Are you fuckin serious

are you fuckin serious

Other urls found in this thread:


she wishes

sometimes dreams can be so real

This is Pam and Jim levels of embarrassing

>aligning with your future rape accuser
male SJWs are a mistake

Is she the biggest one hit wonder in recent times?

>It was only on my mind, but it felt so real.

Women are a mistake.

Didn't the Hemsworth brothers already murder somebody in a bar?

This can't be real


the memes are writing themselves!

>one off

if anything it'll be burt

You're right, we should all just rejoice in cock. You first, user.

This is why women shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

Isn't Chris Hemsworth a well-known cokehead, binge drinker, and closet bisexual? Or is that Chris Evans?

The irony of "me too"

Yeah there's no way this is real

this isn't real

he looks a bit rapey tbf

it is

Fake. Last tweets are from 2015

You faggots who believe this are actually retarded.

As if a woman would ever accuse a Chad.

>Forum of Ice and Fire
wew lad

>this whole thread believed this
The fucking state of Sup Forums

>leave this member of the Disney Family™ alone!

>yfw Chris Hemsworth will never plant that beatiful blonde tainted ass on your face

why do newfags try to ruin the fun?

my fucking sides op

sad aint it


Does anyone have the compilation of her desperately trying to get Amanda Bynes to notice her on twitter, and getting blown off?

you have 1962 unread e-mails

Had a hearty chuckled at this.

I'm convinced every sentence she ever speaks starts with "Hi, I'm Nikki Blonsky from the movie Hairspray"

learn to count


damn she fat as fuck

>chest radiography
nigga you allright?


Yeah it's the only place that uses Blackboard in the entire fucking world

You say that like it's a bad thing.


It would have to be a joke. There is simply no way Chris Hemsworth would have to rape that fat pig.

Women fucking terrify me. All you need is one accusation and, false or not, your life is ruined.

>dem emails

wtf are you doing


These aren't even fake.


I had my doubts, but after checking with multiple anonymous sources. I can confirm it's real

>Sup Forums on bookmark
get a fucking life mate. then again you're a newfag, it'll take you a few years to dissociate yourself from this place

>not having Sup Forums bookmarked

>bookmarking this cesspool of a board

i'd sooner bookmark Sup Forums. Sup Forums and Sup Forums remind me how far the newfags have invaded without even going through the Sup Forums or Sup Forums rite of passage

this is great

"Me too"

And yet you're here you insufferable twat.

Are you really throwing an autistic fit just because a random guy bookmarked Sup Forums? How empty is your life Lmao

i'm here because once a month when i have nothing better to do i like to browse the different boards for something or anything to fill the void.
>tfw website is dead

Another outspoken feminist exposed. All these predators are the same.

Someone got the collage of her annoying Amanda Bynes and other celebrities over and over again? This bitch is crazy.

Wait I found it.

actually ten off

dont know if that helps

>DCucks are this desperate
Absolute state of you cunts

What firefox addon do you use to let you know about your mails?

>tried to rape me
How do you "try" to rape someone?

Lady, you either got raped or you didn't. Fucking roasties.

Is there anything worse than a premed?

anyway I could dox you if I really wanted

>being a med student


You couldn't do shit to me faggot

Nice trips tho.

Her story and Takai's sound fake as fuck. Gotta wonder what is the coincidence that Weinstein hires the Prime minister of Israels top mossad agents then BOOM stories everywhere about non Jews that cant be backed up. Just like Michael Jackson who named them in a song and right after, BOOM, same thing.

Seems Israeli intelligence is targeting Hemsworth because he is not Jewish and Takai because they fear the samurai so why not attack an easy target and a current BIG non Jewish named actor. hmmmmmm....

Really activates my almonds.

that's chris evans.. how on earth can you confuse evans and hemsworth? i can get it with the other chris's, but come on

>Sup Forumstard defending Takei
my sides

>6:26 AM
>4:32 AM
>1:32 AM

how am I from Sup Forums??

Its actually a simple disinfo campaign it seems like. No evidence, no way to prove anything, no corroboration or details that could be challenged. This is day one shtick in the intelligence field which is what the Mossad specialize in just so you know.

in case you live under a rock, the Prime Minister of Israel hooked Weinstein up with the Mossad to make things happen.


>tfw no chad bf

I love this board sometimes
glad I've on here long enough to fully enjoy the joke

That lazy fuck didnt post a link but hope this helps user. Hey when you want the best, you go to the best and he does have the money and connections due to his religion for the best.


it would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

bro they admitted it, there are tons of articles on it im sure you can cherry pick your website if you google it you picky little bitch.

Instead of crying, try googling it yourself next time you fucking inbred.

I can't believe the president tweeted that!

>chest radiography
Story behind that?

Back to studying, faggot.
>tfw final exam was two days ago

I guess med student.
Least he's not a humanitard.

>from the Movie Hairspray

Not only is she so insignificant she has to remind people of some no-name movie she was in years ago, but why in the fuck did she capitalise the word "movie"?. Why are all women such vapid, narcissistic, life-destroying, man hating cunts in 2017?

I'm really, really, really starting to actually see why so many men are going MGTOW.

and qt. i wanna get all up in them guts :3

op's tweet isn't real, you retarded incel.

the older i get i realize the world is fucking garbage. there is no justice, no sanity, or peace. just constant anxiety and pain and desperate measures to cope with it

>lupita gets btfo by harvey
>nikki blonsky is going to get kicked in the ass like her career did

Probably, they seem like total badasses

holy fuck my sides

THis thread should be deleted the tweet is fake!

holy shit is this real?

>did this for almost three years
Why did none of her friends tell her how embarrassing this was?

>Why did none of her friends tell her how embarrassing this was?
Do you think she has friends when she cant go 5 minutes without saying to them
>Hey Im Nikki Blonsky from that movie Harispray and just wanted to say you make a great friend!


no, it's awesome

Why are you so triggered that he confused them but less so if he confused the other chris's?

I would literally fuck the shit out of this woman.

Fucking disgusting creatures.