streaming platform that i can easily ignore

sounds good 2 me

It is kind of funny to see this shift in our culture occur in real time. The well-adjusted normies with girlfriends and stable jobs are now into superheroes, video games and general nerdshit, whereis the basement dwelling neckbeards like yourself are now hating every hobby that was formerly associated with them.

DC still making kino thats all that matters

Not unless Snyder returns to the helm, and that looks extremely doubtful.

70k in the bank. You can't fuck with me mouse. I am better than you, in every way.

Fucking a prostitute this weekend, for money. Cute little spinner too.

I still want to see his Seven Samurai Star Wars flick.

Lends credence to the idea the NEETs are the new aristocratic class

Most of the FOX-Men movies have been terrible, only Logan, Deadpool, and maybe First Class and DOFAP are worth seeing.

please stop them superman


But that's literally more movies than the entire Marvel shillstorm has shit out. You can kiss all that beautiful kino goodbye and say hello the the nu-male X-Men.

I bet you they make Wolverine a transgender black feminist.

Fox already ruined Domino, I don’t care anyone. At least the Mulatta Valkyrie was shown being saved by the true comics Valkyrie Brunhilde